

I own a pair of those liberator headsets. They are great.

I don't fucking get it, I have never, ever, ever been killed by Ela. Ever.

Retards need something to blame instead of themselves since theres no way anyone could possibly kill them since they're FPS masters

t. ela pros

I got killed by Ela once but it was entirely my fault and I kept thinking “it would really suck if I got rushed while rappelling” since I decided to do that instead of wait at the door a bit longer. If I had do e just that, I would’ve killed her.

don't even have her unlocked

Only have 1 hour on her bro
Suck it up you're just bad

play the game for more than an hour

So the more you play, the worse you get? Got it.

press S to spit on grave

unironic copper 4 spotted.

>he hasn't been killed by the character that non-stop wrecks my shit
>he must be worse than i am!
this game's playerbase is fucking trash

She the best :)

they're pretty shit



>trigger discipline


my nut

I've never died to any operator in this game. Never.

You've probably never used one. They're good.


A lot of Elas play her because of the notion that she's broken and overpowered. Except she actually requires a modicum of effort. Her weapon and gadget are still some of the best in the entire game. Her gun has low recoil, high damage and a huge mag. She replaced Jaeger in terms of being a cheeky as shit peeker.

She's not as broken as people believe her to be but she does need a slight downward tweak.

Both of the Polish ops are OP, IMO. The offense one makes Ash look irrelevant

>The offense one makes Ash look irrelevant
3 S P E E D

Then you should play a few more games and you'll see why she's OP. I say that as a guy who plays Ela, I got over a 2k/d with her it's ridiculous.

fuck it
i'm going to buy her right now and see what all the fuss is about before she gets nerfed

How to spot a bronze shitter
Zofia will NEVER replace Ash since her guns, speed and gadget (Ash give you a chance to switch back to your gun has breaching while with Zofia you have to switch back after detonation) are superior

>caring about irrelevant shit like this

I have basic ass Howard Leigh sports. How much do liberators go for and are they worth?

>I have no way to defend myself so I'll just say its all irrelevant

>dood ash's gadget allows you .07 seconds faster gun switch she's obviously extremely superior and zofia is absolute shit!!!

Cant really say if they are worth the price. Dont know what they cost. Got mine for free. Thry are really good though.



>he spent 900 dollars for something he could have gotten for 300
I bet you buy "gaming" shit too, huh faggot

IQ's ass ingame is ridiculous.
It's so fucking big, you'd think a police operator would have a fit ass but no, that thing is fucking massive.




Me and my friends had the pleasure of playing against a couple of cunts who had a permanent 3-400 ping, both of whom would play Ela/Ash and what ever other 3 speed was available, they were nigh immortal.

They really need to lower the latency kick threshold in this game, the slightest bit of delay is a huge difference.

[X] Doubt
After 200 ping all of your shots are rejected by the server

>implying this hard

>Stun grenade launcher with a worse stun that self-detonates on proximity
Since map design dictates almost fucking nothing is breachable half the time big woop

Ela needs more porn


Ela was best girl in this shit game

Cav literally has the thickest ass in game tho.

present proof


Is shadman to blame for Postal Dude's rampage?

you also get kicked pretty quickly in ranked

I don't really care unless the nerf comes to all 3 speeds. Game is dead to me and I'm sure that year 3 will be full of even worse designs that Dokkaebi.

that retarded game has no polish ops

it doesn't help with all the youtubers and their cancerous EPIC xD MLG compilations either


How about you give her normal hair instead, ubi

Just bought the complete edition that was on sale for $30. Am I too late to the game?

Thank fuck, what a cancer operator, whoever thought a three speed 50 round mag was a good idea should be trampled. Maybe now she will only be in 75% of the games vs 100%


No, but it's a knowledge based game before a skill based one, you're going to get assraped until you're somewhat familiar with maps and operator abilities.

>Hitting new concurrent players records each week
>Consistently on the steam top sellers list
>Hey guise is this gaem ded?

>Sup Forums actually disagrees with this post
lmao if you think gadget matters at all compared against speed, hitbox, and gun quality

obvious exception to roles like thermite


now post Mira, the true thicc goddess of Siege

nope, game is literally more populated than ever.

I like anime hair tho



even dokkaebi has a better one

Now nerf Zofia. Not a lot. Just take away the proximity detonation from her concussion nades and maybe give her pick up ability to all 3 armors. Her being the only one to have it makes no sense outside of stronk wooman drivel.

dokkaebi needs a nerf shes way too strong

t. level 5

thank god

30 round mag pls


>he never played on asian servers


wow like a horse

why would anyone ever

this is just like the tracer bullshit all over again

just because the pants are skin tight doesn't mean that actually have an ass, whereas widowmaker actually HAS an ass


Cav is Brazilian, a land that covets female ass. It only makes sense.

Lol every Ela I play against literally walks into my crosshairs. Nerf that caveira cunt and Ash is still stupid broken