godspeed mercy mains.
Mercy mains on suicide watch
>ruin a character for her players by draasticsally changing her
>ruin her more by nerfing the altmercy they've made
what the fuck is blizz doing
i was happy with old OG mercy, my suggestions would be to maybe make her guardian angel sprint thing faster or to strengthen pistol slightly
not this
I'm still going to play as her
I felt that her resurrect with out últ was kind of BS... maybe if the character came back with half healt.
And just keep her ult thing like it is...
>not for consoles
Not even mad
nobody wanted to deal with lmao 5res either
not that the other healers arent just as cancer
it is just fucking astounding to me that zenyatta has been a permalock "pick or youre throwing" character for almost 10 months and nobody is saying a word about it because hes easy to play and also not a vagina magnet
God I rarely play ranks but when I do it’s never as cancerous as you guys make it sound. Is it just a PC thing? Because everyone seems pretty chill on consoles.
This does not apply to consoles?
Because the mercy thing isn't an aiming issue.
>nerfing the favorite hero of women
blizzard is a bunch of alt-right white male woman hating fucks
Is my free ride to Masters donezo, Sup Forums?
>have to nerf again
>its not weaker than others
>nerf others again
That's how blizzard does it.
nice. they completely change a character, and then completely change it again in less than 3 months. blizzboys too interested in which character to make gay next then actually making a good game
Bruh, trying to nerf a character to make it more balanced IS trying to make a better game, you dipshit.
The dva changes are so good though she's so much more fun than the rmb not she used to be.
Mercy overhaul was good but mothmode was massively overtuned and needs a nerd. It sounds like she's gutted though.
>No longer instant Res in Valkyrie
Okay, now it'll just take longer and she can get punished while also wasting more time of her Valkyrie status--
>No longer bonus charge of Resurrection
But what's the poi--
>Also duration of Valkyrie reduced and slowed down GA by 50%
The only thing missing is removing her natural Regen at this point.
>use ult
>nothing changed
Stop acting as if she wasn't bullshit. She needed it.
>be Mercy
>fly around and HS people with your blaster
>ez PotG
Healing? Pfff. Healing is for bitches.
zenyatta is in no way OP, he is just useful as fuck thanks to his orbs. you couldn't nerf him any more without making him useless. he also dies in a split second to any good tracer, genji or even sombra.
imagine having a low enough iq to still care about this awful game
>couldn't fuck any of those bitches
What a fucking letdown.
no thats paying lip service to reddit whining
trying to make a better game would involve balancing all of the characters at once, not simply the one or two that are currently in the spotlight and are therefore the subject of all current community crying
like you nerf these characters and it creates a power vacuum, what exact do you thinks going to happen as a result, people arent just gonna suddenly hold hands and skip into the sunset, another character is IMMEDIATELY going to take over their mantle as "top cancer" and ruin the game in new and creative ways because the game is just fucking chock full of terrible design decisions
but doing something that addresses that on a fundamental level would require actual work and the overwatch "team" isnt capable of doing that since the ACTUAL work is all outsourced, so instead they do this and pray on a bimonthly basis, and nothing ever gets accomplished
>he is just useful as fuck thanks to his orbs
He also has 46 damage primary attack that can headshot. Not saying he's OP but that is a part of appeal. The price is, of course, no escape options except for ult.
No one cares. Overwatch isn't fun. It's is just soyfun for nu-boys.
>Put about 3000 hours in TF2 about half that playing Medic
>Stop playing PC games for a few years until friends talk me into getting OW
>Mercy is like Medic, Junkrat like Demo
>Play mostly Mercy and tanky guys since I like playing her and every healer I match with is shit.
>All these reworks over the past months
>Actually liked it at first
>Revive CD was fine and getting a double with Ult felt great
>Slow revive was shit and asking to get killed, but Ult made is bearable
>Not instant revive during Ult and it losses speed.
Okay honestly what is the goal here now? We have a healer that uses a beam to heal/dmg boost with a back up pistol. Reviving is just asking to be killed. Can't they just give her a new ability of something?
I don’t think I’ve seen any Mercy’s get
PotG with healing anymore.
yup, he is strong as balls (pun intended) but it comes at a cost.
this is why I dislike mercy so much, there is no risk playing her at all, she can get away with the worst fucking positioning as long as the enemy team don't have good snipers and yet blizz decided to give her the strongest ult in the game
Good, now she's easier to pin down and fuck.
I hated her ult anyway, its cancer in 3v3 elimination.
I've only gotten it when Valk healing through someone's ultimate.
Yeah, it’s called continual tweaking. How would they balance all the characters at once if they don’t know how balancing a single character is going to affect the balance? Trying to balance everything at once means you might as well be making random changes.
maybe now you fucks understand that blizzard has not ever never done balanced game in their lifes.
>make mercy too shit to use
>buff her back
>now shes too good not to use
>nerf her back
>now shes too shit to use
lol, overbabs, cmon...
have you ever seen mercy get potg with JUST healing?
i see plenty of mercy potgs these days, she has to res someone who manages to kill a couple of guys on the point, it gives her a million assist points
Can she even? I felt like all her PotGs before the rework were team resurrects and after I barely saw any.
Honestly if you've played 3v3 long enough for her to get ult charge it's your fault. Plus, it's only one round.
Almost two years in and you people still haven't clued in that blizzard's "balancing" equates to nerf - absurdly buff - nerf until the entire game is a slow unfun mess? Even launch OW with bullshit McCree and Widow was more enjoyable than this.
no dummy
>play a single character just so you can get carried to Master
>can’t play any other character at a higher level than low gold
>once you’re in master everybody plays at that level
>you sacrificed your ability to play any other character and not suck for a shiny badge and to be able to say you’re master, even though one look at you account shows you’re a mercy main
these people need to kill themselves right away
>Rein, Orisa and Mercy in a corner.
>My fault
>low iq
>anime poster
>>Rein, Orisa and Mercy in a corner
Sounds like a job for Bastion or Junk, or Pharah.
by removing.. literally everything? rly?
>can aim well in other games, getting headshots with sniper in tf2 or CS is no problem
>can't aim for shit with hitscan like mccree or widowmaker
I don't understand
That's not even true?
I mean, you're half right.
>implying I don't have fun playing Mercy
>implying I don't get hammered and critique my entire team's gameplay and trash talk them as I rez them
Good, fuck that whore and people crying for others to pick her while not picking her themselves.
>play mercy
>refuse to ress people until you have ult so you can double ress and might get potg
I'm glad they're removing that shit. been a fucking plague since the fucking beginning
Almost as if having a Public Test Region would have its uses or something
>Concussion Mine
>Will now deal less damage to targets farther away from the explosion’s center
I would rather just go back to having one mine. The only way I will accept this is if they let Junkrat place both mines at once.
Oh yh sry, they let her have lucios amp it up LITE
Yes, blizzard has done a great job so far.
literally nobody does that, my rez is constantly on CD
maybe your just a shitty target ot worth the rez? I had plenty of those complaining for rezes
Oh no! They made his explosive mine work like every other explosive! Not fair!
the balance in this game is actually ridiculous. they have no idea what they're doing.
>people still play this game
Overwatch has hitboxes, and they're shit. Not paladins level shit, but close enough.
Haven't people realized Blizzard "balancing" is all about seesawing meaninglessly so that people remain invested and talking about the game. So people are baited into playing the game now that it's not cancer anymore but then they realize its still cancer once the game shifts into the next meta. You know there's no possible way they're bad at balancing for every single one of their games.
>Tfw you only play balanced heroes
I'm a reinhardt & mei main and I love it, eat my dust gold shitters
People won't be Happy with Mercy until rez is gone.
Stop torturing yourself and go back to tf2.
>People won't be Happy with Mercy until healslut meme is gone.
mercy is fine, mercy players are cancer
>lucio nerfed
>ana nerfed
>mercy nerfed
Zenyatta next? Moira is of course going to be nerfed soon
They need to bring the old rez back, mercy was fine back then, even every hero was fine back near release, they all had their own thing and were overpowered in their own ways but people can't shut the fuck up and stop complaining about them getting killed
Not mercy related, but what the fuck happened to character designs after Ana?
Mercy mains, soys and women and ((((women)))), BTFO
a shame about the rest of the game though
That happens with 100% of the roster
You know you love it, my dearest.
I will never get over how fucking badly that game is coded. They used the fucking Donkey Kong 64 anti-lag technique of reducing game ticks when under stress
just.... why?!
the lead character design artist left after the game released. Ana was fully designed and nearly fully completed before the game shipped, but time gated to create the illusion of blizzard knowing what the fuck they're doing
top 500 here
OG Mercy was literally never a problem and almost never picked, only the retards cried about her, same for my boy hog.
Just copy medic from TF2, give her overheal and Uber and remove rez
I used the mine as an anti harasser. Any flanker gets close I just throw the mine and kill them or force them to run away. Why the fuck uses it offensively? Nades have perfect accuracy. Literally no point in using a mine for anything but get out of bullshit free cards. Junkrat used to hard counter Tracer and now even Pharah will get close since she doesn't have to take 140hp just to have a chance of killing you.
Junrats biggest weakness is range. Any hero that closes the gap can kill him easy. His mine was there for him to fuck off in a hurry and punish flankers that took damage to get to you. Now its shit as a mine because they have to walk into it and you cant just pop it when they get close and its shit at defense. Its fucking pointless now because le jumping rat meme is stupid with these maps. There are no spots on any map a Junk needs two mines to get to that is worth anything.
that would require for them to admit they were wrong which they will never do under any circumstance
>wait for team wipe
>press q
>nothing wrong
You don't get to see what people role as until you're shot in the face by them
she was still not picked, lucio / ana / zenny dominated the meta
Then they can suck my dick, I'll just create negative opinions about overwatch wherever I go because I'm always right.
>An artist that draws feet really well
t. Paper ranking
Seen better
She was picked though
that is the reason her ult was changed in the first place, rez wars were ridiculous
like seriously, the amount of times ive seen bullets phase through people in this game is astounding, how the fuck can people play this competitively
>overwatch continues to fail to be balance
we fucking called this shit back when the game was announced. Blizzard can't balance ANYTHING because the devs are utter retards. It will always be a complete mess.
>how the fuck can people play this competitively
they don't
She wasn't picked as much in higher ranks, I can assure you that.
In fact, it was always risky to have a squishy hiding Mercy in higher ranks. People wanted Lucio / Ana / Zenny instead.
You just posted a screenshot of a competitive stream, proving that they do, in fact, play it competitively.
I mean I can steam a pokenight between me and my dog and claim it's competitive too
Mercy was never too shit to use, and she'll still have an insane pickrate after this patch
woah good job nerfing ults and turning them into regular tier abilities for even more heroes blizz
i'm glad i stopped playing this shit game
her ult was changed because blizzard fucked with the sr gains and a bunch of fucking terrible mercy players ended up in games with streamers
there were no "res wars" after zen got his initial buff, mercy wasnt relevant after that point because of the zen/ana powercreep arms race, she was a fucking bad character that only shitters played, the problem was that she was irritating to have in the game regardless of what team she ended up on
so these bad players end up in masters/gm and are ridiculed and hated for their inability to play the game properly after blizzard intentionally inflates mercys sr gains to put them there, then blizzard kneejerk changes mercy to make the games ranked look less like a fucking clown show in the most public area the game is advertised, ie twitch, and she ends up insanely overpowered as a result
You two would be competing, yes. Therefore it would be competitive. But if you want to narrow it a bit, the two teams in the image you posted get paid by companies, oftentimes owned by very wealthy corporations or professional sports teams to specifically compete in, and win these events. The pokenight stream between you and your dog cannot make such claim
the ults need to be removed entirely because they are designed so poorly. AoE mass rez, aimbot, large health pool and auto attacks, another aimbot, a fucking wallhack
I was really hoping for something more creative
insanely low pickrate you mean
there will literally be no reason to pick her over other supports, especially not over moira
Do you think that 7,424 viewers would watch that? Chances are you'd just end up fucking your dog, son. That's the only competition you'd be having.
>overwatch fag confirms that a man playing poker with his dog counts as competitive as does his shitty fps/moba hybrid
someone PLEASE stream this i need to fap
>the ults need to be removed entirely because they are designed so poorly
Do you work at Blizzard?
Swing and a miss, and the count is 0-1
>competitive overwatch thread turns into a dog fucking thread