So how many monsters will World have at launch?
Nobody knows. Even if the leaked list is legit there's no way of knowing how many of those mons are free DLC since the 'Jho DLC reveal.
Why does my Leumundsgift not have White Sharpness?
The last two numbers of my post
This, unfortunately
We just don't know
>week and a half till next beta
>two and a half weeks until release
>still haven't decided on main weapon
They all feel so fucking good.
started a new file on gen yesterday, female bow only(maybe hammer sometimes)
geez bows control like shit, i recall using them in past games and controlled pretty well.
also is the site loading slow as fuck for anyone else?
Shit we lucky boys.
IG and DS felt the most fun to me. but honestly everyone one feels great I think I liked maybe the LS least.
Mid to late 20s. We've seen 25 so far and one of them is DLC (Jho) but I'm sure there are at least a couple that haven't been shown in the trailers like the final boss.
>PC Release in Fall
I'm wondering if I should just buy it twice but I don't have a pro so really don't want to play it on console. I just hope there's not a MHWUltimate or some bs next year.
>I just hope this thing that will happen won't happen
Hey, uh, user
Didn't play a lot of IG but DB feel amazing with great mobility options and hit like a truck.
Pretty sure you can change it to the old bow controls
enjoy paying $60 again gaijin
Probably around 20.
The list shows 30 monsters total and it includes DLC ones that will be released for free in the future.
ive already fiddled with all the bow controls
the added styles makes certain combinations unusable, wanted to use X for shooting instead of R but then i cant control the aiming
No best monster, no buy!
I've never been a huge fan of DS so I was really impressed. It feels good hacking the shit out of something and also having such solid movement. IG is somewhat similar but the cool movement is all linked to vaulting which is a little sad coz mounting seems to take too long for it to be THAT worth it, in multi I think it could be a bit OP with how long the minigame goes for.
There will be no monsters in Monster Hunter Worlds.
If you use type 1, X knocks/shoots the bow and R is for aiming. That's literally the same control scheme bows have always had.
Yeah I never really messed around with DB before but I will definitely be using them this time around. I'll give IG a more serious go next beta.
im talking actual aiming not the arc line
nigga if you don't play as the bardbro helping out the team, neck yourself
also, does anyone have the weapon user stereotype chart?
Sure I'll pick it up if they put in an electric guitar-horn
use the dpad as you hold r
Wanna be my monstie?
I haven't played a single Monhun game in my entire life.
Will this game be good for a newcomer to the franchise?
yeah, they're making it accessible to soulsbabs
Yeah it will be a great gae.
>This is what horncucks really believe.
They didn't have megajuices in the beta, will you fuckers be useful for once?
Pls give movement up and earplugs
Yeah it's the most streamlined game yet and if you're a complete shitter you can just get by on 4-man multi like always.
People are saying 26-ish at launch and 40-ish after all the updates and DLC.
He's alright, but what about the actual best monster?
I have a PS4 Pro and an Xbox One X, is there really any reason to get it for the xboner? Normally I default to the one for multiplats but MonHun seems to be made with the Pro in mind, and literally no one is going to play it on xbox, so what's the point? I'm not trying to start a flame war I just want to know if my logic is missing something.
Yeah, what about Nargacuga?
Seems all the colab free dlc is sony based too so you're going to get less content too it seems. PS4 will had have 3 demos just for them. The PS4 and Xbone both coem out at the same time, but look how they treat it like this is just a PS4.
I read that MHW isn't even coming out on the xbox one anywhere but North America
was anyone seriously expecting it to have a roster the size of the 3DS games?
it's about where I figured, they had too much backlash over Tri's lack of content so I was sure they weren't going to go that low again. But there's limits considering how much they are overhauling.
Only reason to pull an Xboner for the game would be if you had friends who also had the console and the game and you all wanted to play together.
Quite the opposite, all my friends have PS4s, and it seems like that's the superior choice anyway. Thanks anons.
But Sharpness only halves the effect at which your weapon loses Sharpness.
He's talking about the effect name of the skill called Handicraft.
I'm not really losing much if I just go with a normal PS4, right? What's the difference between OG and Slim, why is it cheaper?
Having different skill effect names to the name of the skill itself was an unbelievably enormous mistake
Too bad X and XX have shit all for new monsters. Those lists are hyper inflated with lazy ass no effort PSP asset ports that don't even bother updating shit like Kut Ku and Garuga. And the majority of the monsters "introduced" in Generations and XX are just recolors.
Slim is just the current standard model and had that price cut last year around black friday. PS4 Pro is the superior choice by far since it seems like the game was made with the Pro in mind then scaled down for the original PS4; it's the only version that got a special edition console while the upcoming World bundles are just regular black or white.
Slim is better than the original PS4 though thanks to modest refinement updates in hardware.
I would buy a Pro too, but Slim is all I can afford until the end of the month. And that's four days too late. Plus I've already booked those days off.
Who double dip PS4/PC here?
This is going to be grandiose in 144 fps
Meh, everyone's used to it unless you're a newblet.
But the X and XX versions of the Yians are the redone MH4 versions. They redid them in 4 like they redid the Raths in 3.
If you pick up a used PS4 and find you like the game but wish it looked nicer you can try to sell it later for about the same price and pick up the Pro.
Is that French for Yian Garuga?
Where would I even sell it? Gamestop? How much do they want for a used PS4?
here, brother.
got a pro last month. feels good to be a true monster hunter fan.
>got a pro last month
good goyim
I was thinking more people you know or some sort of local buying/selling group but sometimes stores like Gamestop have specials if you're trading in an old system for a new system.
Actual game tester here for Monster Hunter World. The game will launch With all the leaked list monsters except for the following;
Kirin /Subspecies
Bazelguese- Will be An event Monster Release February 16
Black Diablos
Azure/Pink rathalos and rathian
They are being spread out as dlc monsters. They are already finished too btw, mostly going through bug fixes atm and balancing. From what i was told they are thinking of adding one of the Monsters from XX and a few veteran such as Rajang,Tigrex, Cenataur. Deviljho Will be a March release btw.
Proof senpai?
There is no proof. He's a shit poster.
>tfw no mh4 monsters like kecha wacha and nerscylla
They'd rock in this game
So far, these are all confirmed for being in game, with Deviljho showing up in Spring
If I use the HBG, am I a shit?
Not as much as the charge blade but yeah you're a bit shit.
>up to 41 confirmed monsters
Based on the list we'll cross 50 with at least 30 new monsters.
Dang, what if I use the dual swords on repeat missions? Does that make it better?
Did the charge blade get any significant changes?
It makes you Kirito.
I just like big guns, is that really so bad? ;_;
Actual tester here.
There's a new class locked behind microtransaction
sorry folks
Actual tester here, this user is full of shit
since Lunastra is coming back does that mean Teo is still going to be left with its shitty non-telegraphed charge?
can put a buff/charge on your regular sword for more damage
using the CB super doesn't consume shield charges
actual dev here, weapons pack including tonfa, switch axe F and accel axe is coming in april
tester is just another word for people buying it on consoles
It's the most powerful weapon in the beta but optimal use is SAED spam.
so it is exactly like 4U CB, I wonder if Load Up and Focus will go back to being important skills for SAED again
Reminder that the way to beat this fucker easy in the demo is going to be 4x Blast Coating bows
If you care so much about people's opinions that you'll refuse to use a weapon despite performing perfectly well with it, then yeah you a shit. Or if you fuck over your teammates with badly aimed and badly timed attacks.
pls no
I'm just hoping CB gets the same massive weapon variety 4U gave it. There wasn't a single CB that completely dominated every single one since you'll see it constantly shift. Off the top of my head many of the TAs on the wiki will change from Seregios, Akantor, Ceadeus, Chaos Gore, and others even in fights that are heavy on SAEDing (which is most except a select few like Jho where SAED doesn't get the job done as well)