ITT: post that one game that you wanted to like, but just couldn't for some reason

ITT: post that one game that you wanted to like, but just couldn't for some reason.

I want to play Dead Space 2 because I hear it's better but I feel like I should play Dead Space first.

1 is the better game

The entire (Forbidden) Siren trilogy.

>made by ex-Silent Hill director
>creepy AF enemy design + full of Jap horror atmosphere

Yet gameplay is simply put from arse, 1 suffers of awful English dub + extra clunky design, and Blood Curse's pants on head retarded "Amuricah, fuck year!!" soft-reboot.

I was the same, just play the 2nd game. Story is similar to the 1st anyway.

What didn't you like about it? 2 has a better story, characters and different locations, but gameplay is largely similar.

Pic related and Sonic 06. The franchise has simply not recovered at all after this. I really don't understand the success of Sonic Colors and Generations.

Sonic Mania was great but it recycled too much from the original games. I still loved it though.

The game isn't that long just power through it you pussy. Pic unrelated

>you wanted to like, but just couldn't for some reason.
>Dead Space
maybe you just have shit taste. Did you like Persona ?

Both the original fallouts.
There is absolutely no reason I shouldn't love them but neither of them ever click.

Persona 5. I really wanted to buy into the hype but all the characters in it just piss me off too much.

>maybe you just have shit taste.

Mortal Kombat

is way better, 1 can be boring a little repetitive and it feels unfinished.
2 is fucking great and all the references to 1 feel spookier cuz you don't know what happened but it's obvious the game is implying, bad shit went down here.

Resonance of fate. Why? All the bullshit mechanics that are there solely to frustrate you. Like how you farming is a bitch due to having target specific parts for specific items, having to pick up the damn items during combat, the bezels breaking into a million pieces that insta heals enemies, not being able to teleport out of boss rooms, enemies respawning behind you in dungeons meaning you can't backtrack, and the list goes on.

Really wanted to like it, I love gun autism and atmospheric games
It just never clicked for me
Although I'm playing the shit out of Escape from Tarkov now and I imagine it's similar

Persona 3.

I enjoyed the overall concept of the story, but the boring friendship simulator aspects, lack of choice in terms of character customization and dialogue which forced me to play as a boring silent protagonist, lack of control of my other party members' actions (i know this gets fixed later) and totally dragged out story made me drop it.

The music and artstyle and basic premise was good, but nearly everything else felt like a drag.

Forgot to mention why I wanted to like it. Because the combat seems interesting as a concept, if only it had not been buried under the bs I mentioned. Also the aesthetics and characters, and the clothing system.

Them's fightin words

two is like one but with more action and QTE. i like two but they fucked up how the enemies behaved a bit.

>in one, enemies would rush you and stop at a small distant and walk slowly towards you to attack
>in two, enemies just run at your face and attack you with no time to react

The ancient UI killed them for me.

the hobo phase is a tough one

The second Dead Space has a short intro film that catches you up to the story. I wasn't big on the first game either. Too repetitive for me.

Overwatch - everyone was raving about it before release but played it and stopped less than a week after release because it is simply a worse version of TF2.
Don't Starve - the most boring game I've ever played.
Marvel Infinite - I wanted another fighting game to play with a player base that wasn't SFV but everything in and surrounding that game is a train wreck.