Im excited how about you guys?
Im excited how about you guys?
not at all.
Why not user?
Hell yes. This game is going to be amazing. Anyone who says otherwise is a pleb.
why do left4dead clones forget the one thing that L4D good? The fucking versus mode.
>oh put we instead put in a loot system :) much better right
>Versus mode in L4d was complete shit
>Vermintide has melee combat=Instantly better than guns
>Vermintide has actual Polished graphics and decent gore
>Loot system keeps the game interesting vs 1 hour of L4d and i'm bored of the same maps.
Re evaluate your life buddy.
Idk user i never played left for dead. Was it fun
one day ill get my dream 40k left4dead game one day but loot systems are not the answer
yeah man, hope it's great
>Meanwhile vermintide is getting a sequel because of how well it sold.
Cool meme though.
im not hating Vermintide is fun but I hated the loot system. I dont get why people are so against a versus mode
I have moderate optimism that it will be an enjoyable title. I'm not 'excited' though.
We dont need cancerous poorly balance multiplayer your the cancer killing games fucking MP faggot
I would if my friends ever played shit beyond Pubg, League, and Guilty Gear.
Kid gamers in 2018=
>It doesn't have multiplayer, WHAT KIND OF SHIT GAME IS THIS?
Okay jeez I fucking get it calm down holy fuck I just wanted to play as a Skaven
I'm extremely excited because the first one was a lot of fun.
But it really needs a couple things:
Less RNG loot finds, or at least more options to earn high level loot.
More Chaos Factions
No microtransactions, the game is already going to be $40, cut that shit out.
More careers, or more heroes, no reason why there can't be multiple dwarves or elves, and if they're going to make Kurillian have a dark elf career, just make a fucking dark elf.
And the campaign needs to be worth my money, none of this, beat in an afternoon shit.
All in all, the melee system is what's going to carry this game.
I really like the unchained career it looks really cool. What are you guys gonna try first?
I see dlc out the ass and loot boxes, so no, I'm not excited.
fuckin' Bardin's ironforge set.
looks rad as fuck
Nice try senpai, Fatshark are the good guys this timeline.
Fatshark still are not exactly the greatest of AA devs though
Literally NO signs of lootboxes. What kind of fucking meth are you on?
true, but I'd take $4 DLC that expands the campaign than $2.49 crates 'n keys that give skins to shit I don't care about.
Vermintide III with greenskins when
Do we know anything about loot system in V2? I think it's the most universally hated thing in first game. I personally cheated some weapons in the end, necause getting anything for more than 1 character was pain, and with server side progression that woulnot be really possible, so I don't want to get fucked by loot system again. I also think they told that there will be no lootbox shit and I personally have nothing against selling costumes as DLC, thogh this should be unlockables for some kind of achievments and not something to just buy.
>The fucking versus mode.
will you please kill yourself already?
No word officially on the loot system, but the entirety of their forums said to add better ways to acquire loot.
I don't blame you for cheating loot, but earning it was the best part of the game tbqhfamalam. except getting reds, fuck that.
They haven't shown off the updated system yet, but we do know that there's going to be a hell of a lot more loot.
Closed beta is taking so fucking long to start.
I know they want the single player stuff.
specially because how you balance good loot or character? and overpower creatures?
Unbalance teams is a hell to blanance already..
So I understand why they dont try vs mode.
Versus would be to broke and neither the fanbase nor the devs want it. The devs said they want to build on of the best coop games with this one.
I enjoyed L4D for the versus- I mean thoroughly enjoyed the mid-tier competitive pick up games.
I also enjoyed Vermintide because it had its own lore.. Finding all of the secrets was kind of interesting.
They kept putting content out for V1, too, so this new title is really looking good.
L4D is strictly a MP game unless you're an absolute baby.
Versus didn't have the deepest metagame with the tactics revolving on the specific maps, but it was VERY unforgiving. If all 4 infected did not coordinate perfectly the survivors are always able to ace the map.
On the fence.
I love co-op pve games, but the first one pissed me off. Too many groups that run off separate and die, rush you through full speed assuming you know what to do on fucking Easy as a new player, or are just retards. Also the loot system was ass and gear mattered way too much, which supposedly they are fixing the first part of anyways.
Does this game have a SP campaign?
This is for everyone.
More infos where provided by a magazine you can find a link at their reddit where they describe a lot of new and changing stuff.
You will get more loot through boxes (no paid microtransactions mind you) and the chance will ve higher to aquire it for your prefered character.
No more Chaos factions since the connection between Nurgle and the Skaven should be clear as sky.
More careers and heroes are a higher possibility because of their reworked engine which allows for better implementation. No multiple Dwarfs in a map should be clear why.
13 maps again 3 acts after each act there will be a boss battle.
I really want this to be the l4d2, more everything with great support and inclusion of shit from the first, in my wild fever dreams it gets a big enough community and supports its modders and we get shit tons of custom everything like l4d2 did too
This one will be definetly one of the careera I will play. All of Victor, Ranger for Bardin, Kruber dunno, Kerillian Shade.
This, GTFO and Hunt: Showdown all look great.
And then Far Cry 5, MHW, Anthem, Metal Gear survive, A Way Out... should be a good fucking year for bro-op.
Your fault at playing easy thats leterally baby mode 2x thats why it wont be in 2.
All the good players are on Nightmare and Cataclysm.
And gear matters shit, thats in your head. Skill is what matters most. There are players who do cata missions solo no bots with white weapons.
>>Versus mode in L4d was complete shit
fuck off and choke on bills infested dick
I was hoping for some additional characters, but maybe that'll happen later down the line.
We all did, but careers are a better choice and saves them money. Later down the line we could likely expect new ones.
Don't know man, I kind of disliked that they put paid DLC into the first game
Why are the skaven the best faction in WH fantasy?
Why? More maps, weapons and overall content for a finished game. They didnt even wanted to make DLC until the playerbase begged.
They never expected their game to be so popular or else they wouldve chosen another name. They already dropped End Times cause it was to long for the title.
Over 350 hours in the game, I'm beyond hype. Bet half of you fuckers don't even play good. Markus main here
Versus is the worst part of Left4Dead mate
More content is good, but I just generally don't like buying DLCs, and playing without them makes you feel like a second class player
>loved watching j_sat's solo cata videos
>now all of his videos have a stupid fucking facecam
Why does everyone fall to this stupid meme, again?
More on topic, though, I'm looking forward to Vermintide II, especially since it'll mean everyone's back to square one in regards to loot so I don't have to feel bad about the fact that I have next to nothing.
Slayer for Bardin, I loved that shit in WAR and I am hoping V2 captures the same feel.
Good thing that you can still join those maps (or at least play them if someone hosts) and earn the dlc weapons.
What would they add as new characters though?
I wouldn't mind playing with someone who didn't have much. It's a little late to gear up, but playing casually is still fun.
the only thing the loot system needs to get fixed is choosing any of the rewards rolled below your roll
say you get 6 hits but your favorite orange falchion is at 4th place; you can choose it over Boltstaff nr 23
Bretonnian, Lizardmen, Ogre mercenary, pirates.
4 orcs and a goblin
That is up to speculation which was done to death and it turns out its really problematic since now a lot of thos wanted characters would overlap with the careers, no Bret Knight because Kruber is Foot Knight already. In addition lore is also a problem and restricted to the End Times, so no Vampires or Lizardmen.
The first one was fucking dogshit, so no.
The lead writer said on a stream a while ago that he'd like a wolf priest of ulric.
When does it start? Do I get in for having the PC preorder down?
I hope for additional characters
It's supposed to be on Bretonnian border so here's hoping
I tried to like it, but it's just a shitty game.
Unkown. There will be multiple betas down the line.
The subscribtion and humble beta will be earlier and together as well. The pre Order beta a few weeks earlier and they can keep all progress.
Zealot and BH Victor looks fun but it won't feel right if I'm not Witch Hunter Captain
Unchained Sienna looks fucking rad and will probably play her this time instead
Then tell me what you didnt like.
Did you liked L4D? I certainly didnt and it pales at everything Vermintide has to offer.
No, the characters are fucking boring for a Warhammer game.
Oh wow, no shit? Thanks for the info.
>there are people who actually enjoyed NoMercy1x2: The Mode
No Mercy is the best campaign in the series
you have te be more than 18 to post here
Why are they boring and who wouldve you chosen instead?
>yfw the thaggoraki are swarming
Kruber's 2nd and 3rd archetypes reveal when?!
>Movement sucks ass as you get stuck on everything lying around in the environment, jumping barely gets you over steps, if at all
>Melee combat is one of the most bland and uninspiring of any game I have played in recent memory
>Character banter made me want to perma-mute the mercs, utter mind-numbing retardation
>Completely missed opportunity of giving characters additional abilities or enhancements to set them apart from one another
>Nearly every enemy is a 1 for 1 copy of L4D, not a shingle shred of creativity
>Game often spawns special infected literally right behind you to get nigged
>Grinding loot, possibly the most important mechanic, first of doesn't even belong in a fucking PvE game, I've played several hours straight without getting a single bit of loot for the witchhunter I was playing, even with his trinket thats supposed to increase chances of getting loot for said character.
>Can't do tougher difficulty because it requires good loot which requires you do pointlessly spend time grinding, which is utterly contrived and retarded for PvE.
I'm excited for it, but I'm afraid to buy because I think my toaster won't be able to handle it.
Waiting for the beta and news for kerillian and kruber
Most of it is wron heres why:
I dont remember the last time I got stuck really seriously without a bug. You need to dodge more and pay attention to your surroundings if that wasnt obvious.
Is one if not the best FP meele there is. Each weapon gives you another playstyle with different combos and attack patterns. This will be expanded upon in 2.
Subjective. The bants are fantastic and the interaction with the environment expalins some bit about the Warhammer Universe. The VA's are godlike.
This was planned but scraped. Will be featured in 2 with active and passive abilities along with skill trees.
Nothing wrong with that since all Enemy types were present prior in the Lore, they got a slight rework for the game nothing else. People like to see their favourite Skaven.
Are a bit problematic but not drastic and if youre quick enough you can deal with a whole Stormvermin patrol which could spawn before your face.
>Grinding loot meme
Completly wrong. A lot of people like you write this game of because they think loot is all that matters, but its wrong skill matters more which comes from the time aquirieng those weapons and trinkets. Gear doesnt make you better it makes your games a tad bit easier.
There are people who solo cata with pnly white weapons.
You really should overthink your purchase and how you play this game.
Hope I could change your mind and provide clearence
Me too I literally CE all my weapons to get proc 100% heal and attack speed on hit and increase pushback for melee and 100% proc hit will always be headshot, regen ammo, multishot. Never need to car about loot ever again.
Nice bait, but kill yourself anyways
>Have the first game
>haven't touched it because of HUGE backlog
Am I fucked? Not even all my games. Should I even play the first game at all now that two is coming out?
>This entire post
You still would have received this (you) with alot less work. Maybe try less harder when baiting.
I won't buy it until I hear that it'll have a longevity of more than a month.
Since it's already installed, you might as well play through the missions on normal difficulty. It could get you interested in the sequel.
Wow these anti-vs fags are scary. You must have been children when you played it. It was fun
It was a great game and still probably is. The characters had a lot of personality and each game felt new because of how hordes, tanks, and witches randomly spawned. Plus the levels typically had some neat setpieces and scripted events.
>You must have been children when you played it.
the irony.
Was there really anything else to unlock????
Disappointed it's the same cast but looking forward to it anyway.
excited but kind of pissed since i got all the dlc for 1 like 3 months ago but now theres a whole new game coming out
i didnt pay too much so it doesnt hurt but still
I don't think there's anything to carry over, but each level is worth playing at least once.
Anything to unlock for class-wise?????
Ex: Abilities, armor, etc.
Playing the first chapter twice in a row then everyone leaving isnt.
Not really. Weapons for each character have varied styles, and everyone seems to find one they like. But there aren't abilities or locked classes. The only major thing locked would be each level, and you need to finish one difficulty to unlock the next.