What went so wrong?


The target audience.

I think what went right
(character design, animation, etc.)
would be much faster to list.

Is this the official nu male pose ?

Some overturned heros ATM looking forward to mercy and junk nerfs. Looking forward to OWL kicking off on the 10th

Literally nothing.

Never trust lolis
My cousin nicky got assaulted by a couple of 'em back in the day
is there any way we can salvage that game?

>what went wrong
can't believe retards fell for it to begin with

>stun mechanics

Nothing else encompasses soywatch like it senpai

It's a character based shooter that strongly encourages you to get attached to specific characters via animations, comics, skin, etc. It then requires you to be flexible in your character choices in order to adapt to your current map, mode, and both side's team compositions. Unfortunately this leads to a lot of any players locking in Hanzo or Widowmaker at the start of the game and making everyone upset.

An actual informed response in a shitposting thread? See something new every day.

This is true, everything about the game design is contradictive, and then blizzard blames the community for being toxic when everyone goes inevitably insane.


Every patch made me frown a little bit more

Yes, just wait till soywatch on the Nintendo soytch

*forced e-sports

xD soy!! My favorite Sup Forums meme!! upvoted!

> What went right?
I made great profit salvaging assets from a dead on the water MMORPG.
t. Bobby Kotick

*dabs on the hater*

Found the triggered estronaut, everyone knows that you have to be submissive and downtrodden to handle the enraging game mechanics. You should get mad about the game instead of those pointing out the truth.

>Sup Forums
Jokes on you, it came straight from r/the_donald Oh, wait...

>we could make new characters?
>nah let's just change the ones we have and people like lol

fucking blizzard

I think starting seasonal events in year 1 was a mistake. Instead of being on the ball with new maps/characters/balance changes, they are going into their third year of new seasonal skins that people want, but won't make people care about the game again.

I wish I could be as happy about something as these "soyed boys" are

They are dead inside tho.

literally every character has an anti-fun or a get out of jail free card, usually both.
>shields to soak up all the damage you would normally recieve because of shitty map design that makes the entire environment one big chokepoint
>instant heal/run away buttons allow shitty players to act like retards without consequence
>stuns to make killing slow-ass characters easy as hell
and then there's the rock paper scissors balancing
>not only will almost every fight you lose or win be hinged on what character you play and not how mechanically skilled you are, but the least skill intensive characters counter the most skill intensive
...and advanced movement mechanics like rocket jumping and sticky jumping are replaced with cooldowns or other braindead mechanics
>wow so you spent tons of hours pefecting rocket jumping and you can get from pl_upward first to last in 5 seconds flat? well now you have a jetpack that only goes up, and your concussion rocket is on a long-ass recharge. have fun!

this game is tf2 for people who are bad at tf2. they take everything wrong with the tf series,
build upon that, and then remove all of the good parts,
while throwing in shit from other games like a cowadoody character or pudge with a flak cannon.

I finally had enough and uninstalled Overwatch after they completely changed Mercy from a healer to another offence character because some e-sport faggot whinged about her Ult being 'unfair'.

Attempting to force MMO PvE roles into a normal action-based shooter.

>players:"this character should not be able to instantly undo all progress made by the enemy team"
>blizzard:"ok, we'll increase the average # of rez 30%"

Nothing, they're constantly adding new content for free and have actually pulled their heads out of their asses with the balancing recently(Nerfing Mercy)

What's worse is that both the devs and the players seemed to have migrated from WoW and brought WoW thinking along with them.

she's losing instant rez, having more than one rez at a time, and 15 second ult instead of 20 next patch

I blame this for why people don't just accept that certain characters are niche picks or have hard counters, and whine that their main needs a buff to be viable. You can switch to another character, you aren't stuck playing a fucking shaman the whole match.

Half of these guys are the same person.

Because certain roles just aren't fun.

You can tell chinks apart easier than these guys

>less content than paladins
>worst maps of all fps
>broken ultimates
>unbalanced as fuck
>most characters are so slow
>only 5 new characters in 2 years
>forced diversity


Either get rid of instant rez or get rid of the extra rez, don't do both, mercy is gonna be useless.

i would put audio design on that list
audio clarity is the only thing i like about overwatch

The porn

>no private servers and an extremely limited capacity to create custom content, still no way for people to make their own maps and if there were there would be nowhere to host them anyway
>Blizzard is desperately tryign to crack down on toxicity in their awful fanbase, but won't acknowledge that their game is full of bad design choices that actively cause toxicity: why the fuck do I get penalized for leaving a casual match? Why is there no scoreboard?
>counters were never a fun game mechanic that drew people in to these types of games, Blizzard took something that was (at most) a necessary evil to enforce teamwork and turned it into a substitute for basic FPS skills
>making the game be all about counters has also made it impossible to balance because entire characters are designed around abilities that either win fights instantly or do nothing
>Blizzard keeps trying to tell a serious story with silly one-dimensional characters, so it's not smart enough to be taken seriously or bombastic enough to be fun the way TF2 is

>character designs are mostly pretty stylish and distinct, you always know exactly which hero you're looking at in-game even with all the different skins
>the whole game runs really well and has the level of polish you'd expect from a AAA dev like Blizzard

that's preposterous
girls can't love girls

>mercy is gonna be useless.

>implying the porn isn't the best thing to come of overwarch

I think blizzard had the idea of making people attracted to a character and then working their way towards the other characters from that hero. Of course that didnt work out

This. Listening to their fanbase is why the game is unplayable now

>broken ultimates
Like?? You have to be stupid not to escape/kill/nullify them
>unbalanced as fuck
like how? and I'm talking the average match, not some bullshit Pro meta you don't even do
>most characters are so slow
What, they're literally all the same
>only 5 new characters in 2 years
Why is this bad?

So a tf2 with a lower skill ceiling?

They chained a monkey to a cubicle.

Also they tried to make an esports game by design, rather than design a good game which naturally garners a pro crowd. They made some terrible maps that all have chokepoints so insane that the only way you can cross them is by charging up your ulti and hope your ultispam is better than their ulti spam and you can break through. This artificially creates those >ow shit we are in sync moments. Its fun for a couple of times since you feel like you are in tune with your team but soon its boring as you slam your head over and over in the same chokepoint you can only get through if everyone hits Q at the same time.

Take hanabi for example. They designed a multi layer map just outside of the starting area. Yet you cannot do anything there. The objective is after the village. And there are 2 (TWO) entrances to the objective. A bigass bare gate and a hole a bit higher (not covered at all). You can only go through the gate by bruteforcing it (with ultis) and you can try to sneak through the hole. But everyone sees you getting through there so they can easily hunt you down.

Poster girl is a Lebanese

Everything, I was not pleased and considering I'm thirsty as fuck for a nice "anime" shooter since ages ago, I can only conclude OW is really bad, the worst, polished turt-tier.

>not some bullshit Pro meta you don't even do
Yeah, because surely my teammates do not try to emulate the pros they see on twitch. In which year do you live, 2005? Nowadays all multiplayer games involve faggots trying to emulate the latest MLG pro strat they just saw. And anyone doing something else gets bullied.

They literally don't

Hero shooters have no place now.

Overwatch is still going strong, despite what you or me think about it.

>It's a character based shooter that strongly encourages you to get attached to specific characters via animations, comics, skin, etc.
Yeah, if only the lore was good, this might've worked.

Bad design flaws remain unfixed.

Slow updates

Any lore potential it had has been shat on

attack/defense cannot be balanced similtaniously with koth.

>What went so wrong?
People played the easiest FPS on the market and couldn't get out of bronze, so they realized they were shit but threw a hissy fit and blamed the game for their lack of skill.

If you aren't a minimum of masters, you are shit at games and should stop trying. This game has easy characters and characters that aim for you. All you have to do is work as a team and you win, THATS IT.

>screeching 12 year olds in QP demanding X teammate pick Y Hero because meta


Guys i'm only playing this cause i'm a console fag and Titanfall 2 is pretty much dead (r.i.p. you beautiful bastard) Rec me some good online shooters.

Nobody ever described the pleasant scents of Tracer's ass.

overwatch is for gay

You didn't buy enough lootboxes

Not having a story mode. Seriously a story mode thats in the cinematic trailers is just that broken into the after segments for each other hero maybe would be GOAT

nobody knows. every time i read through these threads nobody says anything intelligible. it's all just tf2 fanboys and contrarians spewing shit.

>inb4 soyboy

Actually stop lying. Most kids in the game are just clueless if they even decide to talk.


>L-LoL is going to die, I swear!
>S-switch is going to be a flop. Based crowbat xD
>P-pubg is just a flavor of the month. Look how bad their steam reviews are!

Reminder that Sup Forums is always wrong. If you're curious about a game, play it yourself and form your own opinion because this place is just as much of echo chamber like reddit.

If it weren't for people like you the meme would have never taken off
How does that make you feel?

shooters get boring
ultimeme abilities
competititive was a mistake

worse, they're kids who are clueless, but THINK they have any idea what they're talking about.

They made tracer a lesbian, and all the sjw bullshit

they should have made the promised gay character reaper

>What went so wrong?
People being bad at the game and deciding to bitch about it on the internet rather than getting good.

Most gamers hate teamwork and think it's their team's fault for losing when they also contributed to terrible tactics.
The fate of all popular competitive games.

I spent all the previous seasons going tryhard every single match, but this season I said fuck it and Ill just be a faggot.

I found out yesterday it makes no difference if I go full autistic efficiency healer doing flicks and transfering nonstop and hiding behind shit as mercy or if I just stand in the middle of the street and shoot my pistol nonstop.

The team steamrolls or gets steamrolled and nothing I contribute or dont contribute makes any difference.
They completely made your individual effort not matter at all unless youre playing say like a tracer, widow, genji etc.
People just make terrible fucking positional mistakes/get 1 shot then blame me/dont peel people off me/dont use ults efficiency/dont wombo combo/etcetc that I can literally get picks with my pistol that contribute more than anything I will ever be able to do healing wise.

t.global 1st place mercy in like 20 dps stats and have top 25th most healing done in a match so far this season while just being a fucking meme in the street the entire time

>I can't understand simple concepts like "terrible map design" or "balancing issues"
OW players, everyone.

But the Soyboy game dev hates the switch


This soyboy meme is so...

Jesus christ mate, whats with the fucking tumblr quality gif?

I've been playing it on and off since release and here:
>terrible balancing (they really have no idea what they're doing)
>terrible matchmaking
>terrible "lore"
>characters are boring as shit
>it shipped with only 3 modes (attack/defend, payload and koth)
>ranked gets progresivelly worse with each season
>map design is rather bad for the most part (chokepoints are not fun and represent the majority of maps)
>the "meta" is boring as shit
Honestly, the best thing about the game is the porn.

Blames toxic community for delaying development.

If I were in charge of "dealing with toxic players" I would just institute a votekick option.
If that shithead is so awful you are willing to 5v6 a comp match, kick that fucker out

Speaking from the perspective of someone who loved this game and put an extensive amount of time into it here's what i think went wrong

The game's too damn hard to play properly, you need to be an incredibly focused and cohesive team to play the game at the highest of levels which isn't possible in teams of 6
It's also incredibly boring to practice the games nuances when playing a lot of the crucial heroes tends to be unrewarding and simply not fun
It's fun to improve at the game and you never feel like you're improving anyway
Around half of the wins/loses depends on who's trolling or has just straight up left the game
High skill heroes getting stomped by low skill heroes is very inclusive for bad players but ends up just mixing skill levels at every rank

Basically it's a game with huge teamwork and positional depth disguised as something stupid and fun for everyone
and as a result the community is fucked and the games halfway between two polarizing game designs.

My big problem is the map design. Don't know why they designed it around chokes

>overwatch character design
The art style is shitty visual clutter as well

Because TF2 is.

They made a fps... but threw in a bunch of moba elements that shitted up the game design. If you were to get rid of all the moba elements i.e. ultimates, group fight forcing chokepoints, pigeonholed roles for characters, stun-like abilities etc. you would have a decent game (granted that they knew how to balance and how to design characters with high skill ceilings).


Tumblr and Schlomo.

>huge teamwork and positional depth
"okay everybody remember to press q at the same time"

Sup Forums is always wrong and hates everything

never listen to these faggots

every single new character has been female except doomfistfuck you orisa counts

It's too dependent on teamwork. Matches are won or lost during character select. An organized team can ride the initial momentum to victory easily. It's difficult for a good player to turn the tide, they got rid of heavy counters in the game but the result of that is that no single pick can really alter a match. By nerfing high risk/reward characters and powerful ults they ended up removing that really dynamic element to the game that could cause great turn arounds and spectacular moments, it's a bit too much like a MOBA now where careful planning and playing it safe will win instead of taking risks.

it's still the best current gen shooter though

>team based game where team composition is ruined by the fact that you cant lock in certain positions. So you can have 6 dps if your team is full of people who cant get along
>TF2 problem of a multiplayer only game with a backstory that you cant get into without turning off the game and going on youtube/reading comics
>cosmetic makes the first problem i listed even worse. People also pick the characters they like rather than what is good for the match
>Blizzards cares about e-sports too much and try to cater to them, rather than making the game more than what it is
>Blizzard itself

no underage hero

Jesus how did you not climb to GM these past two seasons just being an OK mercy main should give you a 60+ % win rate