PS4 is stalling, why?

PS4 is stalling, why?

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Everyone already owns one

Why wouldn't it?
It's a 5 year old console

they sold 20 million this year which is more than any of their previous years

that clickbait

They had tons of price cuts throughout the year.

They desperately tried to compete with the Switch and failed.

Switch and xbone x? Two new consoles to buy and compete with.

PS4 sold 20 million last year

>They desperately tried to compete with the Switch and failed.
>Switches sold last year: 10M
>PS4 sold last year: 20M
Someone needs to go back to school



user, Nintendo Switch only outsold Sony two months this year. Even then, Europe has kept the Sony steamroll going strong.

It's a 5 year old console everyone and their mother owns by now. Of course sales are going to dip a bit.

That’s like saying McDonalds was desperately trying to compete with a burger van and failed

As much as I like to shitpost against Sony, this.

Oh sweetie...

>They desperately tried to compete with the Switch and failed.
lol no they did not fail

>implying Street burgers aren't the best thing around
Take your shit taste somewhere else

don't make fun of them, Nintendo fanboys are too young to have taken math classes yet

This. Selling it dirt cheap so everyone and their moms can buy one. No one wants the turd version tho

>I like to shitpost against Sony
no you don't

no, take it as equation
S= sony
N= nintendo

10N>20S where N>2S
considering that nintendo is worth more than the double of sony, the equation is verified


Nu males love so(n)y

It seems that in every single one of those shitty consolewar threads, people forget that the PS4 Pro exists, and that this skews sales by a lot because product extension. But people keep penis-size comparing raw sales numbers of both consoles combined from Sony. Fucking retards.


>sells a shit ton one year
>now only sells regular ton the next year
>still a lot of units either way
Besides just about everyone has one already, even my cousin who only plays rocket league and minecraft has two of them, and just got the second one because he liked the color it was more.

Product saturation. Happened with past consoles. Price drop will bring more in.

This guy gets it.

>PS4 is stalling, why?

reminder that ps4s cost more to produce then switches
sony's net gain is worse then nintnedo's
they normally teach you what that is in elementary school but I understand a lot of Sup Forums users grew up in the boonies

>console sales are important
>oh wait, now they're not important, normies have shit taste
>wait nevermind, now sales are important again
>hold on, now they stopped being impportant
>okay, they're important, but only in this super-specific context

I expected this from reddit or resetera, but not you Sup Forums.

At least they aren't Shitendo. That's already a plus.

>last year sold 5.9 million
>this year sold 5.4 million

>reminder that ps4s cost more to produce then switches

How can anyone say this after 4 years? Even the Switch controllers cost more than PS4 pads to make with the HD rumble. PS4 parts are dirt cheap at this point

Sony continues with one system throughout an entire generation. Microsoft and Nintendo make two, and still fail miserably.

Now do you see the pattern? Sales don't matter until one company releases a new console, then it suddenly matters again.

>sells 76 million consoles
>flagship exclusives BB and HZD haven’t even totaled 8m sales combined

People just want a decently priced media center that can play games. Why by a blue ray player when you spend spend a little bit more for a PS4 with streaming apps and games?

>people forget that the PS4 Pro exists, and that this skews sales by a lot because product extension
So what? People combine the sales of 3DS, 3DS XL, new 3DS, new 3DS XL, and 2DS.
But let me guess, it's only bad when Sony does it right?

Once you sell like 80m+, it's hard to keep up the pace. 100m lifetime isn't bad.

>i-it doesn't count!!

this actually explains why there always seams to be much less sony fans then the sales suggest
its because there is
when they say X amount of units sold it of course counts the sales of new versions people trade in their old ps4 for when in actuality sony didn't gain a household, its just the same person counting for multiple sales

its funny how theres hardly any sony fans in reality

so I guess there aren't actually any 3DS fans since everyone traded their base 3DS for an XL, then traded that for n3DS XL

This to be honest.
Most every gaming community online or not consists mostly of PC and Nintendo fans. Anyone can see that.

There is no need to fight... PS4 is way better though, just got a Switch so I wouldn't miss out on Bayo.

>sold it of course counts the sales of new versions people trade in their old ps4

Lol for PS4 pro? Yeah can see that happening but we all know the PS4 pro hasn't sold well itself so you aren't making sense. I mean you can make the same argument people trading in Wii U's for a switch discount, Xbox for One X discount etc.

Majority don't do that shit

>Most every gaming community online or not consists mostly of PC and Nintendo fans.
prove it

And yet I bet you refuse to buy good games on the 3DS like Metroid: Samus Returns, which sold so pitifully that its attach rate was worse than Knack's. But you still herald them as good.

You do realize stand alone controllers are pure profit for all three manufacturers, right? Console accessories are like beverages in the restaurant industry, cheap to stock and turns a high profit.

Nintendo sold each Switch at a small profit. They know there are autistic people who think they need 4 sets of differently colored controllers at launch. They probably make $40-50 profit on those JoyCon.

Sony and MS do the same shit with their upgraded controllers. For fucks sake, Sony released a fucking stand for the console that was like $30. It was just a piece of plastic.

There's only a limited ammount of people interested in video games and PS4 over other things

Honestly, most Sony fans love the medium. The quality of Sony first-party titles has ALWAYS been questionable at best, so people are slow to adapt to games like Bloodborne and Uncharted.

Okay, but that's irrelevant to your argument. The 3DS was a handheld, not a home console. Don't try to redirect the conversation.


>this again
Doom is on 4 platforms, combined 260 million users and sold 4 million copies. Is anyone saying it's a flop?

>but that's irrelevant to your argument.
No it isn't. You just say that because you can't refute it.
>The 3DS was a handheld, not a home console.
Doesn't matter. Your point was about people combining sales of different models of hardware.
Quit moving the goalposts.

I don't feel like I need to. Reality speaks for itself.

>You do realize stand alone controllers are pure profit for all three manufacturers, right?

I really doubt it for the switch. I recall they only make 3 bucks profit off each joycon/pro controller. Sony and Microsoft all make like 15 off theirs because theirs aren't advanced

The PS2 had a diverse library of games within it's first two years. The PS4 didn't have shit.

It's a good point. Why separate ps4 models and not other consoles in history?

>I don't feel like I need to
AKA you're talking out of your ass

I'm holding out for the slim pro -- where the hell is it?

>>The PS4 has a revised model, the PS4 Pro, which causes skewed sale numbers. Thus, comparing the Switch and PS4 sale numbers is a fallacy.
>B-but the 3DS had model revisions!
>>What? We're comparing the PS4 to the Switch, here.

they've unironically won. everyone owns a ps4 by now

>I expected this from reddit or resetera, but not you Sup Forums.
You do know this place share the same userbase as all those places like Reddit, Resetera, Neogaf, Tumblr, Gematsu and whatever else, right?
You think Sup Forums is some kind of secret club? The vast majority of this board is made up of casuals and kids who browse those very same websites, Sup Forums is at large made up of shitposting kids.

Not him but I'm happy Metroid Samus Returns sold well enough to warrant a 2D Metroid game to be made for the Nintendo Switch and a sequel to Fusion.

Not him but its true, there are just much more vocal Nintendofanboys on the Internet and even in the media.

Sonybros have a life and are not as active and/or rapid as Nintensoyboys.

>We're comparing the PS4 to the Switch, here.
No you weren't. Where in OP is it comparing it to the Switch?
My point is, do you get assmad when people combine the sales numbers of the various 3DS models? Or are you a hypocrite?

Sony is getting to comfortable again

Like at the beginning of ps3s life it was complete garbage because they were riding the PS2s coat tails
PS3 only got better when they realized "oh shit this ain't PS2 anymore better try harder"

Carried that momentum into PS4 now it's dwindling again and they're gunna go back to full retard like the start of PS3s lifespan Sony again

You call 300k on an install base of 70 million "good sales"? I can't even call that 1% of the userbase.

And yet fanservice trash like Xenoblade or Bayonetta sells ten times that with zero good gameplay.

Fuck that's one huge thumb what the shit

Yeah man, no one's comparing anything, except for the fact this thread turned into a console war shitposting thread within 3 replies.

Sure, call someone out for combining 3DS sale numbers all you want. I agree with you. I'm telling you that it's literally irrelevant to the point I'm making - that comparing Switch and PS4 sales numbers is skewed.

None of your posts mentioned the Switch, Op didn't mention the Switch. You bringing it up out of nowhere just reeks out insecurity

When a 3DS game only needs to sell around 100k-300k to guarantee it was a success, then yes, I call that a good sale. 2D Metroid doesn't need to sell a million copies, plus it's another fucking remake.

Yeah. It had the best launch a console ever had.
But it didn't outsell PS4 that year.
PS4's first year net Sony like 4.5 million units sold.
Every year after that it sold at least 3 times that amount.
While Switches launch year scrapped past 10 million units sold in it's first year.
That's great. Amazing even, especially for a launch year.
Though it still sold only half of what Sony sold this year.
Switch might make 15-20 million new units sold by the end of next year while Sony starts to have diminishing returns since it is now in it's 5th year.

The market is at large made up of casual players, you shouldn't be surprised.
As long as the games are profitable, I'd say you can consider the sales good, the better games are always those who sell less, otherwise everybody here would be making Madden and Fifa threads no stop, yet no one does.

What does that have to do with the fact that PS4 is outselling the PS2?

>While Switches launch year scrapped past 10 million units sold in it's first year.

Switch sold 10 million in its first 10 months tho

They are projecting 16 million for it's first year

You literally haven't argued against my main point at all. Whatever. Here, I scrolled up for you because apparently you're too fucking stupid to read and just want to argue semantics like the complete retard you are, because you can't come up with a single actual response that acknowledges anything meaningful. I'm done with this thread.

You faggots can shitpost about PS4 or Switch

The only real loser here is the Xbone

t. an actual retard

who cares? soyny only releases amc tv show walking simulators featuring zombies and qte messes. only hipsters like soyny because how accessible and progressive their games are.

And the holiday season is over so you are looking at 1 to 2 million more sales at the absolute best before it's launch year is up.

>And the holiday season is over so you are looking at 1 to 2 million more sales at the absolute best before it's launch year is up.

Hard to say, but Nintendo is expecting to sell between 15-16 million consoles by the end of March

They had nothing this year, what did you expect, at least this year and next are looking better, I can finally pick up an Xbox One X since I held off since 2013.

Yep. Ironically, the base ps4 models are too reliable so they're not going to get the double dipping levels of the ps2.

>I can finally pick up an Xbox One X since I held off since 2013.

for what purpose?

>by the end of March
That would be very unlikely. Heck, VG Charts was being accused of rigging numbers because all three consoles were selling like garbage in late summer.

I get Xbox for Halo and with Halo's main man reclaiming his franchise back from the faggot power ranger and his retarded team, I have to get one.

You're gonna get a lifetime of bad luck if you keep spilling salt like that everywhere

Why buying a PS4 when you can get a XBox One?

because no one wants to give them a monthly check for online

>they ran out of bloodbornes to play
nice console, sonytards

highly doubt it.
Unless they are banking on people doing early tax returns and buying Switches with it.

>300k sales isn't good


Let's be honest soyboys love both and it's a problem.

>the cat

I'm happy with my xbone. Cry all you want but it's still selling better than the 360

>300k sales isn't good
Well Sup Forums considers 8M copies of Uncharted 4 bad so yeah, it sold poorly

People already have a PS4.

They are planning to ship them

Assuming they are right, Switch most likely would sell 14-15 million by March

Sup Forums is also full of brain damaged Soytentards that twist any and everything to the point of flat-out lying to make it seem like there's anything wrong with the PS4.