>Le Wind Waker is bad
When did this meme start? Old Sup Forums fucking loved the hell out of the game. Is this just new PS2 babbies salty they missed out on playing the game during there childhood and assume everything on the Gamecube is bad?
Le Wind Waker is bad
It's like saying Sunshine is bad.
nu Sup Forums is full of contrarians and edgy teens, its probably mostly shitposting that you're seeing, the general consensus is that wind waker is fantastic anyway
A lot of people have always said Wind Waker is bad.
Oh wait this is a console war thread kill yourself
>When did this meme start?
It started when I first played this game for the first time after OoT and MM and finding out it wasn't nearly a fraction as good as those games in about every aspect.
Very bad pacing and dungeons
WW and Sunshien were bad though.
I just think its boring. The ocean is a slog to travel through. The dungeons are super linear don't require that much thinking. Getting the triforce shards is just flat out horrible padding.
The game also reeks of tons of cut content but thats a normal game thing I suppose. The actual content is just so bad it compounds how boring the game is.
We're pretending people didn't hate Wind Waker back then? Are we rewriting video game history because of our biased love toward specific games?
I can see reasons for ww but why sunshine?
Wind waker is fine but It definitely feels the most unfinished out of all of them.
Honestly I like Wind Waker. But there's plenty to dislike too. Nailed a lot of it already. The game is also ridiculously easy, not that that's saying much because it is a Zelda game after all. But more than usual I guess
PS3babbies who haven't played the game basing their opinion on the art style, user.
Which, to be fair, the artstyle is fucking awful at first glance, at least in stills. You need to play the game and see it in motion for it to grow on you.
>When did this meme start
Spaceworld 2001 when its graphics were first shown.
People hated it at the time because they wanted le epic grim dark Zelda from the E3 concept video. They didn't hate it because of the gameplay or difficulty.
it's hip to shit on the gamecube now
>ps3babbies on my Sup Forums
I just want to die
Artsyle is great in motion.
Gameplay is solid.
Story is predictable.
It's the tediousness of the triforce hunt that brings it down.
It was released at the time of Nintendo giving it's characters gimmicks. Luigi had his vacuum. Mario had his water cannon. Link had his boat. Even Samus had 1st person, I know Prime wasn't directly created by Nintendo but they allowed it.
It's a good game with some memorable flaws.
>They didn't hate it because of the gameplay or difficulty.
So we're revising then. Okay, let's add "no complaints about the sailing" and "no complaints about the lack of difficulty" to our list. While we're at it, let's add "nobody mentioned how shallow Air Ride was" and "nobody hated Metroid becoming a first-person game".
It's alright but was always inferior to OoT/MM
Next we're going to hear about how shit Luigi's Mansion is
Sunshine's level design is absolute shit, self-explanatory blue coins, and the hover nuzzle invalidates any actual platforming challenges.
fair enough, I must really have fetal alcohol syndrome considering that shit pissed me off as a kid.
A lot of people hated Wind Waker from the very start.
There's just no accounting for shit taste.
Wind Waker was the best Zelda game overall, before BotW. Might even still be better.
Link to the Past would be the best 2D Zelda game, though. I guess Link Between Worlds is tied with it, since it's the exact same game with some extra stuff added in.
you mean the game you can beat in a few hours that was literally a tech demo and offered little replay value until the PAL version of all things actually changed up subsequent playthroughs
liking things isnt cool anymore, hating things and having an opinion no matter how contrived or stupid it is makes you cool.
Yeah you weren't born until 2005 so you dont know
>Wind Waker was the best Zelda game overall
One of the first and best games I've ever played.
there were complaints but it was loved as a whole. far more than you can say about SS.
same thing with metroid, people hated the reveal but loved the released game.
>Wind Waker was the best Zelda game overall
And people like you are the ones that attract shitposters.
This is true.
This is false.
how is the 1st one false?
Sailing was constantly brought up though
It still is to this day
>There's just no accounting for shit taste.
Yeah, you're proof of that.
>jabu pearl given to you for doing fuck all
>cant actually sail anywhere until after you finish 3 dungeons
>ghost ship/subs are just rooms of enemies, but WOW, ON A BOAT
>398 fucking rupees to translate 1 map
>always have to do Orca's sword training when you start a new game
>return to FF is pointless and its literally just a game of tennis with phantom ganon then helmorac king
>final fight against ganon is shit and you can only damage him with the counter
>enemy boss gauntlet at the end for no reason
>grandma's soup trivializes an already easy game
>having to reset the wind everytime(especially annoying in grottos because you have to go in circles shooting all the cannons)
>Luigi had his vacuum. Mario had his water cannon. Link had his boat. Even Samus had 1st person, I know Prime wasn't directly created by Nintendo but they allowed it.
those never happened.