Game doesn't allow you to skip credits

>game doesn't allow you to skip credits

>game tries to rationalize something that doesn't need rationalizing

>there are different types of ladders and some you can climb and some you can't

>game let's you skip credits
>if you do you miss out on returning to the game
I swear Fable did this, am I mistaken?

>game has limited saveslots in 2018
I can't be the only one who finds this infuriating.

>game uses sex as a selling point

>special thanks in the credits
>"and you" in the end

>game doesnt let you climb over short obstacles

>alt tabbing pauses the credit scroll /start up logos

>game allows you to fast forward the credits but it's not much faster

>game doesn't allow you to skip company logos at beginning

>Credits fight you

>Any kind of after-credit sequence

This is the stupid shit imaginable. In movies or video games. It's not like anyone is actually reading the credits even if you make them sit through them.

>game lets you buy a Sup Forums pass

how many games?

I think you could "fight" the credits in Sonic Colors, and by fight i mean spamming homing attacks.

name 5468 in alphabetic order


In Bayonetta and Rayman Legends/Origins you could fight the credits but they didnt attacked you from what I remember

>you have to press a button to get on the ladder

>you can't climb or descent faster
>ladder animation locks the camera

Katamari games
Super Monkey Ball

>>you can't climb or descent faster
DS3 you can descent faster but holy shit was it annoying to climb up again.