Xenoblade Chronicles 2 Thread

Bitch about how your bladefu lacks fanart and how busted Poppi QTpi is here

Random question, which is the best spear blade in the game? I heard it was Vale, is this accurate?

Literally only art. How is it possible with her character?

preach the gospel of her trials and tribulations to /u/ you may spark some artists there to start a movement

Yes, especially if you're pairing her with other ether boosters like KOS-MOS

if you switch system language, does it change the language of text? I know you can do this in botw, but I don't want to bother spending extra to import if I can just buy the US version

I think that only applies to Zeke who has 2 ether arts in spears, otherwise you would want Herald.

Where do you guys download the ost?

It's not fair bros where is the Kora fanart?

Download the Jap sub off the eshop

The full OST is not even out. Only 11 song got released.

None whatsoever. Wasn't a fan going in, but the fear of bugs and cute responses to food won me over.


I forgot you could do this, but I'd still prefer to have a physical version if possible

The fuck is wrong with her eye

post ur party

What are the best arts/weapons for each character?

Don't listen to that retard. Sub is only avaliable in English, French, and spanish on the US verison. That dumbass meant the japanese voice on the eshop, you cannot download the japanese subtitle on the US verison. You have to buy the jap verison game if you want jap audio/sub.


/u/ already heard of her, they are more interested in Morag and Brighid

Thanks, I thought he just meant to buy the Japanese version off the eshop. Kinda sucks that they don't give you the option though

Can we buy the Jap game and download the english dub?

what's the one song with the female singer? not the choir thing.

guys, is torra too OP to drop him from my party? when I try to use morag or zeke to tank they die instantly even with the same gear tora has. i hate this fucking fat little nig and want morag or zeke to tank. how do I do this?

Play as the tank basically.

Morag is a dodge tank, Zeke tank might be a meme.


>Go in completely blind
>Roll her in Ch.4 in the old factory
>Shit bricks

How is she as a blade??

what I know, Morag is better suited for being a tank
do you already have equipped her with some tank-blades?

>hating on poppi

the fuck is wrong with you faggot

Morag is a dodge tank a practically demands specific blades (Katanas and Finch) to function, Tora is an HP tank. Zeke will never fucking tank due to his stat line.
>hating Tora and Poppi
end your life

one of the best in the games

light-element and one of her special attackes heals the whole party

One of the best in the game, she is kinda superfluous on Rex though since she is Light.

Probably the worst blade you can roll on Rex. Otherwise she's top 5.

Why are you using two tanks user? Did you make a cool set up?

why did they allow rolling blades on rex outside of story ones?

>genki shorthaired
Fuck, why is she so perfect bros? She should be the main heroine.


The real question is why are there only 3 overdrive protocols.

There aren't. You get some from finishing the drivers affinity grid, and chance from dismissing a 4 star blade when it's S rank, make sure to save before dismiss so you can reload if it doesn't give you an overdrive.

Sadly no. Japanese doesnt like gaijin. Also why would you want the eng voice if you know how to read japanese sub?

Do you need Finch in Morag? If I want to have all elements I would rather have two light element with Kosmos, otherwise I will have to bench Zenobia and see what other blade can I put on Rex.

For all the catfags out there: She will never get in Rex's pants. Deal with it.

You really only need three of them as the non-RNG blades are more than enough to complete all the content.


Literal slut.

There are 8 I think.

how can Pyra even compete

because nobody likes a turbo dyke

I like how Angela Balzac was a trial run for Hikari, and then he perfected the design with XC2.

Zenobia is better for Zeke anyway

In a more serious note, which blades should be overdrived using the three you get during the game? Like, the most important ones. I know it's up to the player, but I was thinking you can't go wrong with Boreas on Nia and Kos-mos on Zeke, but I dunno who to use the third one on.

I like her dub voice but I can’t stand her lack of acting ability. She sounds like an art college girl studying journalism as a minor.

with warm pussy

Wait, Saito was the same designer? That'd explain so much

Is there anything from dismissing 3 star and lower blades or is it just boosters

just boosters, I think

Why is she so perfect?

Just prioritize the healers for Nia. All the other attackers work fine for either Morag or Zeke. Rex eventually gets the ability to snatch up other party member blades for himself, so you don’t need to worry about him. And Tora is of course a non factor since he can only use Poppi.

brp... prrr...

Her vocal fry is ear poison

I like the Nia tank/Zeke Healer/Morag DPS meme team

Brapposters should be executed via firing squad

>no Azami art

Finch on Morag is actually not so great. Her move set with hammers is terrible due to really really shitty animations.
Brighid + 2 Agi mod katanas is what she needs.
Luckily you can guarantee that set up with Aegaeon and Theory


Kys f a m

>Valley Girl voice
No thanks I'm good

Are you talking about English dub?

>Not liking valley girls
it's all about finding the right balance between attractiveness and what you're willing to put up with my dude

Zeke should get Zenobia
Nia should get Ursula
... that's actually all I can think of considering the random draw blades.

This is Morag, princess of Mor Ardain. Say something nice about her

She quite the career woman and takes her job very seriously.

She is not for Lewds..

why does she have a baby face?

I'm sure that's what she thinks how a tsundere is suppose to act. Cold and uncaring on the outside, warm and loving on the inside. Except since there's two blades, she probably interpreted as Mythra is the cold and uncaring side while Pyra is the opposite.

Just beat the game.

She uses quality skin care products

That makes a lot of sense, Morag doesn't really need the topple from the hammer if Rex has Mythra.

Theoretically speaking, I CAN run three hp tanks on Morag if I wanted, right?

I'd run Newt/Electra/Kasandra on Rex if I could disengage Pyra/Mythra. Crit mythra gets boring after a while

Man, if Dahlia's passive carried over to Pneuma, that would be deadly. Shame Dahlia's not that great, even for an attacker Bitball and Rex's healing with Bitballs is ass. Why did you go with her? Just like her that much?

Maybe, though she does do some parts pretty good. Her performance inconsistency was pretty big though and while Rex couldn't yell, at least for most of the game he didn't sound complete ass.

Yeah, sure. But her hammer moveset is pretty shit, so she'll likely have trouble. Zeke seems to make a better HP tank.

How do they expect me to play this game when I get the urge to fap from these designs every 30 minutes?

>no rule 34 of morag

Why even live

Do not lewd Morag

Learn to control yourself. I play the game and just let it build up. One of these days, the lewds, both pics and fics, will be amazing. I will forever love the person that makes the first Ether Line lewd.

Just wait for the inevitable Morag /ss/ with Niall

>her hammer moveset is shit

Morag gets topple on hammer

>Sent her on a mission that required her as the leader at the start of chapter 5
>Now in chapter 6 in the town around that area
>She still hasn't come back yet
Do the ??:??:?? missions actually have a set timer?

Yeah, but the animations suck ass and I've actually had her miss the chance to topple. Zeke's knux topple is faster then her and that's saying something.

????? missions start a quest. Go to the harbor in urarya

It's to start a quest, my dude. You need to start it in Fonsa Myma port once you start the mission.

No that means they are available for an in-world quest. You'll need to meet her at the docks in urarya

Post xc2 reaction images

Has anyone made an approximate timeline between XB1 and XB2? We know exactly when Zanza gets his shit pushed in at the end, but do we have an approximate connection otherwise?

I found her healing to be sufficient enough for me. I'm a fan of her art but in-game it isn't rendered as beautifully I'd want, mostly her face.

>Has anyone made an approximate timeline between XB1 and XB2
Do you mean how long it's been since the two universes diverged?

reading comprehension, it literally says in the merc mission description to go meet her

I see. Can't fault you for that I suppose. I haven't seen her specials, so I don't know if they have the 'heals on damage' like Floren does. Pulled him on Rex and he was good for chapter 4, starting the Earth, Earth, Lightning with him was pretty good and always healed decently. Saved my ass on some of the harder unique fights leading up to the factory.

I need someone to shop Malos' face onto that train

Only in Addam's pants

>Klaus hits the button in XC2
>half of Klaus and Galea get sent to XC1 world, become Zanza and Mayneth
>Zanza and Mayneth die the same time in both worlds