Oh shit, you've gotten to the point in PQ2 where all 3 casts have crossed over...

Oh shit, you've gotten to the point in PQ2 where all 3 casts have crossed over, and you now have to figure out who you want in your party!

You have to pick
>1 Protagonist
>4 Party members
>1 Navigator

Who do you choose?
friendly reminder that this game will probably be heavily delayed to put it on the Switch, or will be outright cancelled

Other urls found in this thread:



>Yukari, Junpei, Naoto, Ryuji *OR* Kanji
>Literally anyone except Smelly Neet including Morgana

Door or Joker
Naoto if insta-kill is still broken


Persona 3's protagonist of course
>Party Members
Junpei, Yusuke, Ann, Yukiko
or alternatively
Makoto, Yukari, Akihiko and Kanji
Either Rise or Futaba



>Ren in the frontline

>Ryuji and Aigis in the frontline
>Naoto and Goro in the backline

>Fuuka as navigator

It would be fucking neat if they add DLC to select what battle themes to play from previous Personas.


It won't, there's still a shit ton of 3DS owners in Japan which will be their major audience.
Also my party would ideally be.
>Protagonist: Door-Kun
>Party: Brotag, Joker, Chie, Haru
>Navi: Fuuka

Alternatively, Makoto, Yusuke, or Akechi to replace Naoto

Oh I picked one too many.

Drop Yusuke.

>Persona Q
I put it in the garbage for being the worst SQ game and go pick up an actual dungeon crawler


>1 Protagonist
Party members
Ryuji, Yukari DA MAN, Naoto
>1 Navigator

Why do the persona games have to start at 3 for nearly everyone?

>Mitsuru, Akechi, Naoto, Joker
>Rise if Bailey, Futaba if not

Did anybody here use Zen and Rei at all?

Because Persona Q didn't have 1 & 2 in it so we assume that Q2 will also not have characters from games before 3.

>muh rei
>muh hot dog
Fuck no, friendarino.

fucking AWFUL taste.
>dead morgana
>fuuka (fuck it, give her a hammer or something)
>Mitsuru navigation mode

Because no one in their right mind seriously believes that Atlus are ever going to bring back anything to do with P1+2 except for music or very subtle references.

>post yfw Persona Q2 is about bring Makoto back by changing the collective heart of humanity so that they don't wish for Death deep in their hearts, letting him break free
>post yfwIt's revealed that such a great feat can only be temporary, and he's only there long enough to help you defeat the final boss, and he assures everybody that he doesn't regret what he did before departing back into his position as the great seal

>Mitsuru navigation
>has no scanning skills
>stops giving navigation 5 floors into the second dungeon

>PQ2 was the real sequel to P3
Kojima-tier ruse

and then they forget it all happened, just like in PQ1 before the 3 casts meet up again in P5U for the first time, again.

as always it's

Every other team is bad and isn't swole enough for me

So based in their skillset in the main game where does the PT fit in this chart?

gonna fit*

Chad aka P4 protagonist
Either Rise or Futaba

Yes, I'm going all female because I ain't some fucking fag.


>Using Yu
>Going full female
You do sound like a fag, an insecure one

Naoto had better be good again, she's been on a roll ever since P4G made her the best party member.
>get Naoto
>fast as fuck, so she always goes first
>mudo and hama all of the cunts
>end battle

Yu is the best protag because he gets all the bitches. And I'm going full female because I'm gonna make them all pregnant, also Naoto is my waifu. I bet you have male members in your party fucking faggot!

but she's fucking worthless in boss battles
aka the only part of the gameplay that actually matters

>1 Protagonist
But anyway
Da man, Kanji "Closet buster" Tatsumi, I need your halp, Go to sleep cat, and either larry or one of the sluts for healing

Neet for nav

And common enemy encounters don't matter because...?

>I ain't some fucking fag
>Naoto "Prince Detective" Shirogane is his waifu

The boss battles are easy as fuck and the only party member that matters for boss battles is Yu.

>Not slappingher a sub persona with status ailments and circles

eh fair enough

and watch them never happen because bosses have massive resists to everything and Hama and Mudo skills just don't work at all
(barring a few FOEs)

by >1 Protagonist, I meant that you NEED to use at least 1 like in the game.


That's literally like every character though. Who?


the toaster

>it's another "i didn't play persona 4 so i think naoto is a trap" post

>You're gonna use me in your party right user

Oh, then drop sleep cat and kanji and bust in jokah and Brotag


Naoto is a reverse trap and doesn't feel comfortable appearing as a girl. Her visual appeal is that she's androgynous.


inb4 he's completely redeemed in PQ2 since he's Japan's favourite character, but then they all forget

>he confesses to his plot before it comes to fruition after learning that he feels comfortable with the thieves, and that he would rather side with them and take down shido with their help
>becomes genuine friends with them, life is finally looking good for little groo
>forgets at the end




P3 and P5 cast are just too fucking good, no matter the lineup I regret leaving everyone else out...p4 can choke on a dick though.

He's not japan's favorite, he's the fujo's favorite, big difference.

I hope the OST is as good as the firts one.

He's popular in Japan regardless. They don't hate him like the gaijins.


>all these Persona 5 threads
a new dlc or...wut?

So how one note are they going to make the P5 in this game?

But this is a PQ2 thread

They can't really get any more one-note than they were in the base game.

whatever dude there's a lot of Persona threads lately

There's always been a lot of Persona threads on Sup Forums.

>Based Yu

By the way, how strict is the scheduling for P5? I'm basically just doing whatever, but will I be trying to rush things by the end?

So are we even sure PQ2 will be a crossover? I honestly think it's only gonna be the P5 cast.

>All P4 characters except Makoto
Absolutely disgusting, might as well go back and play Golden again


Typically, you have to complete a dungeon 2 days before the deadline to fight the boss on the last day, but there are some dungeons where you have to leave for a day because of some obstacle.

I unironically would prefer P5 cast only but I'm sure they'll all be there.

>all p4 characters
>+the worst girl from p5
unless you meant makoto yuki, in which case your list is only slightly less shit

>Joker, Yu, Makoto, Akihiko
>Smelly Neet

I mean, if everyone's here I'm taking the other protags as party members nigga. Even if they ain't leading this plot. Everyone else is just here to punch shit.

I got that part. I'm talking about ranking up personal stats and doing Confidants. P3 was pretty rough, while P4 was rather lenient.

I guess I can take Kanji out and put Haru in there, since Chie and Kanji are both physical builds.

That was the appeal of the first one so they kind of have to at this point. Question is whether they're going to use either the P3 cast or the P4 cast, or both

>mfw P3D takes place after PQ2, and the P3 and P5 casts already know each other

Why do people say she's smelly?

Door, Yuu, Ren, Goro, and Adachi.

First playthrough is pretty tough. Much harder than P4. Once you get Fortune to level 7 and Temperance to level 10, it's super easy, though.


>all 3 casts!
>all 3
You will die tonight.

Adachi better be in the game if they bring P4 cast back. I'd like to see him call Goro a little bitch while kinda taking him under his wing, like Dojima did him.


Thanks for reminding me how god awful Jun character is. Jesus Christ his redemption would make Goro blush

his name is ren amamiya

>Ren meets Adachi in prison

I want this to be canon.

>Joker/ Door

Door Kun or Monday Canon chanfor the protag

Mitsuru because waifu
Ann because waifu
Aigis because she'll probably utterly broken again
Kanji or Shinji because be sure boys

Rise but with the DLC voice pack of Elizabeth instead because Rise has the best buffs but her voice is grating.

Because Persona 1/2 are so vastly different from 3 onward they might as well be a different series. Atlus has shown no interest in bringing back those characters either

>not giving Chad his harem
Nigga it's like you're intentionally trying to gimp him

Was there any point to having Rise as Navigator? It seems to me that her abilities don't do much.

Futaba is the best

Who would you take as your teammates to an eating contest?

Easy decision.

Chie of course

Fat cows like Chie and Ann, also Shinji and Makoto Yuki.


Anne, Chie, Akihiko, the stupid dog

I love Anne!