Samus Returns was a flop

Samus Returns was a flop.

That's just, like, his opinion, man.

>believe a literal who

We'll hopefully find out sales numbers on the 31st.

d-d-d-diaper porn

Dumb shit twitter says thread?

arent there more 3ds devices in the world than switches, doesn't nintendo have that information, isn't it public and on the internet, whoever your favourite twitter friend is he's an idiot?

Thanks for this thread OP, this literally who has contributed alot to the board's subject and we will all value his opinion

How angry is Josh Thomas going to be when this Direct drops?

A console isn't a mircor trnasaction because 400$ isn't micro.

why should I listen to that guy who recorded the corpse in the suicide forest about his position on Metroid

As opposed to, what, the cost of buying a PC or phone? You can't just play vidya on air.

Looking forward to the montage of twitter snips.

Also, whoever that other guy was with 'leaks' calling them fake on twitter, but making YT videos calling them truths, so he can delete whichever is wrong later.

He's a dumbass that is an 'idea' guy for a indie game. The only thing micro is his brain.

Why do normalfags feel the need to put their stupid thoughts online?

This guy is a fucking moron
Just constatation

The point he's making is first party games can afford to not monetize themselves beyond their upfront cost because the creator benefits from you buying the platform in the first place and every other purchase you make on it.

Wasn't this guy a Nintendo partner but then Nintendo cut ties with him after they found out he's a diaperfag?

And he was pretty "toxic" before that.

But it wasn't, time to go back to kid.

Is your diaper too tight, Josh?

If they announce new 3DS games, he will be livid. He has an enormous hate boner for the 3DS for some reason.

He should have said that in the first place but instead decided he had to make a weird self-satisfied 'gotcha' post, only getting indignant afterwards that people clearly only saw the surface level of his obvious genius. Twitter is poison for the brain.

Because unfortunately, Twitter and FB exist, and they make a profit off of other people's thoughts. No matter how braindead it is.

I used to subscribe to him on YouTube a long time ago, and yeah... he's a fucking chode.

Wasn't he supposed to commit sudoku by now?

I don't know, but /reddit/, NeoGAF, ResetEra, Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, Instagram, Snapchat, and all the other social media outlet needs to die.

>Josh Thomas

>Oh my god you're so stupid. I won't even bother to explain why, you're just wrong ugh.
I hate this shit. Some of you faggots do it here too.

>>believe a literal who
ultra based nintendofag who spoke against his masters.