Why is Persona 5 so homophobic?
Why is Persona 5 so homophobic?
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Just played this part earlier, why doesn’t Ryuji just give up his boipussy already
>this is bait
>but let me bump it to save the thread from dying
What did he mean by this?
Its a Japanese game that takes place in Japan.
They're pretty Damn homophobic there.
Cause japan ain't full of bleeding heart sjws. Or at least as many.
>tfw forget sage is a thing
He bumped it.
>Gay people need to act like I want them
What? Why are you dictating what people can and can´t do?
It propagates stereotypes.
Their faces look shopped in.
This shit is why japanese games are not acceptable anymore in 2018.
Agreed. What kind of homophobe wants nothing but unrealistic positive representation of gays. There are lots of gay rapists and pedophiles, gays are people too.
gays are bad people in general. a lot of them are pedophiles and some of them are "bugchasers"
So it put him in the closet because of two comedic relief characters that have less than a minute of screen time?
Also offended because the protagonist is completely straight. Runs away from the 2 scary gay guys and only has female romance options.
Course he never mentions the fact you befriend a crossdressing bartender.
Dude, I had a overly gay black friend back in my high school years. They do act like this. May I also point out said school I went to was full of Muslims as well.
They both have girlfriends
can't wwe just ship all homos to africa? they can have all the sex and HIV there all they want without having to worry about a thing excpet for locals trying to kill them for being gay -- but knowing gays, they might even welcome that. just ship them to africa
Why is the west so homophilic?
i was pleasantly surprised how this game is devoid of degeneracy and sjw delusions and just tries to be fun game made for normal people.
>Sorry. I make it a habit not to save guy's numbers on my cell phone.
Wow umm, homophobic much?!
Today the closet, tomorrow the oven!
we can only hope
This is extremely problematic. I will never support Persona 5 again
Get raped and kill yourself, you retarded fucking furfaggot sack of nigger shit with down syndrome.
I also like their view on gay stereotypes. If you are a body builder in Japan, you are most likely considered gay.
This is extremely disgusting. As someone who loved Persona 4 due to the way it handled Kanji's amazingly relatable story, Persona 5 has killed the series for me. Thanks Atlus!
Excuse me?
if its not actively calling for the extermination of faggots than who cares
I love Futaba!
who cares
I wish i had bro like Kanji
No homo
That's a face of a man who wants to fuck.
Agreed. P5 doesn't get points for half-assing it.
>sage with an image
You seem like the kind of retard who attempts to get dubs on Sup Forums.
Well, if /fit/ is anything to go by, it's true.
>They're pretty Damn homophobic there.
Depends on what you consider "homophobic". Yeah there are gay stereotypes and a lot of Japs think it's icky, but that's pretty much all there is. Japan has been amazingly tolerant of homosexuality throughout recorded history, interestingly enough. Gay Japanese people have never faced the same sort of negative treatment/discrimination that gays in western nations have.
I think that criminal transfer student is actually dangerously cute.
Don't tell her I said that though, I don't want to be beaten up.
Isn't gay marriage still illegal there?
>having fun game is disgusting.
I know you are baiting but I am glad you are just a faggot who will never procreate. Also Kanji wasnt gay.
Not surprising. All the Japanese porn with buff meaty muscled chads I've ever come across was gay porn.
And thank god for that. Who wants to get married and lose half their shit.
here we fucking go
>Kanji gay
>Naoto trans
I realize this post is a joke but there's actually people who think that. Did they just stop listening to the plot and just imagine there fanfiction instead while playing?
There are a decent amount of gays who are /fit/ oddly enough.
>Getting married
If you like getting fucked by the metal spiked dildo of divorce, sure.
>get swole to be an example of mascilinity and physicality
>get bunched in with booty bobdivers
It hurts.
Dubs literally don't work here.
Kanji was never gay you faggot. He was just pent up and confused himself.
Pretty much. It only got worse once the dub actor for Kanji believed in that shit too.
you just summoned barneyfag you retard
do you have any idea what you've done?
Shut the fuck up faggot.
If it was an ugly old woman no one would care. LGBT faggots can handle everyone but them being comedic relief.
Westerns will never understand how it is to love another man as a man in a non-sexual way.
I don't think he's so far gone that he'll get triggered by ponies from literally just seeing a picture of himself...Right?
>normal people
>shitty waifu game
>I don't think he's so far gone that.....
his autism is unstoppable and knows no bounds
you have doomed this entire thread
barneyfag actually looks like a cool guy if that even is him.
That's completely untrue. We just appreciate the male body.
I bet you think men stitching cute little dolls is gay as well.
How can you not be gay for Chad
>spin-off of a spin-off
Arena wasn't written by the P4 team.
Yes, but it is in the majority of countries across the planet. While marriage may be illegal there, homosexual activity has been 100% legal going clear back to the feudal era. The government isn't going to give your relationship their blessing, but they aren't going to interfere with it either. It's how it's always been there. Anti-gay violence has never been common place in Japan like it has in other places, nor has homos being on TV or in movies ever thrown the public into an uproar there. They simply don't care about it that much.
>moving the goal post
To be fair, Yu is the one making things seem here
>put me back in the closet
>in the closet
>by Kenneth Shepard
gays are fucking retarded
If it was good enough for Pygmalion it's good enough for you, faggot.
Everyone's gay for Chad Narukami
Literally every character is gay for you before the wedding, even Koromaru and Ken.
did you even play the game? lol
The type of people they put to work on a spin-off of a spin-off are literally scum. Small wonder they'd push their fan faction.
Fuck off Futabapedofag
Bodybuilding is gay. If you only just found that out and arent gay stop it or carry on doing it and continue being gay
Yu is not the only guy he shows attraction to. He says in his win quote with Akihiko that he can't help but stare at his muscles, and he also mentions that he had trouble concentrating fighting Junpei because he clothes were too tight on him.
Stop being so insecure about your liftplug.
P4A also boiled everyone's character stereotypes down to them being absolute retards.
MEAT chick and m-m-muh feels chick included.
futaba a cute!
what the fuck is this? It's the second time I've seen it now.
He's bi.
>gay marriage
What a pointless waste of energy.
read and
It's not just P4arena where he does it
>post Kanji showing attraction to dudes
>n-no that's true! I'm going to ignore what's right in in front of me!
this is how gays should work anywhere
Considering most of japan games and anime are "fabulous secret powers" levels of gay, Persona 5 is more of an exception than a rule.
I am gonna give you a pusy, lady
What part about "spin-off of a spin-off" doesn't register with your brain? Or are you just pretending?
They are still deemed canon by the creators. I don't see why that matters.
>cant stand JRPG's
>dont own any Sony console anyway
Eh, did I missed out much?
Basically they left Kanji's sexuality amiguous to give fujoshi some bait and at the same time make it easy for guys to feel alright about his character by deciding for themselves that "he's not gay, he just is a bit lost in sexuality and likes cute stuff for hilarity effect since he's such a bad motherfucker looking bloke".