What's your head canon Revan like? Exile?
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He fucked Mission.
what a pleb a true man fucks Zaalbar aka Big Z in the ass
Accept your lord and savior
Best face. Works for both LS and DS.
I used the model in the OP.
if you tried to rape him would he forgo his life debt and kill you?
Nice. You a brother?
Carth was a bitch.
Is the Android port any good?
fuck off, buzzed exile is best exile.
That's an Asian head you stupid nigger.
>head canon
the fuck is that?
I thought he was asian t b h
who /dave chapelle/ here?
Is she resting her head on him or are they just uncomfortably close?
>thinking it wasnt consensual
not a nigger
Have you played the game? She's a slut
Lesbian romanced Bastila.
Where do I download the mod to romance Carth as a male?
Fuck off plebs.
Female Exile (canon Meetra Surik) is the best. Killing a man who is invincible to everything with literal feels and seeing him crumble is the ultimate kino in a while. Space Jesus doesn't compare.
Android port works well enough, has a few advantages over the BC Xbox version in that it can be *lightly* modded. It was free on Amazon Underground for awhile too. You can play on the Fire TV, not the stick, pretty well.
The Xbox One version lacks Yavin station and is full of the old glitches, I even managed to load into a few cutscene areas. But it runs smooth enough, if you don't mind the lack of a wide screen fix. But it's still got free cam so that's nice.
To me Revan is the hero who defeated Darth Malak and saved the republic. So she could go back to smuggling. She Really enjoyed the smuggler life the council gave her.
Hope you like the Disciple,fag. Also no one cares what's canon
Obsidian had no part in deciding that exile would be female so they didn't make the game with that in mind the same way KOTOR 1 was really designed for a male
At least she kills beta male Carth right?
Revan in my mind was a jokester a la Han Solo, but with a cleaner tinge, more like the man he eventually became than the one he was when the series started. Hot-headed, but quick-thinking with a heart of gold that will go out of his way to help even if he'll grumble about it. I feel that by the end of KotOR and its sequel he'd matured into a calmer, methodical man as his memories slowly but surely returned to him. Quieter for sure, but also less brash.
That's just me, at least.
go away queers go back to the closet. back i say back
Mullet man
Pic related
is the first or second one better?
Female Revan because it makes sense to piss of malak, also because it goes along well with Jedi jesus exile
First no question about it
The second one wasn't even finished, and parts of it were barely playable. It did have a really unique story though. Too bad it was rushed. I don't even understand why it was because the skeleton was done in one, all they did was update the crafting a bit and threw in some more powers.
The second with the Restored Content mod
>mfw it's peragus time again
>No option to romance Canderous as female Revan
what the fuck
There is a restored content mod for 2
>Cute 5'3 big sister Revan who dotes on Malak as well as her other Jedi while using her superior wisdom to guide them eventually only to be turned cold, calculating and merciless during the war
>SWTOR: lol no
kill me
>Whole game as maximum moralfag
>Find out the twist
>Switch to maximum evil and kill every living thing
>not using Mullet guy in KOTOR 1
It's far too late for that though. No patch can take me back in time and fix it on the OG Xbox.
*kills ur jedi council
now in a kotor 3 you can have a female revan and say that the one in swtor was fake
>Being 100% good or 100% bad for the sake of it
You disgust me
Kreia ultimate edgelord
You did bully her every chance you had, right?
KOTOR 1 good planets:
Bad planets:
Endar Spire
Female revan made a lot of sense considering how much malak despised revan, not only because she was his master but because she was a woman, it fits perfectly specially since there is no way the exile was female because not picking jedi jesus is retarded
also it feels like the romance with carth was the canon thing rather than bastilla even though the tsundere bastilla was pretty neat
I recently downloaded Kotor 1 on steam. It's all fucked up resolution wise. is there an easy fix?
>doing absolutely nothing and annoying the shit out of everyone you meet
Go home, grandma
He has ascendant beyond mortal desires
Google "KotOR Wide-screen Fix"
You should already have Flawless Wide-screen downloaded. If you can't figure it out, buy the GOG version.
>same """""voiceover""""" sample for 999 characters
I fucking wanted to die at the fish dialogue parts.
Kashyyk was fun in the shadowlands because you get to chill with Jolee, and kill Mandos and some force hunting monster.
Then you go back to the trees and have to deal with Not!Chewbacca's family angst and a dumb revolution plot.
Next playthrough I'm not bringing that cunt.
Teasing bastilla was the best part of Kotor
Why do so many people shill KOTOR2 on this board? It's an awful and unfinished game with horrible characters and story.
Carth was such a faggot beta. He always whines like a bitch because he can't answer ''how are you'' questions like a normal person. And he straight up ditches mission
because we don't work for Bioware like you do.
>cannot hatefuck Atris as male Exile
I head canon that one of them was dark side. I usually lean towards Revan being lightside in kotor 1 and the Exile being Dark Side. Or the other way around some times.
Mullet Revan just has this bad ass dark side look that none of the possible exiles have
fuck Carth
runs away like a bitch ass nigga
best order of planets for kotor 2
>Preaches balance and shit
>Must be good or evil on nar shadda with the dude asking for a handout
I hate it when games do this.
Machiavellian but not really evil. Brilliant, but power hungry. Charismatic and relatable, miss me with that dark side face transformation shit. Sith or at least non-Jedi 100%.
its so she can teach you a lesson.
>people believe she was meant to be right
>Not starting Revan off as a complete innocent Paragon only to slowly have them lose their moral fiber, making increasingly more middle ground decisions only to have the reveal turn them completely evil
Pretty standard for both, my head canon is that my SWTOR Jedi Knight was a 'void' just like how Vitiate is described to be.
I remembered a great line by some force sensitive alien saying "I sense a void in you; I will fill it with pain"
dave revan is best revan
Dantooine, Nar Shadaa, Dxun/Onderon, Korriban
My absolute nigga. That's exactly what I think about Revan.
C'mere so I can give you a nice titfuck.
Nar Shaddaa should definitely come first, Atton even points out that it makes more sense for you to go there since you're fugitives and all. Apart from that you're fine.
What made Dark Side in II much better than I was being able to go full manipulative cocksucker. Not enough games where you can be conniving like that
Why go for the sword at all, when you can clean entire rooms with a lightning storm? At least in KOTOR 2, that is.
Manaan is good if you play a scummy lawyer type during the trial. Being able to run circles around the prosecution and wring your hands together afterwards is the best
Manaan's Sith base and the trial are cool.
The Selkath are annoying as fuck and the underwater section sucks.
That's why I put it in both.
Y-you too user
all kotor 1 planets:
fucking ebin except walking in that slow ass environmental suit