Why are N64 emulators so poorly coded? Are there any good ones?
Why are N64 emulators so poorly coded? Are there any good ones?
m64py satisfies me being an autist who turns off texture filtering and plays everything in 16:9. i had to fuck around in the cfg files to do that though and of course there are small bugs but whatever, i have settled. no other emulator (m64py is mupen64plus frontend so includes that) lets me turn off all texture filtering, not even the retroarch mupen64 core
Project 64 with GlideN64. Not Glide64, Glide N 64
The best ones have document leaks of console specs from what I understand
I have fantasies of being a billionaire who would just spend millions getting the specs to old consoles and then hiring code monkeys to make god tier emulators
Fuck you
eat shit
What about ParaLLel
Mupen64Plus is alright, but it sucks that you have to use the piece of shit that is Retroarch if you want a UI.
>being an anti texture filtering autist
You're alright user.
unhinge the minge
You are the kind of billionaire this world needs, user
Is PJ64 still filled with Malware or no?
This. If I had a risiculous amount of money I would get myself my own proper music studio where I do whatever the fuck I want, start a game console collection and support emulation, star my own moon mouse program, weapon collection and have the rest of the money to live my life normally if I was just an above-average-salary-man
Now I am sad. I will never have any of this. I will never have anything I could truly wish for. I can't get even the simplest things done.
I'll be hacking my Wii tomorrow, how true is it that you can pirate N64 games from the Wii shop? Do they run well? Are all the good games there?