Inside source leaks that ARMS was a flop

Here's the cliff note version of what the reliable source had to say.

>ARMS has not actually broken a million units sold. It has not even cracked half of that.
>It is by far the least popular out of all the Nintendo produced Switch games.
>Nintendo actively stopped producing new content for the game because it was so unpopular
>The planned story mode has been canned.
>The graphic novel will be the last piece of ARMS material produced, likely ever.

Other urls found in this thread:

Are you still trying to sell your obvious fake news to "us"?
How often do you want to open this thread and give no source?

Why do people post such blatantly
false """"inside info"""?

console war faggotry

you've been disarmed

>>Nintendo actively stopped producing new content for the game because it was so unpopular
>>The planned story mode has been canned.

If Nintendo was actively lying to their shareholders you wouldn't hear it from a random blogger.

Why do people want Arms to be a failure?
It's not a big triple A ultra popular title, just an harmless little game that sold ok.
Seriously, what am I missing?

Cody, at least wait more than a day..

>Not even cracked half a million
We have literal sales numbers from months ago that said it sold over a million, the hell you talking about

ARMS wasn't a failure. It wasn't a big supper summer blockbuster hit but it was a nice game that sold okay. I still play it and can get games pretty quick.

Also MInmin is best girl.

keking my wews at you, my lad

You cannot NOT rely on information that any of these companies provide. In the case of ARMs, Nintendo does not want to admit just how badly their big new IP for Switch really did. Expect Nintendo to continue to pay lip service to it as the game is quietly phased out.

Why did you even remake this shitfest of a thread after the last one totally flopped?
ARMS is a good game and relatively successful. Deal with it.

>Nintendo lies to investors and stockholders
Are you a literal child?

Wouldn't that be litterally illegal?

post your

>favorite character
>favorite map
>favorite ARMS
>favorite theme

Same thread? Same thread.

[citation needed]

go back to crying about star fox zero, baldy

Yes it would be, I'm starting to think this is the new version of those old MH threads where people would start off by saying how shit the game was and it'd lead to indepth discussion.

>Lola Pop
>Ramen Bowl
>Ribbon Ring music

Wasn't it fucking obvious that it was?
Why do we need inside sources?
Am I seeing double?

This here is fake news people. We need to stop the media's lies here and now. It's sad let me tell you. Very sad. The so(n)yboys, there are so many, believe me. They eat, drink, and breathe soy. Let me tell you folks, the switch...the switch is a great console, and arms is a wonderful game, but the fake news...the fake news does not want you to know that arms is a great game. Very sad.


>Lola Pop
>Ramen Bowl

Are you me?

I know for a fact that there are people who skipped the game due to being fooled to think that the game was dead due to shitposters lying about it so much.
So I guess that makes the shitposters all happy to the point that they'll never stop. But yeah.

This can't be Cody, he loves ARMS and thinks it's one of the best Switch games of 2017.

He shit on TheBitBlock for not liking it, actually.

>This can't be Cody

>You cannot NOT rely on information that any of these companies provide.
So you can? Agreed.

Go away Cody.

It's Cody. He's turned on Nintendo now they're popular again. He's the ultimate contrarian.

imagine being so upset that a company you defended blindly released a successful product that replaced a shitty one you were autistically attached to to the point where you ripped all your hair out

He has a YouTube channel. He's been pretty consistent on this since it came out. He loves ARMS and the Switch. The only thing he hates is Xenoblade Chronicles 2.

Hi Cody
Maybe consider wearing a hat

His blog starting shitting on thr Switch a while ago.

What blog?

Real subtle.


What YouTube channel?

>The story of Devil May Cry is quite possibly the most progressive in all of gaming. Despite how unappreciated it it, the portrayal of the brotherly love between Dante and Virgil breaks boundaries in that it shows that there is nothing wrong with a gay romance between brothers. It goes above and beyond what most games consider acceptable, and as a proud SJW I have always loved that about them.

Bayonetta, meanwhile, is rather similar to Nights of Azure in that it’s portrayal of lesbian relationships purely as a means to titallate and excite men. As a woman, I find it to be quite demeaning and ridiculous. No, I don’t look like Bayonetta, and I shouldn’t expect to.

That’s the problem with the character in general, I feel. She’s supposed to be a strong, empowered character, but all I see is a female version of Dante, catered to fuckbois who could never beat DMC3.

What the fuck.

He's gaslighting.

>Nintendo actively stopped producing new content for the game because it was so unpopular
>New character just came out

>catered to fuckbois
i can't breathe
please help me

stop forcing your shitty meme leaks you ape
nobody believes your shitty leaks. go shit up another board, this one is bad enough

Really, this thread again?

Why the fuck do you guys know so much about cody
I thought he was just an autistic namefag

Whom shall I trust?
>the company that must provide its numbers to stockholders and investors
>OP who is a well known lying faggot
Really difficult choice here...

newfag Sup Forumsirgin autists are obsessed with finding the next tortanic.

>Why the fuck do you guys know so much about cody
Because the idiot thought it would be a good idea to link all his personal profiles and use the same user name for a ton of accounts. Someone was bound to dig it up.

>He's a Niche Gamer troll
It all makes sense now.

Cody tried so hard to debunk Mario + Rabbids a few months back

Because everything else LKD ''''''leaked''''' was wrong.

>Cody got absolutely BTFO by a bubblegum-haired tranny with a Rabbid tattoo

He also went on a Twitter rant because a fake Clint Eastwood account he thought was legit got deleted.

I'm really not surprised. When have you heard anyone talk about this game or it's scene at all?

It was always DOA.

People try but you shitposters swarm the threads. I checked out one of the threads when they were announcing the new character and it was literally autists screaming SHIT SHIT SHIT every other post.

who has more hair than he does and doesn't live in a basement

He posted screencaps of his own Miiverse to let people know it's him

That's a financial disclosure. It's illegal to post false statements in them.

Where does the bald Cody meme come from? I'm out of touch after filtering his name in October

>not the same post from this IP.

I'd love to know less about him. But he never stops spamming his shit on his own everywhere.

>Inside source leaks that
And you expect us to believe that? FAKE NEWS

Quite literally fake news, see:

>Where does the bald Cody meme come from?
From the fact that he has shit genes as shown in his videos.

Inside source here. Nintendo has actually only sold 3 switches and is lying to investors about it being a success. Miyamoto is going to kill himself on Friday.

>See a Star Fox Zero thread


>See a fake leak thread


>See an ARMS thread


I don't even know who Cody is.

Here's the cliff note version of what the reliable source had to say.

>OP has not actually broken a hymen. He has not even kissed a girl.
>He is by far the least popular out of his graduating class.
>His parents actively stopped loving him because he was so unpopular
>His life plan to live in his mother's basement has been canned.
>The post will be the last post before he commits ritual suicide.
>Also, OP is a faggot

What videos

He's got a channel now? Seriously? Does he not realise his notoriety?

An easy scapegoat with no fur

People noticed recurring filenames, syntax, and image sizes

The tripfag that posted the first reply

>only three switches
>There are only two other Switches out there besides mine

He's had one for years
He releases a dozen videos a week

>Shills his own blog
>Posted his own Miiverse screencaps

>Nintendo does not want to admit just how badly their big new IP

Expect when they have to in meetings with investors dumbass.


Sup Forums is the only place that notices his autism due to how desperately he spams his garbage. Other places ban him (which he proceeds to cry about to no one) or flat-out ignore him. His videos practically have no views and he has to shill his blog every other day.

>DNA Lab
>Blorb + Phoenix combo
>Temple Grounds or DNA Lab

Not that guy but just see .
This is just another repeat thread.

Its true. I've a Switch, my brother has one and his friend has one. I don't know anyone else who owns a aswitch.

Link to his YouTube channel.

His YouTube channel is called Harman Smith

Sweetie, they're in the thread

Sweet sweet autism

>this thread again

>trust the company itself that tracks the sales of its own products
>some random anonymous person on a Chinese cartoon image board

Tough call.

Friendly reminder that you'll never sink as low as this guy has

¿Otra vez lo mismo?

Imagine being this upset that some niche game that barely gets talked about did mildly well.

It's going to be Anthem, no question. It checks all the boxes.

>By Bioware/EA
>Trying to catch the profit of another huge successful franchise
>Throwing money at it because they think it'll be to big to fail

Also, if they're that new I don't think they're looking for the next tortanic, m8. That shit was five years ago. They have no idea what the tortanic was.

Shit, I'm number 2. Who's got the last switch?

I have it. It's an okay game that probably should not have been $60. First of all, if Nintendo lied about the sales of ARMS, they'd be breaking the law because they are a publicly traded company. Lying to your investors is bad news, and completely stupid considering that the Switch is their fastest selling console yet. They have no reason to lie about a game that was probably developed in under a month. This entire argument hinges on support for ARMS being discontinued, which I admit, is pretty lame considering the game is like 7 months old.

What a big fucking surprise. It's the equivalent of a Android "game" ( it's the same absence of depth and lack of content desu ), but sold physically at a high price.

Only gullible nintend-idiot would buy that turd.

guess we both have excellent taste, chilla and name redacted are my second faves

Why do you always post before reading the thread?

>Only gullible nintend-idiot would buy that turd.
Well I bought it, knowing full well that it was a unique styled fighting game, and I love it, so yeah