>shit in vidya only you do

>sometimes I pretend that I am streaming or recording a let's play when I am playing single-player games alone. I talk to myself as if I am expalining a walkthrough to the audience

>I often load save over very minor things which don't influence story or gameplay in any way shape or form, like bumping into an NPC or chosing the same dialog option twice

>sometimes I pretend that I am streaming or recording a let's play when I am playing single-player games alone. I talk to myself as if I am expalining a walkthrough to the audience

tfw I also do this

>tfw I ALSO do this

>sometimes I pretend that I am streaming or recording a let's play when I am playing single-player games alone. I talk to myself as if I am expalining a walkthrough to the audience
Are you both me?

Put me in the screencap, Reddit.

>Stealth section or stealth game
>reload whenever I get spotted regardless if its mandatory or not.

>Die too much during a part in a game
>restart the entire level from the beginning, in hopes that it goes more smoothly in one go.

>Talk to NPCs more than once after every notable event in the game to see if they have more dialogue or react to what happened.

do you have more soft bellies to share

>It's another one of these threads where people say "I talk to myself like a streamer while playing games pls validate me".

Whenever I take a lot of damage in a game I say "ouch" out loud. Whenever a big enemy is attacking me or I'm standing at the edge of a huge drop I clench my ass.


>pls validate me
how do you even project this hard, shrekposter

>get an enemy down to low health with weapons
>finish them off with bare fists/unarmed

It makes me feel like a badass

Every single time these threads have people saying they talk to themselves like streamers. Calling you out on your bullshit is not projecting.

You're acting like special snowflakes, and it's cringy.

>input Konami code every time at title screen or when game loads.


Not him, but you sound really bitter, cringy and pathetic.

>save again just in case
>then quicksave
>quit game
>would you like to save before quitting?

Explain, I am no different from a broom in your house, words on a screen

>Commentates football game while playing Madden

This is the first time I see a thread talking about this.

>sometimes I pretend that I am streaming or recording a let's play when I am playing single-player games alone. I talk to myself as if I am expalining a walkthrough to the audience

I also do this. I justify this autism by claiming that by constantly explaining my reasoning and choices, I perform more rational and calculated actions.

This is the trillionth time I see a thread talking about this, stfu bitch

Whenever I get easily killed or destroyed by an enemy, I crash my fists together and pretend I'm sending energy beams out of my fists like Obelisk the Tormentor with infinite power, then I pretend I'm being hit by those energy beams and are just totally annihilated, with flames coming out of my eyes General Grievous style.


Sometimes when I’m angry I just shove a controller up my ass

I have fun while playing.

i talk sslf let's play

then you're a fucking newfag homo

>see a weak enemy around the corner
>boss fight ahead
>forget to save

Haha fucking losers who even does shit like this

I unironically want to do gaming videos but I don't since it's an overdone genre and I'm to retarded to understand how to make videos. So I just do it with myself.

>manager football game
>only hire white players

I do the first one too. Not like actually talking out loud WHATUP IT'S YO BOY AND I'M HERE TODAY WITH DARK SOULS but sometimes I'll narrate the gameplay in my head like I'm describing to someone what's it's all about.

you'd all be marginally less pathetic if you actually streamed

who is the artist?

i like to play naked

I don't even watch streams

Whenever I see rails and ledges down stairs I like to pretend I'm playing Tony Hawk's Pro Skater and jump up, spin around, land on the rail, walk down the rail, jump and spin off

If I have to travel a long distance in an fps, I'll spin while going in a straight line.
Basically, like rotating the left stick clockwise while holding the right stick to the left.

sometimes, I hold something in my left hand, and flail my right hand around. I close my eyes, imagine playing a video game, and it's pretty damn vivid. pic related.

Give it a try, you might be really good at it

at least record a video if you don't want to worry about a live audience

I get upset in action games if my combo isnt visually satisfying, and I hate when I get in such a frenzy that I end up spamming the same moves.

>DAE imagine their actions from another persons perspective??
probably the most un-unique thing in all of human psychology

I don't really have any interest in it, I just vaguely narrate game events in my head sometime as I play. However I am trying to write a book

Not be autistic

>used to have a gamer gf where we would play games together and she would get excited when I win a match
>now I play alone, yet sometimes I trick myself into thinking she still watching me play and cheering me on

I can never find a girl that I related so much to, but that's life.
All good things comes to an end.