Why do people like this game?

Why do people like this game?

After playing, enjoying and loving Tactics Advance, I bought the PSP version, having heard it added more stuff. Am I the only one that think it's bad? The leveling is tedious, the combat is slow, the graphics are meh.
The only good thing is the story and characters, but holy shit it's a chore to play.

The PSP version runs like shit and is super slow unless you apply a community patch. If you can’t do that then the PS1 version is the way to go.

>loved the game in the series that implemented the useless Judge system
>hated the best Final Fantasy so far

Is this bait?

>mentions advance
>pretends to hate the base game

nice try

>best Final Fantasy
Come on man, V, VI, VII and IX exist.


What about the leveling? You have to grind a shitton to learn one fucking ability.


They're all good games but this one's better

Charge is not the problem, I never said that. The problem comes from having to wait ages for everything and grinding is not enjoyable in this game.

So don't grind and git gud

The only thing V does better than FFT is have a red mage class available.

The ONLY thing.

What does IX do better than Tactics besides tickle your nostalgia bone?

Be honest when you mention grinding: you're trying to get auto-potion, aren't you? That's just about the only thing you need to grind for, and you basically do that at the very start of the game. Once everyone has auto-potion, that's it really.

>The sotry

Until the part where the political motivations get thrown out the window and it was all just a plot to find a host for some demonspawn's mother

>psp version

Don't forget about blue mage user.
Good taste in jobs btw.

Calculator grinding is true grinding, same with getting like Bard, Dancer, or Dark Knight.

You'd have to grind to mix and match abilities which is one of the draws of some of those games. You know, customizing characters with their classes.

Just give up and put the game aside if you are already crying about grinding. Move on.

Green Mage > Red Mage > Blue Mage

JP grinding is trivial when you master the base class. You literally get an ability that boosts JP earned by a shit load.

And even then you can get through the entire game without grinding at all. You only do that if you’re min/maxing and trying to make broken teams.

>Why do people like this game?
Because these "people" are retarded weebcucks who have never played an actually challenging TBT game in their lives and think that these shitty SRPGs with exactly zero challenge, where every single encounter can be overcome by pure grind, are "tactical".

I love UFO Defense and Final Fantasy Tactics. You sound like you're just desperate for Sup Forums's approval.

>I love UFO Defense and Final Fantasy Tactics
So you're a weebcuck who loves casual kiddie-tier shit? More news at eleven.

Not who you are bitching at but

>ufo defense
>casual kiddie tier shit

Dude. What? Please explain. UFO Defense is notorious for being total bullshit and the OPPOSITE of casual kiddie tier shit.

>FFT: given a new flowery translation with all the names spelled properly this time
>Tactics Ogre: given a new flowery translation with NONE of the names spelled properly this time


SRPG haters, or specifically ones who hate Japanese SRPGs always strike me as either cRPG players, or more likely RTS because nothing says challenging like resource management without a pause button.

Do you even know what I'm talking about?

Advance baby here and OP is RIGHT.
FFT is tedious as FUCK because it doesnt have a proper tavern or optional quest system like FFTA have.
When you do one campaign quest you have to do grind like a moron on the map for a while to not get steamrolled at the next mainquest battle. In FFTA you could do your secondary quests to lvl up and at least it didnt fell like you are doing same thing for 1 hour to get the story going.
And the game is BLURRY as fuck on psp, even on the go screen.
Also the plebians crying about the judges, just stop. You could use the law to get the ennemy fucked if you were smart.

>our faces when that fucking idiot said ufo defense is casual kiddie tier shit then disappeared when called out

>UFO Defense is notorious for being total bullshit
Mor elike you're fucking retarded. The only genuinely challenging part of UFO is the Geoscape, the tactical part is piss easy even on superhuman, because the AI in the game is pretty much nonexistent: enemies just wander around the map randomly with no sense of purpose and no understanding what "squad tactics" actually means. If you're patient, you can BTFO most of the enemy forces by pure camping and reaction fire spam. The only pace where UFO tactical gameplay gets a little bit challenging is UFO2 where you need to assault multi-storey alien bases. There's just so much shit you need to kill per base that something usually goes wrong even if you're super careful and do everything properly, but if you're actually good at the game, you can afford to lose 1-2 men during each base assault, so it's not really a game-ending problem. Alternatively, you can just savescum, it's not like the game has forced ironman mode or something.

Because it's fun and has a great story and characters

I mean, they got the main character's name right at least

you don't like the art style? that's part of why i really love it. can't please everyone i guess.

The fact you mongoloids think the original xcoms are challenging already exposes you as complete fucking children when it comes to the genre. It's like you've heard of these meme games and simply regurgitate opinions of other dumbfucks. There are FAR more challenging TBT games out there that completely BTFO the old xcoms out of the water.

TO PSP got a way better translation, and they didn't misspell any of the names.


It has a decent story

>doesn't like FFT
>likes the shitty cash grab "sequel"

FFT is beyond overrated.

I liked Tactics' story more.

Would you commit genocide for pussy user?

I liked A2 more than Advance.

Who hasn't?

if you know how to play you can actually never grind in fft or use cheap stuff like that speed boost with ramza. and you can do it without mustadio/agrias/orlandu/beowulf/whatever. Just regular old soldiers

if youre not some retarded babby who liked ffta, you could low level fft and be like level 28 at the end of the game with a team full of shit like chemist/time mage or everyone is geomancers/priest for holy and destroy shit thats like 30+ levels higher than you while having an almost perfect block and evade rates and bringing down nasty ass status effects from anywhere and BTFO dragons and behemoths with swords and holy as you descend into the underworld. This can even be done on the psp version with changes and extra battles. Dont be a noob like miluda. Miluda played ffta and died like an animal with no god

I hate how overly flowery they made the dialogue in that version. It reads like a High School drama club Shakespeare knock off. Why couldn't they have just fixed some of the obvious errors and understood that when it comes to "spicing up" the dialogue, less is more? Just depressing.

i don't know op. I enjoyed the game because i don't expect an upgrade. it's older than ffta. Maybe if you are not a fucking faggot you would enjoy it.

>You could use the law to get the ennemy fucked if you were smart.
You could also get charmed into catching a stat downgrade because FFTA's law system as a whole is garbage. A2's was way better.

>they didn't misspell any of the names.

Remind me which guide on Demonology lists BALBATOS as a duke of hell?

Blame yourself or God.

None of these are better though.

The Negronomicon.

It's the Niggamonicon.

Crazy thing, EVERY battle gives you EXP and JP. Who'd have thunk?

>the combat is slow
Because you're playing the PSP version. The attack animations are twice as fast on the PS1 version.

>playing, enjoying and loving Tactics Advance
get out of here marche

Not him, but I still had to grind to get Hamedo.

Hume (Master Race) > Gria = Viera > Moogle > Bangaa > Seeq = No Mou

Guess you would have to have grown up with it, it was great at it's time
Andriod and iPhone versions have lag fixed

>Better than anything

Wew lad shit taste
Guess you gotta let the world know you're circa 2000.

Its good

>late 90s
>only own one memory card
>memory cards held 8-16 save files
>only have 1 file of FFT
> Draw your sword Ramza
>own two memory cards