Why are Japan devs the last ones that care about fun and making good games?

Why are Japan devs the last ones that care about fun and making good games?
>pretty girls
>fun gameplay
>no SJWs
>no shitty propaganda sold as "political commentary"
>do not try to make shitty movies, but actual games

They do the opposite of those games after seeing their sales.

Because they aren't mixed like yurabians or amerimutts

persona 5 is filled with political commentary you dunce

>no SJWs
What did user mean by this?

Pretty girls is not a gameplay related aspect, it's just their weird "oversexed but underfucked" culture.

That being said, nip games are better than western games, mostly.

This fag has never played Metal Gear Solid OR Persona 5.

>>no SJWs
>>no shitty propaganda sold as "political commentary"
Get ready for these to be reversed in the upcoming years. Thanks, globalization!

>no shitty propaganda sold as "political commentary"
>what is MGS
>what is Pokemon

>pretty """""""girls""""""

>short hair girls
choose one

Jap and West games are shit. Only Slavs and other eastern European countries can make good games.

I dond't know but piost more midriff

how can someone be such a faggot weeb without realizing that most of the media coming out of japan has really staunch anti-war messages and shit?

East europe in general is alot more chill. I live in a world where I have to think twice if I call someone a girl or a boy and don't take million binaries into account when talking about stuff

Fuck maybe russia invading us wouldn't be so bad after all, maybe they'd get rid all of the niggers that literally live on out tax €€€s as well

Such as...?

East Europe is full JANK and Witcher 3 is the same as every other western shit.

Did you play the game at all?

>He doesn't like jank

Nazis are the good guys in Japanese games, I agree

I wanna fuck that boy

I'll choose both thanks.

>posting obvious censored translation
Shitty companies do this for years user. Especially Nintendo.

I want to lick and tickle Yukari's navel!

i'll tell you. i am korean btw, and not some alt-right person from reddit
>WWII won by allies
>take control of US; is to be flooded my marxism and general anti-american things
>take control of korea and japan as prize for winning war
>use both asian countries as experiments
>korea is testing grounds for extreme conformity, materialism, and testing grounds for other extreme principles such as their recent extreme wave of feminism (look up daughters of megalia)
>let japan do what they want with its traditionalism and see how it turns out + testing out the whole population density thing

Korea is feminist now?
The fuck are you talking about?

But Xseed treat trails with adapting the translation literally.

not so much anymore, but there are still some of them hanging around. and yes, like in other places, they were still the minority. look up "daughters of megalia." choi sun shil (who had direct control over the former lady president) basically formed this group and taught them to hate men. some of them were even rumored to abort male children. this is not your typical western "feminist." this is crazy, actually-brainwashed, extreme feminism we were hit with. all of this was part of an experiment and they might use it in western countries

further note:
koreans believe that choi sun shil is part of a female cabal called the eight goddeses/fairies who actually run korea. people thought this was korea-only, but after some research, people think some of the eight women might be merkel, h. clinton, and huma and is a global thing instead of just korea. i might even go as far and say that the kims (n. korea rulers) saw this strange influence seeping into their country after the war and decided to break from it

Ever wonder what the consequences are when 6 companies control 95% of the media?

i hate yukari so much but she provides the strongest erections
>turbo manlet emo fuccboi
>somehow beat up three adults at the same time to keep her from being raped
>yells and says she didn't need you
fucking bitch unf unf