What does Sup Forums thinks of this guy?
What does Sup Forums thinks of this guy?
stop posting this thread every day
he aight
Stop spamming the same thread.
goomba got back
That Goomba looks like a penis.
>I HATED Punch out because of how racist it was!
>U-Until the grumps said they liked it!
He's a pussy, through and through. Can't even stand by his own dumb ass bullshit.
waste of oxygen
I don't watch eceleb cancer, is this nigger the one responsible for that goomba twerking video?
Looks like a penis
goombas got back
>tfw this nigger is getting laid and you're still a virgin
>his wife doesn't want to have kids
what is the FUCKING point of getting married if you don't want a family
literally tying yourself down for no reason at all
you will inevitably get tired of your significant other and want to meet new women, the only time you shouldn't act on that is if you intend to have or already have a family.
>you will inevitably get tired of your significant other and want to meet new women
Saw someone post that "big goombs" video on Sup Forums, cringed myself half to death and proceeded to replay it over and over just to see if the second-hand embarrassment would be something to go full-throb over.
bewbs xd
>am watashi japanese yet, fellow goomba-tachi?
Wish he would just fuck off and stop ruining the unexpectables streams.
That's really hard to watch.
He sounded like shit before joining Matpats butt buddies but with the stupid voice, he also lost all integrity.
He seemed to be just some weird weeb with a goomba fetish that read up on cultural and historical shit and had lot's of insights from his gaijin days he tried to explain and show in the context of video games, now he is just a tool that somehow clickbaits even harder than his overlord.
Also literal sjw cuck when he admitted to being a hentai lover before.
imagine watching a video of your daughter sauntering down the aisle to marry some fat weeb wearing a mario hat, then discovering his youtube channel
I don't understand why name yourself after derogatory terms. I can only assume he's an idiot.
literally fucking who
You wanna play with T-Dubz Sup Forums?
She wants to have kids with other men. Her heart finds him endearing, but her vagina doesn't want to waste its time.
can you really blame her
So does he have a goomba fetish?
I would
Yes, she chose to marry him.
he's probably paying for her food, housing, and luxuries. if he's okay with paying for a wife that's too afraid to mix genes with him, she's not in the wrong. hopefully she lets him watch while tyrone plows her though.
Has he gotten less autistic? My /tg/ room mates swears by him even when I tell him he is one dimensional.
whats the story about his wife? She looks like the type to bang fans at whatever con she visits. Is she loyal or just as retarded as he is?
Can you really hate a man who wants to fuck Goombas? He has impeccable taste.
fat people gravitate to each other.
>its another episode of "lol this girl is actually a perv just like us, she's awesome"
Wouldn't go near her with a face like that and with standards that low to actually be part of a clickbait thumbnail
>video game themed wedding