He doesn’t play as the reptilian race

>he doesn’t play as the reptilian race

What’s your excuse?

I'm not a jew.

No good dragon girls

Reptiles are shit. barely above fish and insects as far as value. They are literal vacuum cleaners of the animal world. They are not even as intelligent as rats or even mice. They have no feelings, they lay eggs, sex is only a means to an end, and are cold mindless killers. Pathetic creatures really.

Where's sandalposter?

Most games don't offer me the choice

I prefer furred beast races. Scales don't feel good on skin, and I even like snakes. Just not "like" like them.

Also true, minus komodo dragons which are chihuahua-level intelligence. Snakes are cute buggers, but dumb as rocks.

But I do OP.

I wish TES still had digitigrade argonians.

I play as the furred race

is it that time already?

Very few games have lizard races and the ones that do are complete shit.

Such a beautiful race wasted on such a shit game. Biggest tragedy of the century.


They're pretty ugly too me as far as reptilians go. Remind me more of elephants or rhinos than a lizard.

I prefer wrecking stuff as a Minotaur.

Is this a Yugioh card

I want the minotaur girl from corruption of champions to wreck my stuff.

it's a league character

Also, what the fuck is with people wanting to fuck league characters? I swear this is half the reason people even play that game.


They're supposed to look like dragonmen. They're both cool and hot as fuck.

Name me one game that has a good reptilian race.

Is this Kemo Colloseum?

why does that Minotaur have a book
minotaurs do not read they break things

He's a priest. Real question is why is he wearing manstockings?

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance

Waifu culture is the only reason a lot of games get recognized now. Best example being current Overwatch.

No need to be a faggot

I'm not a furfag

It's not for reading, its for hitting.



I'm not a scalie

>the lusty argonian maid movie never
why even live ?

Suikoden 3 is okay.

you just described every person who uses this site

Because I play humans

dont do it user you will summon the human tier list poster

>game is called dragon's dogma
>you can't play as a dragon


Their faces do nothing for me. They are neither human enough, or dragon enough for me to find appealing. They also lack a big, meaty, tail.

>he plays the superior race

What do you mean by good reptilian race? Good lore? Fun to play?

Yordle boys are the only thing LoL is good for

he means thicc

Pokemon Mystery Dungeon. Charizard is one of the best characters as a unit in the first game, and in the second game this guy's bro tier


I like my deviant non-human races divided and subjugated. All non human races should be "the other", rare and persecuted.

Purge the unclean!


>he thinks humans are in any way the superior race

I wouldn't exactly call various pokemon species as races. I mean they are sapient, but they don't exactly have civilization.

>mfw little to none good veigar pics

Yeah, good lore, interesting overall.

Name a race that more consistently rises up as conquerors, heroes, or evil overlords in any fantasy settings. Sure the other fantasy races can beat the average human, but the best of man crushes the best of everyone else.

>claims human aren't superior
>doesn't show proof
really makes me think

>says the sub-human mutt

>Game has dragons
>They're underpowered

Why, Dark Souls 3?

Yeah, until recently him being a furry yordle wasn't even really canon so most of the art was just faceless black mage shit
I'm so happy his fuzzy ears are now canon you have no idea
I don't even play this shit game

Birds and Raptors are superior to Lizards and Dragons in literally every way

That's only because most writers aren't creative.
It obviously depends on the game and the setting.


Birds are weak as shit and gay

my problem with the limited veigar pics is most of it is shitty r63 or with lulu

>posting wrong bird

shit game