Why does japan create so many grotesque characters? Why can't they just keep it down for a bit, they focus more on gameplay but their ungodly character designs completely ruin the experience for me. Anyone else?
Why does japan create so many grotesque characters? Why can't they just keep it down for a bit...
>depicting the ideal once in a while is grotesque
character designs don't effect my enjoyment of a game, Im not a fag
Because Japs are literally fucking retarded. Think of all the times they have to be told when to laugh or who to look at.
The character on the left look okay though, you should probably work harder in your cherrypicking.
>once in a while
>implying that obese titcows and loli schoolgirls are """ideal""" for anyone other than kissless virgins
Have you ever watched an american sitcom? For whatever reason they play laughing sounds as if there was an audience and when the episode is over you're supposed to clap.
Why does it say potato faces on the right when its clearly the left?
Potato faces vs shovel faces makes more sense.
Morrigan was kind of cool, the other two bitches are annoying as fuck.
Step up your bait OP
Should have used trish instead of yen. yen is too much for even western fags
American sitcoms and all forms of Japanese comedy are poorly written.
>It's this thread again
>physically weak looking and can only win through weeaboo voodoo magic
This applies to 99.9% of women tho
I don't think Japan sexualizes female characters all the time even though there are some prime offenses, but what the fuck even with those designs in right?
How is a belt around a woman's breasts even practical to begin with?
>shown on the left
>okay looking
>40 year old used goods
>literal sociopath
good analysis, dr. autist
>t. hasn't been outside for 3 years
> I selectively use real life as an argument
Same old troll thread. Most of you trolling about sexualized women will go jack off to porn before crying yourself to sleep.
I want big titty monsters in my games and films because there aren't enough of them in real life.
In terms of clothing choices the top right looks stupid and the bottom right is okay, it's the middle right that baffles me. Open top with two belts on your bare skin, why? It's not even a practicality thing, just common sense would say that's beyond stupid to do be it fantasy or reality.
>Associating Meiko with these fucking shovelfaces
You think that disgusting rabbit monster is ideal?
what with this anime girls that get drunk from one bear OR FROM ALCOHOL FUMES
Because weebs are degenerates with rape fantasies
>actually look like they can kick ass
now that is what I call BADASS!!!
>Implying she only had one
Don't try to experience it and play something else
Not even a virgin and I fucking love tittymonster characters.
Maybe u just have low T
>drunk from one bear
>anime characters have an "ideal" physique
Potato faces and disproportionate bodies are not "ideal".
This. What kind of fag actually complains about sexualized tit cows in video games?
Literally gay.
Nice job cherry-picking fag.
Character designs wouldn't be such a problem if the games weren't steaming hot garbage. For example, every game on the left is a typical western hollywood movie, while every game on the right is cinematic weeaboo waste with zero gameplay. Of course they need politics and/or tits to hold your attention: there's certainly no gameplay.
Even when you cherry pick japan wins ;^)
>using actually decent western designs for once
The baits are getting much more difficult to discern nowadays. One of these days I might even end up believing these may actually be unironic.
Too bad those designs are wasted on bad movies.
Because they look ugly, you faggot.
>witcher 3
It's less of a movie than any of the shit on the left side.
It still has boring mash x against hp sponges combat and braindead mechanics like batman eyes. It's very much like Skyrim, a dull game made to sell as many copies as possible through marketing.
This is how you do a woman right.
>Make same thread an hour or two earlier
>Receive a few replies, doesn't catch fire. Deleted by mods.
>Try again
Your desperate need for attention is pathetic
>zero sex fanservice
Just like with Samus, it's so far out of the way that you wouldn't even notice it the first time, and more importantly, it's not the cornerstone of the game or its advertising.
I hate Ubisoft for somehow taking Assassin's Creed bullshit combat and mechanics and injecting them into too many other games.
Lord of the rings RPG? Better make it BATMAN ARKHAM CITY: MORDOR
10/10 Fucking amazing games everyone, woohoo!!!!
Stop using my waifu MEIKO for shitposting.
Right, so it doesn't count. Sure.
Try posting it another three or four hundred times, though.
What are you talking about? Who are you talking about?
>implying Red wasn't massively sexualized and alluring, you just didn't get it because you played on mute and rated the game 2/10 because it didn't appeal to your turboautistic sensibilities
Did the game spend 10+ hours putting cutscenes in your face specifically showing off her ass? I don't think so.
This again?
you got the left side right but your rationale for the right side just screams "I'm trying to get replies." So I guess you got me.
The right side should say nothing more than "this character should be built for the video game". If it needs story and sex appeal and all these gimmicks, then you've made a clerical error in your product.
is there really frantic crying in breath of the wild? geez it sure would make me uncomfortable to sit through a scene where someone breaks character and can't keep their shit together.
Whoever it is that keeps making these threads
>belt over breasts
i want more