What is the price?
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Its almost like their product is selling well ebnough for them to justify spending the resources to develop a new version...
But no, it must be because VR is doomed!
tfw been checking for used Vive on Craigslist and now there's no way one'll pop up because people will save theirs to upgrade
Well people are buying Vives instead of rifts.
So now i need a even better GPU?
You don't know the price though.
Also if the wireless adapter thing really works that may be what gets me onboard.
A day in the life of PC gaming......
A day in the life of PC gaming..........
>Wear glasses
>Don't use contacts
>Can't use Vive or Rift
How fucking big are your glasses? I can use the vive just fine and I wear glasses.
You can buy prescription lens inserts that attach to the inside of either headset.
Better than 720p@20FPS consoles.
Norm from Tested has giant fuck-off hipster glasses and he can use every headseton the market, how huge are your specs?
whatever Im just happy that someone figured out a solution for wireless VR.
in 10 years im gonna have so much fun!
>Dont use contacts
Then use contacts you four eyed retard.
Will the tracking be worse than cables? What if you lose signal for a moment, doesn't everything get fucked?
>feel a little sad about my htc vive
>read 2880 x 1600
Even if I felt like shit for my obsolete tech I'd have to purchase another 1080 just to render 60+ frames on that resolution
Why did VR die? I invested so much into it, when should I kms
VR is still in its beta testing stage its not dying
This. I was thinking of buying a vive if they announced something like this but even if I did I wouldn't be able to run it. Currently have a gtx 970 memecard and that was the bare minimum for the old vive. I wonder what will be the minimum for this, I sure as hell can't run it at 60fps on my shit card.
Fellow eyelet here, glasses have been no problem for at least PSVR for me, there's room for them inside the headset.
Is this 2nd gen or 1.5 gen? It's a shame there's no increased fov and the wireless adaptor is extra. Also I was wishing for new controllers but guess they're out of the window.
theres already 3rd party wireless options and i dont think there hasnt been any real known problems with them.
It has the same screen as the samsung odyssey HMD. Doesn't seem like much of a change coming from tech reviews. What the vive needs is better controllers.
Well its aimed at enterprise and High end users.
user SLI doesn't work, less for VR.
I swear VR is worth it even if it's just for the pleasure of more up close and personal Kleer shooting.
Even if you bought another card, almost nothing supports VR SLI. For real, not like regular SLI which does work with a lot of things, you may never even play a game with VR SLI support.
>stole the original oculus rift concept with the 2 eyes on front
lawsuit incoming
Any idea if the higher resolution solves the image graininess of the current headsets? My biggest beef with the current headsets is that it feels like I'm using an old CRT monitor, detail is lost really quickly with distance making it difficult to aim down the sights of rifles.
>Well people are buying Vives instead of rifts.
Uh, it's the opposite actually. Since the rift dropped its price permanently it now has more units in use than the vive
It will certainly help to some degree but I don't think the resolution bump is big enough to outright remove screen door effect.
Are we already in vr headsets 2.0? When vr itself hasn’t taken off?
if you dumb this shit down so that any brazillian third world nigger can use it on their 2003 machines then every game will be consolized gimped garbage.
The microsoft vr goggles already have them. So no, lawsuit not incoming.
On the upside, anyone who doesn't have a V1 Vive will get one for cheaper now.
They'll almost certainly drop the price on the V1 when this new one becomes a thing
It's something completely new and expensive. Most people don't even know what it's like and you cannot imagine what it's really like without giving it a solid try. Its only chance is to keep gaining popularity, but VR most certainly won't explode into popularity.
>vr is dying
>ever going back to 2d gaming after experiencing this
>being concerned about needing a quantum titan GPU to run it
Most VR games are very low demanding. You'll be fine especially with dynamic performance in VR mode.
>tfw you still got a 390x
Slow down VR devs! Goddamn.
I can only just about use a Vive or Rift on my PC as is. I need a 1080ti first before I can even come close to running anything better.
Why are people still complaining about VR being dead. All these headsets that are being released are for hobbyist and developers. We are still about 10 years away from true VR. The cost alone should tell you that.
The older models will begin to have a price drop and the premium will be there for enthusiasts
It's a win win
Welp, guess I'll wait for next gen, hopefully we'll have powerful enough graphics cards by then
I guess that makes me feel less sad, having to purchase a GTX Titan X just to make it run smoothly just doesn't appeal to me with my current wages.
>will save theirs to upgrade
There's an upgrade track? I don't see why there would be. I don't get a fucking upgrade track for my monitor.
It'd probably be better and you have to turn up supersampling to get rid of that ugly graininess.
>Most VR games are very low demanding.
Going to disagree here. You want to supersample all the VR games because otherwise they look like blurry shit. A lot of VR games aren't optimized well either. I have a 980ti and I can only nearly max out most games.
Nice, I wonder how much it'll cost though, I hope It'll be like the old model at release but I'm afraid It'll be above 1000$
Is giving the headset a 4K screen really going to help? It just means it will require a more expensive PC and will have lower framerates, resulting in a worse experience and worse motion sickness.
Supersampling doesn't do much since the problem is with the screen itself, not the rendered image. I play SS at 300% resolution and shit still sucks.
It'll probably be about what the V1 was at release, but that's just me guessing.
Since the newer one is a higher res then maybe you would have less supersampling to find a balance?
If you read the article you'd know that the wireless kit will be sold as an upgrade peripheral compatible with the current and new vive headsets.
It will help in removing screen door. You don't have to render at retard high resolution to do that. You can render at lower res and upscale. The image will still be blurrier than it could be, but screen door will be gone, since it's a problem which appears due to the physical display itself, not due to the signal you feed it.
>No one can afford the headsets
user...there are people with jobs.
>tfw have to upgrade my entire computer AND buy the vive pro
In total I'd probably have to spend about 3000 - 3500€.
>mfw missing out on VR
Thing is, will there be options?
I mean, I already have one vive, for 800$ I had two controllers, to light houses, one bow thingy to plug the helmet in, and of course the Helmet.
I don't need to buy everything a second time do I? I hope we'll be able to buy only the helmet for much cheaper.
I may as well ask since vr seems to actually be at least moderately taking off now.
I'm literally blind in one eye. Are any of these headsets going to work for me, or is it going to be like when I try to go to 3d movies and it doesnt fucking do anything?
Article says you just buy the headset
i honestly dont get why would you need glasses with VR
the screens which are literally almost in your eyes are the ones producing the image not your eyes
Higher res headsets mean basically that you will have a higher maximum perceived clarity you can hit. But with today's headsets, it's already hard to hit maximum clarity in order to push the headsets to their maximum capabilities. Meaning, these headsets will not automatically make what we see inside VR more clear and high res than what the spec increase implies. We will get a marginal clarity boost given that current headsets have a screendoor effect and pixel grain artifact problem. If you do upgrade your PC at the same time however, to something like a 1080ti, it will mean that you can achieve much higher clarity than what's possible with current headsets, as you will be able to approach the maximum clarity allowed by the higher resolution headset.
It'll be just like real life, your view will move around as you look around but you will have fuck all depth perception. Probably best to go and find a demo and test it out beforehand.
Oh boy, another $150 on top of the cost of the headset. Fucked if you've got astigmatism also since you can't do VR correctional lens for those.
My next computer build is going to be made with VR in mind. A Ryzen 1700x, 32gigs of RAM POWER, and a good gpu. Don't know which GPU or RAM POWER since I'm watching prices like a hawk. Will either be by summer of this year or autumn.
Oh ok, so this should cost about 500$
If that's the case I'm definitely in, Better lenses and resolution are just too tempting.
Also, fucking wireless adaptator!
Guys. The Samsung Odyssey is out already and has the same resolution. Just look for reviews/comparisons of that to know the difference. To summarize though, the boost in resolution is good and welcome, but not really good enough to be amazing.
you dont need more than a 750ti
There's already an optional wireless kit, another one won't affect Vive resales. Besides, that's hardly a fucking upgrade to the Vive Pro.
>you dont need more than a 750ti
Yeah, I'm going to buy a 750ti to last me for the next five+ years. Smart move.
Vr on consoles is 1080p/60-90fps pctard
For 3K I could build 3 PCs, each with their own vive. Stupid frogposter.
Lurk more, it's really just as basic as that. I don't know how else to explain it. Lurk more and learn our ways newfag.
Yes you could but you wouldn't be able to run shit you dumb nigger.
VR isn't dead at all. People on Sup Forums just love to talk about their own personal experience and ideas as fact.
"I haven't seen anyone talk about VR anymore so no one is talking about it", that kind of thing.
this tbqh
how come VR doesn't correct for poor vision yet? shouldn't that be possible?
How is the wireless adaptor supposed to work for the old vive? the long as fuck cords are hardwired into the headset. I don't see any point where they can be disconnected.
I would max it all too. It helps not being retarded, friend.
They're not hardwired, you can pull them all out
t. Someone with the 'premium' headstrap
Oh boy another toy for youtubers
You can yank them out or clip them off.
do you have to take off the plastic cover? i'm looking at it right now and the cables go inside the unit.
VR is amazing. Poor people and those who are stupid say it is "dead". As a day one owner of Vive and Oculus I will get this day one as well. The vast majority of negative posts in these threads boil down to "I can't afford it so I shall whine" or "I haven't even used it and like to shit post".
I can lie too, I'm a billionaire with 4 dicks and I fuck 38 women a day.
Why do they keep calling gamer shit "pro"? Is it like for professional gamers? Fuck this shit.
>the boost in resolution is good and welcome, but not really good enough to be amazing.
I'll settle for being able to make out the ironsights at the end of my rifle in H3VR
>how come VR doesn't correct for poor vision yet? shouldn't that be possible?
I can't tell if stupid, or genuinely doesn't know. Eyes don't work the same way as a camera lense, which focuses by opening or closing. A human eye opens or closes to regulate light, not to regulate sight. A human eye can focus while the iris or small in bright light or enlarged in dim light. A camera cannot.
The plastic cap slides forwards
ok cool. good to know. i'm definitely going to get the wireless dongle.
THe fucking piece around where they go in snaps out like a cell phone piece and all the cables are just plugged in to and there is an extra USB port.
the screens would just adjust for lenses
How often do you use it and what games?
What gay shit are you mumbling about? VR is great.
Are you economically challenged?
>poorfags who have never experienced the true way to game.
I almost feel sorry for you. Almost.
Is that what you meant? You should be more detailed in what you ask or say. I thought you were asking why a VR set doesn't adjust for bad eye sight, as in focus the images to your eye's sensitivity, but what you were implying is "Don't VR sets adjust depth for the lenses of glasses?" Yes, Vive and Oculus adjust the images they project so that it doesn't get distorted by your glasses.
Not him, but I used contacts in high school and it was just awful for gaming because of all the eye movements.
>wireless dongle
We taking bets on how long the battery life will be without having to strap a minefield of LIB batteries to your body?
Every day. Everything. Go look at modern lists of top games they are better than ever. Duck Season, Onward, Gorn, Robo Recall, Sairento, Superhot VR, Talos Principle VR, Raw Data and Echo Arena are my most played this week.