Are we ever gonna get another good Fallout game?

Are we ever gonna get another good Fallout game?

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I just want another fallout that is made by bethesda. It doesn't even have to be obsidian.

we got one two years ago ;)))

two fucking years ago, this game came out two fucking years ago.

3, NV and 4 were all great games; so I'd assume so.

>great game

There's never been a good Fallout game.

>3 and 4 were all great games

its a step up from 3 at least.

It's not even

I thoroughly enjoyed it, as did I 3 and NV.

4 had a more basic story but had a bigger map, more weapons and customisation, settlements and much improved combat, so for me it was great.

it's a massive stepback

> good fallout games

PC fags are the worst.

Obsidian had their change and they blew it.

The buggiest, glitchiest piece of shit ever released.

PC attempts a AAA title and fails spectacularly.

big grey dull doughnut map

>big grey dull doughnut map
yeah, that's fallout 4

did you come here from the max payne thread buddy?
lmao, let's laugh at these guys' shit games together

There are always FO2-based fan-made games, so the signs point to yes.


Threadly reminder that Obsidian will never ever make another Fallout game.


>the last drop was the final Boss... A normal human that not even the Nukes could bring down
I don't understand what this person is saying. Maybe I'm giving them too much credit considering that they're saying F3's quests were not "UTTER boring and repetitive go there, pick this, bring back"

3 isn't even a bad game. Stop spouting ebin vee meeemz

> mods


he is right you know


where is this from?

looks like gamefaqs



Fallout 3 was the 99th best game of all time according to Sup Forums in 2011.

This is fake
But this isn't


As long as Bethesda has it. We won't and I think that in itself is somewhat for the better. Any other company that takes hold of the Fallout IP would probably slaughter it to hell and back. At least with Bethesda, they are somehow moving forward.

Fallout 4 was a good game, however it was a terrible Fallout game.

>"It's a good game, just not a good [insert franchise here] game."

Remember when they were making a fully 3D Fallout MMORPG but it got cancelled due to legal problems?

I would do anything for a Fallout MMO, and I don't mean the one that's already out, a REAL one.

>3 has shit gameplay and a shit story
>New Vegas has shit gameplay and a decent story
>Fallout 4 has decent gameplay and a shit story
You have to be retarded to think 4 is below 3.

Sup Forums back in 2011 was also doing caturday bullshit and other reddit nonsense. Sup Forums these days isn't much better, but come on.

What is wrong with that opinion objectively? How is it a stupid opinion? Please provide a supporting argument. Thanks.

>New Vegas has shit gameplay

New Vegas has the exact same clunky, bug-ridden gameplay as 3 with extra features tacked on that make it feel worse like the dodgy iron sight animations. Those two games are a fucking travesty in terms of simple functionality.

Kinda, maybe.

The roleplaying aspect of NV is fantastic though.

>clunky, bug-ridden gameplay
exactly like fallout 4

Yeah, but that's not what we're discussing. From a purely gameplay standpoint, Fallout 4 is the best 3D game. That's the major reason New Vegas is being remade in 4's engine and having all the legacy features from NV like the SPECIAL system and classic dialogue brought back.

How? The gunplay is better, the world is more moldable, and the story is slightly better. The only things that 4 lacks that 3 has is skills, but the whole skill system from 3 was fucked anyways because you could get max attributes and skill points like 2 hours into the game thus nullifying the whole point.

Is Fallout 4 a good game? In some respects it is. That's more than can be said of Fallout 3 which is really an awful game. The story is nonsensical, full of plot holes, contrived, and messy. The gunplay is fucking miserable and essentially forces you to use VATs. The side quests are all moronic nonsense and the choices are all retarded. [Science] Kill urself robot president, robots can't be presidents.

This isn't to say Fallout 4 is good, it's the second worst game in the series, but Fallout 3 is so much worse by comparison that it makes my head spin.

>roleplaying isn't gameplay in a role-playing game

Good thing roleplaying makes up a significant amount of gameplay in a roleplaying game.

Fallout 4 New Vegas looks great. And hopefully might actually exist one day.

Fallout 4 doesn't suddenly make my weapon stop firing if I jump.

Too bad that half the fucking game is shooting guns isn't it?

you can make a pacifist run in NV

yeah I gotta agree, the gunplay in fo4 is really satisfying, plus I personally enjoyed the new VATS and critical hit system.

Not in New Vegas, where you could literally beat the final boss via conversation, or sneak through a lot of the quests, or choose sides in sidequests

Beyond the Beef has more gameplay variety than the entirety of Fallout 4 thanks to roleplaying

That I would disagree with, the new Crit system is stupid and makes Luck as a stat almost worthless.


I would pay full price for New Vegas completely rebuilt in the Fallout 4 engine. Or shit, the Skyrim SE engine. 64-bit so mods don't shit the bed. Everything runs smooth.

Literally just give me NV with the gunplay of FO4. FULL PRICE BETHESDA. DO YOU HEAR ME? FULL PRICE AND SEASON PASS

>muh pacificist run
Literally who does this beyond a rare joke run? Everybody fights their way through shit the majority of the time, so arguing like a fringe strategy makes the awful shooting mechanics redundant is just stupid.

Can no one answer me? Seriously, why is Fallout 4 so shat on? Anytime someone says anything positive about Fallout 4, its always responded with
>hurrr its a gud gaem but not a gud ballout gayem huhuhuhu
>Fallout 4 is shit and all other opinions make you a literal retard
>Bethesda shill
>fuck off Todd
Sure it's def not a ground breaking game like the originals were, and it sure as shit has a good many stupid as fuck bugs. But not enough (imo) to warrant the absolute hate for it on Sup Forums

In Fallout 5 you will play as a transgender individual who is trying to find their transgender SO. Throughout this journey they will fight off the oppressive white man and show how powerful women are with heavy feminist themes

>gunplay is more important than roleplaying in a role-playing game

There are a million shooters out there with great, satisfying gunplay. You don't play Fallout games for the gunplay or tight controls, you play them to pretend to be someone else, to build a character and live through them in a post-apocalyptic wasteland. If you want great gunplay, go play Killing Floor 2 or another game that isn't an RPG.

>I fought everything the majority of the time in NV

Then you missed out on some of the best parts of NV. No surprise you enjoyed Fallout 4 more.

No, fuck you. I'm not excusing Fallout 4's shit story but there is zero excuse for an RPG to have garbage gameplay when it comes to combat or other mechanics beyond the roleplaying. I could make a million stupid food analogies about how it's a perfect main course served on a shit crusted plate.

3 and NV don't have garbage gameplay tho

It's perfectly serviceable which is all it needs to be.

You have shit taste, and ten years ago you would have been laughed off this board for this comment.

My problem with FO4 was the abysmal main quest line. I called it from the start what the whole "twist" was going to be. But then again, the main lines in FO3 and NV weren't stellar either. My biggest gripe is how the game FORCES you to go into certain things. In order to progress in faction quests (Brotherhood of Steel, Railroad, Institute) you HAVE to progress up to a certain point in the main quest line.

The existence of the Railroad and the Institute alone are shit. They make no sense. I was originally cool with Synths until Far Harbor where the lead Synth nigger immediately started killing off town people to replace with Synths so he can quote "create a safe haven for Synths to show they're not all body snatching killers"

Then there is the level up system. Such trash. Literally just congrats, spend one point to gain 20% damage with gun type"

Fucking stupid. But FO4 does things well. Power armor, weapons, weapon mods, melee combat, gunplay, enemy appearance (deathclaws are sick).

I have hundreds of hours in fo4 but I have yet to complete it.

FO4's biggest flaw is how close it gets to being great but how far it misses the mark. The RPG mechanics are a joke, the settlements are repetitive, and the story shats all over the lore.

And you have to remember that this is a long established franchise, with die hard fans. If this game wasn't called fallout, and all references were taken out, it wouldn't have this much of a backlash.

You seem pretty mad about an opinion on a video game, where taste is subjective because different people like different things. Are you ok, user?


>Neutered dialogue trees
>No real agency, constantly directed on quests
>Rehashed story from FO3
>Settlements turned out to be a time sink
>The AI is still Bethesda tier
>The animations are still Bethesda tier
>Neutered stats, it's all in perks now
>Stripped back RPG elements including durability
>Serious lack of memorable characters outside of Gravy RadiantAI Missionstan
>Lack of interesting environments outside of the DLC
>Unimaginative approaches to quests; the Silver Shroud was the only one with an interesting approach
*Takes a breath*
>Neutered equipment system including how many pieces you equip, on par with Morrowind to Skyrim levels of stripping back
>All enemies are telegraphed when you enter a dangerous environment
>Biggest dangers are 1HKO like super mutants with nukes, everything else was trivialized by the sheer numbers of healing items
>Day/night cycle implemented but completely worthless
>Power Armour is either use it all or use none of it because of cores
>All main factions suck, only interesting one (BoS) got neutered
>Nonsensical narrative elements incl. father giving you the run down of their secret military grade operation out of the blue for no fucking reason
>synth boogeymen
>they don't even mention the crows

Combat =/= gameplay. You don't have to play NV like a visual novel, but some of the greatest games ever made have somewhat flaccid gunplay but are saved by setting, atmosphere, story, and character. This is like saying Bioshock 2 was better than Bioshock because the shooting felt better.

>implying you weren't 9 years old 10 years ago

All bethesda has to do is get their shit together and make an actual fucking RPG Fallout. That's all there is to it and it would shut obsidrones for good. I know they have it in them, the potential to make an awesome RPG I mean, but for some retarded reason they're determined on making fucking Farcry clones like Fo4 and I don't know why. Is it because it's easier? or because they're trying to cater to a specific demographic like women? There's plenty of people like me that would like a real Fallout RPG so I'm sure it would sell well.

>loves fallout 4
>"you have shit taste"

Because mindless shooters have broader appeal, so they can sell a shitload of copies to everyone with a pulse.

The best example is probably PS:T, you won't find many people who will defend the combat but thankfully if you play your cards right it's almost entirely optional and everything else about the game is so good that it's hardly a negative in the grand scheme of the game.

But FO4 is kino

>3 and NV don't have bad gameplay
>It's serviceable
>3 didn't even have iron sights
>The maintenance mechanic is a fucking chore carried over from Oblivion that never existed in any other Fallout
>Weapons would randomly lock up and not fire because you jumped or got put into a stagger animation and Gamebryo couldn't keep up
>Likewise this would also lock up reloading, so you'd have to put away your weapon and re-equip it to fix the problem

>This is like saying Bioshock 2 was better than Bioshock because the shooting felt better.
And you're acting like that isn't the case. Bioshock was a dumbed down piece of shit, at least Bioshock 2 did something by being a decent shooter.

You're a retard who thinks not sucking 3/NV's cock means you like Fallout 4.

Implying Fallout 3 was bug free and without glitches, at least Obsidian made a role playing game and not some shitty loot shooter.

>RPG mechanics are a joke
I'll definitely give you that. Previous FO's had much more variety. Sure you MIGHT be able to classify some responses like FO4 does, but not that often
>Settlements are repetitive
I can see why some people would think that. I personally have a blase with them, though there is room for improvement. Maybe it's just my autism speaking when I say I enjoy it idk.
>Story shat all over the lore
TBF, the idea that civilization could someone thrive and return a few hundred years after a nuclear holocaust is lol imo. But from what lore research I've done, I do see your gripe.

I don't care what the fuck Fallout 5 is as long as they release the fucking mod tools within a few months of launch.

Todd Howards is ITT


>it doesn't even have iron sights therefore it's a bad game

I'm fucking laughing holy shit

CODkiddie detected

hey now don't be bringing Bioshock into this. Bioshock 2 was great but I feel Bioshock 1 was amazing as well. That pump action shotgun.


Wholeheartedly agree. Basically everything about that fucking game was absolute trash (the storyline was a fucking travesty) except for gunplay and power armor. It doesn't surprise me at all that it's normies favorite fallout game. Less reading, more shooting.

>try to get fallout 4 to run over 60 fps
>the physics are tied to framerate
why the fuck are game developers still doing this shit, it's unbelievable

Why are you equating gameplay solely to guns in a roleplaying game? The gunplay isn't as good as a dedicated shooter but it doesn't have to be since it's not the focus of the game at all.

>Make a game with shooting mechanics
>Don't have working iron sights on your guns
>Rifles are useless at their supposed effective range
But let me guess, iron sights are stupid UNLESS Obsidian does it? Which is what they did.


It's Borderlands with a Fallout skin.

>And you're acting like that isn't the case. Bioshock was a dumbed down piece of shit, at least Bioshock 2 did something by being a decent shooter.
Dude I fucking love 2 but you're mental.


Deep breaths, kiddo. We'll get through this just fine.

t. fineline122

10/10 argument user.

sorry you need to slow down and stand still to aim a gun which gives no accuracy benefit or even zoom in, stick to ADS on scopes not everyfucking gun you doublenniiggggeerr


Ideas for a new Fallout game?

I want to play as some Vault-Tec grunt who, through different story lines, ends up contributing to the escalating world conflict, and/or nuclear event in one way or another.

Doubling down on your autistic fit isn't helping you.

It has nothing to do with realism, the reticule in Fallout 3 and New Vegas when using ADS doesn't line up with the bullet trajectory of the weapon after a certain distance. That's the whole fucking reason that Obsidian introduced ironsights in New Vegas, so guns were actually usable beyond ten feet.

It is, actually. Of all the Bethesda/Obsidian FO games, it has the best world building by far.

>people like this are the reason that New Vegas 2 or whatever will never be made