What killed the hype?
What killed the hype?
Good AAA games are a thing of the past.
Now its just flavor of the month rigged reviews shit.
That goes for every console/platform.
Too many shitty filler moons killed the hype.
I gotta agree. I was having a ton of fun completing as much as I could of the sand level, but then I went to the water level and accidentally found like 2 moons by existing for 15 seconds. Then the blue dinosaur with a hat was just a big prom date ugly sack of shit fuck you to players.
Played it, hated almost every minute of it, got called a sonybro a couple of times and how my opinion wouldn't matter because I didn't get 500 moons, forced myself to get 500 moons to see if the game really gets better, it didn't.
Nothing. It's legitimately one of the best games I've played in years and I barely scratched the surface of content on offer. And the end game content is just superb. Another Nintendo classic, of course Sup Forums will be pissy about it.
They can't milk Mario forever.
Nothing. I already got 999 moons. Loved every minute of it.
They combined Blue Coins and Stars into one boring slurry of a collectible that doesn't feel satisfying. Also the game is piss easy for babies so there's no challenge which means no overcoming challenges which means no fun to be had.
>B-but the last level!
Yeah, literally one fucking level in an entire game.
The hype never died
>hated almost every minute of it
urrgh I'm user I can't go through a fucking Mario game without getting my panties in a bunch
the fact that everyone agrees that its good. its not divisive.
It came out more than 2 months ago. Only autists stick to one game for that long.
Everyone on Sup Forums beat it.
extremely low skill ceiling. it's just throw cap dive throw cap dive throw cap dive. Sunshine is more fun to play.
Probably the fact that the game released already?
I already finished it. Not much to talk about other than it was a nice return to form, and I think there's a lot they can improve on in Odyssey 2.
Nothing, it was a great game. Sup Forums's attention was on shitposting Zelda instead.
It was amazing. I'm sad the WR is still over 1 hour. When are they gonna find a glitch?
People already finished it??????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????
That it's 3D World 2
>easy 3 hour main campaign
>latter half of the game is Korok seed hunt 2.0
But it's mindblowing because it's Mario 64 style again, right guys?
Wake me up when Galaxy 3 is announced.
durr people finished that game day 1
>Wake me up when Nintendo holds my hand!
it's not very good. I'm having way more fun with Mario + Rabbids, and the only reason I'm playing it right now is for practicing my Japanese (thanks to that furigana)
Holy shit why is a lot of moons a bad thing at all. Lots of content /=/ bloated or filler, fucking retarded
I had a great time with it, mainly because it respects my damn time more than the Sunshine and Galaxy games did and has a lot less bullshit.
There's nothing in it like the squid racing where you can die just by brushing a wall, or the beach-cleaning that failing apparently sends Mario into such a depression that he keels over on the spot, and there's no clearing out boxes under a strict time limit with bob-ombs or timed purple coin challenges, or 100% completion that's just playing the game again with slightly different physics.
I didn't give a crap about "filler moons" because they're either unobtrusively floating somewhere or are just a little glowy spot on the ground, they take absolutely no time to pick up. It isn't like the green stars in Galaxy 2 that are just pasted into the level and make you go through most of it again, complete with load screens and menu screens and the star pickup animation and going back to the ship and selecting the same galaxy again just to get another barely hidden star slightly further into the level. The 3D Marios are all very good games, Odyssey is just the first one since 64 that didn't feel like a pain in the ass to 100%.
The Dark Side of the moon can go fuck itself though, anything that wasn't the Broodal refights or the art puzzles was shit.
They're doing it since 1985 without failing. Not even once in the mainline entries.
Do the math.
A lot of the post-game moons can get pretty tricky.
This one, and its brother, put me through some shit.
Most people can't pull off a multi-cap-dive. I sure as shit can't. So they have to do them legit, and it's fun.
>Mario 64 style again
Not even close.
>wanting another Galaxy
Kill yourself.
>There's nothing in it like the squid racing where you can die just by brushing a wall,
You clearly didn't do that fucking part where the Jaxi is running on super narrow paths of poisonous liquid.
Oh I loved that bit, drifting around corners was a lotta fun.
The math would be how long until gen Z are the primary market, because they only watch people play minecraft and five nights at freddy's without actually playing games that have no meme value.
I enjoyed it, but I can understand people's dislike for it
i think the lack of a real hub world hurt it
you're just flying from the different areas and some are too small
>They're doing it since 1985 without failing
>What is Sunshine
Ruined Kingdom and Cloud Kingdom are a ducking joke
Like, why bother if they're so nothing? And they're both really cool in concept and design, just didn't have enough content which is a shame.