Why did Konami torture us like this?

Why did Konami torture us like this?

Why not make a full remaster? Literally every MGS fan would have bought it. Hell make the fucking pachinko version after to get more money.

Just...why? Was it truly to spite Kojima and the fans that supported him?

okay little user boi sit on my lap and i'll tell you the wonders of the world of gambling and pachinko

The original isn't even that old/dated, just play that again. Fuck this whole remaster culture, it's garbage

Yeah I agree, I play through MGS 2 and 3 at least once a year.

Of course its still playable, but if you're gonna bother to visually update a video game then go all the way

Everything honestly just needs a port a la the original Dead Rising
It's beautiful, it's legitimately just the game setup for KB+M/gamepad plus support for higher resolutions and uncapped frame limit,
They should just port everything in a neat and cleanly accessible way and put it on Steam

Also come on, you know you'd play the fuck out of a remaster

I would I love the originals and don't think there needs to be a remake but I want one so bad

I don't care enough about shiny new graphics to give a shit. They're nice to look at, but MGS3 isn't going away anytime soon. A graphical update would be pointless.

>Was it truly to spite Kojima and the fans that supported him?
No you nerd, it's just to make money.

I just want them to release the fucking pachinko cutscenes online so I can watch them in high quality. Is that so much to fucking ask? I don't expect them to remake the whole fucking game, but they might as well remake all the cutscenes at this point (and let us fucking SEE THEM)

There's already some online, the Fury scene looks amazing

You're not wrong, but having almost an entire remake just sitting on your desk while you display it on your gumball-slots is deserving of questions and ire.

This desu, it's bad enough they're remaking SotC when the original has an excellent PS3 port already

That's fair enough. I'd watch all the new pachinko cutscenes. But to me a remake with "butter grafix" shouldn't exist unless it does it like pic related.

If a MGS3 re-release was the first thing they're did after Kojima left you'd shit on them for that too. If this was released as a full game you'd all be saying
>the characters look different
>it's just so... soulless
>there's no reason for this to exist

What game?


Are you kidding me? Fans would eat it up.

MGS3 with MGS5 graphics sign me the fuck up

that is MGS3's cutscenes on a Pachinko machine.

a MGS3 remaster would be nice.

I would probably pass on a MGS2 remaster

I'd be happy with MGS 1-3 playable on PS4

That's because Konami is in dire financial straits. Their only series worth checking out, Castlevania, Contra, Silent Hill, on the heels of disappointing sales, and MGSV with a huge, bloated budget that put the nail in the coffin.

Konami as a video game company is essentially dead.

Could you still enjoy MGS3 gameplay after playing 5?

I wish Sony didnt suck fucking ass compared to Microsoft when it comes to backwards compatability

MGSV was a financial success, what are you talking about?

Not a success enoug, companies want all their games to have triple A sales, 5 million isn't enough anymore

I'd enjoy it even more than V, as this one would at least be a complete game

>wanting a remake for a ps2 game that’s already had an hd rerelease
Yeah the fancy new graphics will look nice but it’ll fundamentally be the same game as subsistance. Same patrols, same weapons, same levels, same cutscenes, same dialogue. A far better candidate for a remake would be mg2. It’s story is a core part of the series, yet very few have experienced it. Additionally unlike mgs3 a remake would be a radical improvement.

It came too-little-too-late, and MGSV wasn't nearly good enough to make up for the slumpy sales on the video game division.

i would just like to have MGS 1-5 on one device (PC or PS4) thx bye

You can play them all on Vita.

1-3 natively.

4-5 through remote play.

>Why not make a full remaster?
You mean remake. A remaster is a port with a lot of touching up.

Guess you weren't here when the pachinko trailer first released and people were posting it saying it was MGS3 Remastered. Everyone was hyped and saying how great it looked, before being disappointing that is was just pachinkoshit.