Why the hate for this meme? It's literally just Habbo raids all over again?

Why the hate for this meme? It's literally just Habbo raids all over again?

Other urls found in this thread:


nu-oldfags who migrated from reddit trying to fit in

this board is for video games

Other social media platforms are formulating and propagating memes and most of us don't like being reminded the pond is lot bigger than it used to be.

It is nothing like habbo. Fuck off, reddit queer.


>It's literally just Habbo raids all over again?
The normie factor isn't there. It's really not the same thing at all.

I don't care about it, I don't mind it either. nu-Sup Forums is just too uptight about OC.

Contrarians, contrarians everywhere.

Its reddit shit, queer

>implying the habbo raids were even funny
Take the nostalgia goggles off, grandpa

then who's getting butthurt over this?

SJWs hate the meme so we can go back to liking it

Nothing about this is OC.

Sup Forums can't handle banter


Just stop.

>"you do not know de way xD" *excessive clicking*

Because it isn't funny anymore.

You can't prove your statement and you know it.

Fuck off, Redditor.

No user, a good meme transcends all planes of existence, this one very mediocre meme doesn't work outside the realms of VRchat. Therefore it is a contained meme that will never grow or improve outside of that cesspool.

How? This is nothing like habbo raids, they're not organized or planned. The joke begins and ends with "I make a funny voice", its funny at first but it gets old very quickly

>copied PUBG maymay using a model copied from some flash animation
Like he said, nothing about this is OC. Do you even know what OC means?

Both are games idiot

It's wierd, cause I unironically feel this way. But I still detest frogposting regardless of how much it makes them squirm.

>its funny at first


They also hate it. We can like it now

It is literally nothing like Habbo (or any other autistic raid). Those were just try hards.

This is more akin to entering an IRC with a handful of your friends/randos and copy pasting some meme that is funny at first, but everyone fucks up the copy pasta after the first few days. It had potential and the normies fucked it.

Memes should stay within their place of origin.

I think it's kind of amusing, and I don't mind people using.

What I mind is pussies whining about it one way or another. What kind of loser genuinely cares about the politics surrounding this shit? If you're talking shit about it this meme because it's """reddit""", you're just a thin-skinned little bitch that is being a whiny cunt for not being in on the joke, and so you're doing your best to make it seem lame. Straight up sour grapes.

And if you're pushing the meme on other people, most likely you're just insecure about whether or not it's okay for you to like it and are just trying to make other people like it too to mask your own insecurity and the fact that you suspect you might have 9gag tier humor.

Either way you're an annoying fag and you need to shut up. Just post it or don't post it, we don't need a committee of autists to decide whether or not it's okay. Jesus Christ.

>Take a shitty model of knuckles
>speak like a retard
You are newshit cancer, on par with every shitty wojack we get spammed by every month.

Frogposting is THE most Reddit thing


habbo raids were cancer

Reddit little bitch


>they're not organized or planned

I take it you don't play

oh wow user look at this redditspacing

It's just not great

>getting but-blasted by memes in 2018

imagine being this contrarian

Habbo raids were shit too

habbo raids had
-an ultimate goal
which was funny at the time because it created immense asspain

vrchat is already for shut-in loser weeb neckbeards so in the end you're trolling nobody but yourself

Habbo raids was only text and were organized. It was also for good cause, as preventing people from entering the pool and catching AIDS is a noble act. Everyone involved in the Habbo raids deserve Nobel peace prizes.
Ugandan Knuckles is a bunch of retards poorly executing an african accent, copying something they saw on their favorite twitch streamer. They have no purpose.

That's the difference.

>habbo raids
Are we the ones doing this vrchat "raid" tho? If it's just other people doing it, then it'd be like someone from the outside watching Sup Forums doing habbo raids.

D-d-do you know the *voice cracks* weeeeey.


>this thread


pls like and subscribe and upboat me also here is my patreon i love u all


habbo raids were political and not fucking ebin memes. It was about spreading the awareness of niggers being disgusting.

I'm currently loving it but I have a GOOD feeling it's going to be insanely annoying in about a week or two. The internet doesn't know when to let shit die.

that's because deep down you know nobody is triggered by frogposting besides oldfags

The entirety of the humor in this meme is ruined by the fact that the VRchat community isn't as autistic and unself-aware as the Second Life community so fucking with them does nothing because they already don't take the game seriously


Now I've seen everything. We really are going full circle.

i don't give a shit about what the meme stands for or whatever, i just fucking hate when people make noises like that with their mouth. clicking, slurping, lip smacking, it just makes me want to fucking deck a nigger. i can't stand it.

>Hahaha am I fitting in yet?!?!
Do you have any idea how fucking FAGGY it is for you to actually give a shit about any of this? This is legitimately paste-eater shit. You're essentially some annoying little kid chortling about being a meme king.

I am an SJW and while I hate the meme it is not for any SJW reasons but just because it isn't very funny and reminds me of shit 12 year olds on xbox live love.

Serious question, are you actually having fun doing this? I might be able to set you up with something depending on your answer

This mostly
No one who plays VR chat is fun to enrage, so the joke just has to stand on its own

I don't like Ugandan Knuckles though?

Old Sup Forums would have loved this meme

What happened?

People who dont want autistic underage memesters following their youtube idols shitting up communities?

>OOGA BOOGA click clack Ugandan speak meme

You can't get anymore cancerous, underage, and reddit than that. It's literally at the pinnacle.

newfags who think they're oldfags

fyi if you came after 2010 youre a newfag

>forced jokes are funny
its not funny cause its forced, the joke wares thin the first time you hear it, after the 1000th time its just annoying, you cant even do anything with it, its just boring
like imagine if pic related was a meme, and you saw it every single fucking day 1000 times a day

first week here?
you sure sound like it

No fun is allowed and everyone here hates each other and everything else


It's the year 2018. Knuckles memes have become the latest weapon in the arsenal of Russian cyberhackers.

mentally retarded?
you sure sound like it

old/v/ was fucking retarded. Sup Forums was never good, so it doesn't even matter if old Sup Forums would have liked it or not. Bunch of gay ass nigger faggots

>are you actually having fun doing this?
its a shitty 3d model that was promptly named ugandan knuckles because it looks like shit and we all know there arent a lot of good modelers swarming the industry out of uganda
it is funny as shit to watch pseudo-intellectual sociology majors flip the fuck out due to reasons that do not matter. it is entertainment. literally no-one outside your safe space circle jerk gives a fuck.

Most old Sup Forums who aren't jaded fucks or have mental problems love this. Ofc normies who spout this meme usually aren't funny, but people coming with new ways to modify Knuckles crack me up.

>Its ok when me and my reddit friends do it because you did something similar 15 years ago
Kill yourself

I mean if doing the knuckles vr chat bullshit is your thing then that's fine, but comparing it to Habbo raids is almost insulting. They're not even on the same level.

old Sup Forums still hated xboxlive kids and considered them terrible cancer. They were not yet holding xbox live kids as "true gamers and gaming culture" yet

>He doesn’t like Ugandan speak
But it’s pretty good

I like September

no one takes VRChat seriously. The fun of habbo hotel was ruining their super cerial fun time.

I was playing Rocket League yesterday and the other team kept spamming this dumb meme, fuck this thing

I think the model is cute, so i dont mind

>xboxlive kids

kill yourself

Only the 2nd post is mine, and desu I do have fun making fun of over-reactive whiny people. Its pretty refreshing in a way. No one in RL would ever guess what I'm like online.

>tfw you realize the ultimate goal of SJWs is to make all humor and enjoyment of life illegal

Ok so you don't find the meme funny in any way you just enjoy it because you have convinced yourself it is "triggering people"?

>play normalfag game
>get mad normalfags spout normalfag memes

wow user how scathing
you'll fit right in

>normies play their socializing game
>Sup Forums raids and trolls the hell out of normies

>Sup Forums plays their waifu vr simulator
>normies raid and troll the hell out of 4channers

really activates those almonds

>t. Upset 20 year old who use to scream FUCK YOU NIGGERS N UR MOMZ on xbox all day in halo 3 11 years ago

If you came after 2005 you are a newfag.

hey u evil hitler get back to Sup Forums how dare u come on this video games board which has always been left leaning and pro bernie and against trump and funny racist stuff get lost LOSER etc

VRchat is the most underaged garbage I've seen in a while.

I don't know how people still keep posting those down syndrome hedgehogs here when the maymay has reached terminal phase

he's absolutely right though

fags are degenerate and eat da poopoo

>I have fun doing this
Fair enough. Let me hook you up then, like I promised.

Is it the gaia online of our time?

He doesn't really need to convince himself of that it is triggering people.

it's basically the same silly nonsense