>final boss is you but stronger
Final boss is you but stronger
Other urls found in this thread:
>final boss is the player character from the previous game
name 2 games
>final boss makes several illusions of himself
>Final boss is your best friend who is also gay
>final boss mimics all of your movements and abilities
final boss dumps gifs from weeb shit
>final boss is mai waifu
Alien Hominid
>Final Boss is a former ally
Wouldn't the player character be stronger by virtue of beating them?
>final boss is your character from your previous playthrough
Please stop posting my daughter.
>there is no final bossfight despite the game building up to one
name one game
dragon's dogma
a lot of the stuff in this thread is from Dragon's Dogma
Muh Nigguh
>the final boss is you from the past where you were at your strongest.
>the final boss is stronger for everytime you died in the game
>final boss is a book
>final boss is you but stronger
>Boss is a necromancer who summon all your past corpses to fight for him
>TFW you died against him before and now have to fight a guy as good as you
>regular enemy is you but weaker
final boss is you.
>final boss is you but dead
Except he's not the final boss.
>final boss is anime girl
>final boss flaunts her soft, thick thighs
>final boss is you from the future to toughen you up for the challenge ahead
Hardest boss is a literal nobody in casual clothing.
Final boss is yourself/yourself's self/your other self/a bunch of cosplayers
>final boss is just some mindless monster with no relevance to the plot
What game? The concept sounds amazing.
>Final boss is the sequel's main character
>final boss is a single word
>final boss is a rival fight
these will never not be the best fights in their games
Not really any real game in head. ZombiU did kinda that where your deaths created a zombie with your equipement.
>final boss is secretly a bug
>there is no final boss
>you have to choose between staying in the final room or walking away
Dark Souls 2?
>final boss is the 1st boss
>Final boss is you but a T-rex
>current ally was the last game's final boss
But the Throne of Want has a whopping THREE bosses in a row my dude
I think this is fitting for the thread.
>final boss is you but your evil twin
>final boss is the same size as you
>final boss is stronger than you, faster than you, has more than ten times your health and has to be beaten on a strict time limit
>final boss is you, but Cooler
>Big lumbering monster with telegraphed attacks
>Suddenly a humanoid opponent who is just as fast or faster than you and can dodge as well
>You can individually defeat the bosses weaker sub-forms to weaken him or #YOLO it
Why isn't Kobeni real
>Final Boss is your friend 'kay?
>final boss is a clone of your former self
>final boss is your original body
>boss is literally an exact copy of your character sheet
Dragon's Dogma?
You are close now. SO VERY CLOSE TO ME
>final boss is your son
>Final boss battle
>You get to pick which side to play as
In terms of powers...FFXV I guess.
>Final boss partnered with you on the previous phase
>final boss makes a good case for his actions
>you can choose to join him rather than fight him
>the rest of the game is obliterating your allies and helping fulfill the "villain's" plans
Nier Gestalt
Why are normal-sized bosses always harder than the giant monster ones?
>final boss is you but weaker
>Second to last boss is more interesting
Every fucking time
It's like fruit. The juice is more concentrated.
>game repeatedly tells you to finish the cycle of eternal return
>you continue it
Because they're just like you.
For the same reason why you, tiny human, can defeat huge mountain sized beasts and gods.
They are also strong enough to defeat those. But now they're fighting you.
I fucking hate it.
>final boss regens health
>Final(human) Boss is the PREQUEL main character
>final boss only has one very specific strategy to beat it in a long running series of games where you've always been able to beat the boss no matter what you brought with you to the fight
>if you don't have the specific set of skills set you're just gonna be unable to do any damage to his final form
>The final boss is too strong for you to beat
>But every ally you made in the game and some of your old enemies join forces to help you beat him
>JAM Project plays while you fight the final boss
wut game?
Four if you count Aldia.
he cant be me if he's any cooler
>there is no final boss
>you can consider yourself as a final boss because of what you have become
>final boss "dies" then smashes through the credits to fight you some more
>beat final boss
>REAL final boss smashes through credits
>you're barely a third of the way through the game
>final boss is barely any stronger than his underlings
In tactics ogre the final boss literally copies your team
This bitch thicc
>final boss is The Boss
>There's no good end.
>Final boss wins by convincing party they're wrong.
>cutscene showing all the places you've been and people you've met praying for your victory.
The best feeling desu.
Planescape Torment.
>Immediately win because you ran a glass cannon build and you go first.
>party gets help from ___you___