Would The Thing work as a game, and if so, how?

Would The Thing work as a game, and if so, how?


It already did.


>inb4 it's not good
It is.

Bought it at release, tried playing multiple times, it's truly bad.


Just like the movie then.

multiplayer game. space station 13 meets alien isolation meets secret hitler. you're welcome.

>Shitty 3rd person shooter
>Not even a horror game
>Terrible controls
>Shit story
>Infection mechanic that doesn't affect you and means nothing

Faggot anons are wrong again


>circuit breaker #102!
>whoops, lost the only engineer after just blood testing him

The acting in this is subpar

Probably a game that's not marketed in any way to hint that it's the thing, first third or so of the game has nothing but small just off screen events hinting to it.
Not ESRB rating to also avoid spoiling it.
Gameplay wise, probably action survival with dialogue choices(that can get fucked over if you take to long to decide)

Like this

isn't Dead Space kinda this?

Not really. The Thing mimics people perfectly; the necros in Dead Space are just zombies, basically.

I remember there being a Starcraft and possibly a WC3 map about being The Thing, and the person who was infected was randomly chosen at first, and everyone else had to survive without being killed by The Thing in a certain time in order to win.
Was a decent game mode, unless the survivors all stood with eachother, ensuring the Thing player couldnt take them all on at once, which is fundamentally flawed.

that's the thing about the movie, circumstances always caused someone to have to split from the group. a game can just have everyone sit around and they'll be fine. that's why again I think morbus does it great by forcing players to have to do their needs (eat, sleep, drink, bathroom, bathe) or else they take damage to their sanity.

I would enjoy something like a FPS set off in a divergent non canon timeline where you are in an arctic(Or underwater, shit would be giggles). Something like Alien:Isolation or PREY, where it is a nicely sized, closed off base where "the thing" can be fought off with fire, grenades, or even wild bluffing(Setting yourself on fire when it tries to execute you or grab you)

Crazy party system where you have to show that you are not "The Thing" and keep loyalty of your crew but at the same time trying to stop "The Thing" from infecting everyone else. Maybe something like MGS V personnel management? Killing the wrong person would be terrible and there are ways to deal with it. Like planting evidence of convincing your crew with witty banter.

NG+ gives you control of "The Thing" and a custom scenario builder. Either play AS "The Thing" or set up some nice plots and shit.

That's all I got user. I love The Thing alot.
When I was a kid I used to want to be The Thing so I could rape this girl in my Social Studies Class.

It would be interesting to see it as a Walking Dead/Until Dawn style game, but they would seriously have to improve the amount of divergent paths.

There’s also a really cool Starcraft custom map where there’s three separate parts of the map, the ship, the space outside the ship, and the surface
The thing can try to pilot the ship and fly it into a nearby black hole, forcing the other players to eject onto the planet below

The Game.

Multiplayer. Deception kind of game.
The Thing starts off weak and needs to feed to grow stronger,
Can feed on small things, Rats, Cat, then steps up to the dogs and such. Can take the shape of anything it kills.
It wins if it
A) Kills everyone
B) Is in the escape team.

Other players are people.
The people win if they escape without the thing.
or they kill the thing.
They need to research the thing in order to figure out it hates fire,
Or You can test with wires and blood,
Or You can test fillings or replacement hips. Those are randomly generated for players, someone might be in perfect health with perfect teeth so not everyone is 100% safe.

Players need to Repair the raidio, or
Repair the Snow Mobile, or
Repair the helicopter, or
Prepare enough supplies for an on foot trek, or
Research how to kill the thing, or
Build a trap to hold the thing,

Lots of ways to win but limited supplies all over the place. They could build flame throwers but that'll use up some fuel they might need for the snow mobile/Generators/Helicopter.
They could burn down all the buildings but exposure will kill them eventually.

I know it wont work exactly.
Because someone will go "Oh i was killed" Then if they see that person walking around everyone is all "OI YOU!" maybe make them join the THING team.

It has problems but I wouldn't exactly call it bad its just flawed. It still beats most of the shit that passes for horror games nowadays. An improved sequel could have been a great game.

It'd work well as a Telltale style game.

>Multiplayer shooter
>One of the players starts as The Thing
>Thing creatures are constantly assaulting the base
>Players have to defend a machine creating an Anti-Thing virus and other station equipment like the radar and heaters
>Station equipment is in other parts of the station, meaning you can't all just camp the virus machine
>Players killed by Thing creatures or Thing players also become part Things
>The game is over when the virus is released through the station, when all thing players are killed or when all human players are killed or infected

Epic Mafia.

Literally SS13

How does it feel to be a gigantic faggot?

>Players killed by Thing creatures or Thing players also become part Things

>there's no way for other players to tell, unless you see them die or can accomplish an optional objective to create a test

that would be one of the best mechanics ever.

>you and your boy holding down the virus room as the people around you drop like flies
>getting down to the wire but the end is in sight
>seconds left on the clock
>he eats your face because he got turned while securing a packet of crisps 30 seconds into the round

Now this sounds fun, user. You don't get that feeling of paranoia in The Thing if you have NPCs which act in completely predictable fashions. It has to be multiplayer to really get that suspicion and deviousness going.

great movie! bad game!

Also Garry’s Mod Trouble in Terrorist Town got the vibes of unknown danger