Lethal or nonlethal?

Lethal or nonlethal?

How the fuck is that even a question?

Lethal has more fun and varied options than nonlethal in every stealth game

whatever the job pays

Depends if I want him to wake up or not.

where his nose

I'm annoyed that there's never an option in stealth games to handcuff and gag enemies after you knock them out.

Because most stealth games include both options.

if you get bonuses from doing non-lethal, then i will usually do that.

Non-lethal is immersion breaking so lethal. This is true for every stealth game.

Yeah I usually pretend they slipped and fell and that's how they were knocked out

You'd have to carry a lot of handcuffs and gags with you.

Non-lethal, they were just doing they're job / following orders.

>people actually apply morals to AI

This. Makes no sense for a guy like Sam to let terrorists live.

Zip ties would be reasonable

nonlethal and ghost is usually more challenging which makes the game more fun so that

its inverted

Non-lethal because I like a challenge.

fuck off saucy

Does he have to dilate to keep it from closing?

In MGSV I had more fun playing non-lethal than going full retard and blowing shit up. Just my two cents.

Why would you playa stealth game if you want to run and gun?

In Desperados you can tie up knocked out enemies

>run and gun
Do you honestly think that applies to what's happening in the OP image user?

>pretending stealth lethal isn't a thing

How can anyone say non-lethal is more challenging? Lethal means you have bloodstains to deal with and guards becoming more alert and deadly upon seeing a dead body than an unconscious one, if there is even one for finding an unconscious body.

>lethal means running and gunning

Why the fuck would I be talking about the OP image you retard?
If you are ghosting shit it's literally irrelevant if you hit the right or left mouse button. That's why the question is retarded.

>game rewards the player for no kill run

>those guard interrogations
how could you stab those poor men

Go for ghost, adapt if something goes wrong
>b-but muh quick saves
fuck off.

>game rewards the player for only killing civilians

>If you are ghosting shit it's literally irrelevant if you hit the right or left mouse button. That's why the question is retarded.
Then why do people have different preferences?

Because people are fucking morons.


>Everyone else is an idiot, only I am of superior intellectual capacity!

Sweet reaction images broskis, how does it feel to be braindead?

>Playing non-lethal means tapping the ranged, one hit sleepy time button occasionally
>It's not a crutch guys, honest!


wew lad I can smell the butthurt from here

How so?

Are there any games where they actually wake up?

almost exclusively non-lethal unless im forced to kill

goon lives matter too and im no psychopath


>press button on your right instead of button on your left

you can do that in Commandos 2 as long as you choose the appropiate commando, basically anyone but the thief or the seductress

which is why the first mission after the tutorial is so hard, since those two are your only options

dude, almost all of them, i think the only stealth game ive played in which they DONT wake up is dishonored

which means theres hardly any difference between lethal crossbow bolt and non-lethal crossbow bolts

>he doesnt ghost the level


i wish MGSV rewarded this style of play

turns out you don't wash your ass you nasty nigger

splinter cell series?
deus ex?
only mgs do that
like, a no traces bonus, you mean?

Nonlethal is usually harder in an annoying way rather than an interesting way.

knock down everyone non lethaly without being spoted

The best way to use the tranq pistol in MGS is to shoot their body instead of head

>what does ghost mean?
You might as well have never been there. In an out with no contact.

>play Splinter Cell Blacklist
>decide to go lethal because why not
>kill about 25 people in every mission
>at the end of the game, Sam's killcount is a three figure number
At what point do you cease to be a hero and become a maniac?

funny because you can steal all kind of shit on thief and spergs like you steal call it "ghost run" as if nobody is gonna notice there's stuff missing

but subdue an actual human target needed to complete the mission and it's OH NO IT DOESN'T SATISFY MY AUTISM

ghost fags are the worst

correct me if I'm wrong but I think that in thief they actually notice if there's loot missing

You were always the maniac. Just pointed in the right direction.

>Knocking out the enemy
>Stabbing the enemy
>Implying that an actual stealth player would do either

Avoid the enemy entirely. The goal of the game is to complete your objectives without anybody ever knowing you were there, you dirty casuals.

i mention thief because thief fags are the ones behind the ghost concept as a self imposed challenge
yet they complain when sam fisher has to kill a terrorist to stop world war 3 because my fee fees

>splinter cell series?

they do wake up if the body is found by another guard


havent played it yet

>deus ex?

ive played around a bit but i hardly got a chance to test non-lethal weaponry cuz you are given almost no ammo for the crossbow and the prod and i havent continued playing after finishing liberty island

>like, a no traces bonus, you mean?

most games treat this as no kills, no knockdowns, no alerts, if the enemy THINKS he saw you but later writes it off as "it mustve been my imagination" it still counts as ghost

Nonlethal if possible but if I fuck it up, well, nobody will notice if there's nobody to notice.

>not doing both

>play dudesex hr
>notice nonlethal give more points
>knock out people for xp points and then shoot them in the head with silenced pistol for more points and the perk of people not getting up again after a while

My main gripe is that most games give you one nonlethal ranged weapon and one melee takedown while lethal gets tons of options that are way more fun, bonus points if the game punishes you for going lethal

>what is MGS 4
man that weapon customization stuff had to be the most underutilized mechanic ever

>MGSV gives you non-lethal grenade launchers and rocket launchers

You're getting ghosting confused with non-lethal user.
The whole point of ghosting is accomplishing the objective without needlessly revealing your presence by knocking out guards or going loud.

>nonlethal gets a close range dart gun or a melee knockout
>lethal gets sniper rifles, shotguns, assault rifles, silenced variants, knives and environmental kills

non lethal is just a pussy version of lethal, no change in challenge
no interaction with the guards is the true challenge

>non lethal stealth with 'accidental' kills which don't count

>non-lethal grenade launchers and rocket launchers
Welp time to pick that game back up

you could force stealth section even when there wasn´t any on The gateaway 1. On the second half of the game with the cop attacking an no agressive enemy who is backwards from close would trigger a handcuff animation. you could do that on entire section if you never begun a shoottfight and as pointed you had infinite handcuffs

are there any interesting stealth games coming out or is the genre dead?

This. I usually try to play nonlethal but usually decide "fuck it" half way through the level and kill everyone because it is easier.

go play Destination Paris if you haven't already.

It makes even less sense for Sam to let any trace he was there to begin with

>Those weapon attachments you'll never use
>That drum you'll never use
>That cardboard box you'll use once and then forget about
>Those emotion darts you'll never use
>All of those lures, magazines, sleeping bombs, gas grenades and equipment that requires you to use intuition
>None of it gets used because the game gives you a silenced pistol that k.o.s in one shot.

This is a big problem with most of the MGS games. They give you all of this cool shit and no reason to use it.

>stopped playing after liberty island
you mean you got filtered DURING liberty island

>the game tracks progress across saves/loads so you have to start from scratch because a guy ragdolled off a ledge

it's dead, casualized for modern audiences

Nonlethal for NPCs that don't deserve death.
Lethal for everyone else.

>that mission that takes place on the Russian/Georgian border
>go lethal
>halfway through you realize you’re slaughtering simple border guards
They didn’t have the balls to make you go lethal against US soldiers in Gitmo though.

>civilian sees killing your target through a wall because you walked in too fast and the killing animation started during the last frame of the door closing

tough to be fair, they are mostly useful for dealing with the last troops in the compound more than anything, the stun grenade launcher in particular is awfully loud, so you might not activate an alarm, but upon hearing the flashbang explosion the enemy will know something is up and will change their patrol patterns or begin a search, and if during this search they find the soldiers you knocked out or held at gunpoint the situation can quickly get out of hand, as they will rejoin the patrol

so now you have MORE people to deal with and they all are aware you are out there somewhere

Didn't 1 have you breaking into the CIA or something? Did they take away your gun for that one?

Enemy is hitted by another enemy driving.
He sees the body, goes out and call for radio
High alert. golden shit point= Instantly every enemy on the level knows exactly where you are

MGS games are the only one where guards wkae up by themselves if thats what you mean, most of the time a KO'd guard must be woken by another guard.

i finished the game famalama, tough that was probably more than a decade ago


i finished that level you illiterate baboon, but so far i didnt find the game too engaging and time hasnt been kind to some of the mechanics, overall the game is kinda awkward to handle, maybe cuz is not a pure FPS, and the enemy AI is just too simplistic

>hit enemy with a tranquilizer dart
>upon waking up, instead of assuming he fell asleep due to the grueling shifts hes been through, he knows already that it was the enemy

>Back into a shadowy corner to avoid being seen
>Get spotted from another room because your ass clipped through a wall

>oh damn, passed out on the job
>what's this weird dart thing sticking out of my body?
>must just be all those extra shifts I've been taking

they never mention anything about the dart

>gee how did this dart get lodged in my forehead

Usually Lethal, it's the simplest and most effective way of playing the game, but most games always hamfist a pacifist route that either gets you a better ending because muh morals or is exactly the same with a higher difficulty level. I enjoy the latter very much.
I'm looking at you Dishonored.

>Playing Dishonored
>Kill one or none at all through whole game
>Don't use 90% of abilities, ammo or weapons, only blink and timestop are useful
Nonlethal is more fun but it locks you into not using most of the abilities and you feel like biggest autist ever

older, pre Blood Money, Hitman
and its a series that really encourages non-lethal playthroughs, killing anyone that isnt your target prevents you from getting that sweet, sweet Silent Assassin rank

>you can knock out enemies by throwing other enemies on them

>mfw dark vision, timestop, upgraded blink and the one that makes bodies vanish
this game is so broken it's not even funny

>drag corpse into a fucking air vent
>they somehow die
>this counts against you