How well did Metroid: Samus Returns sell, exactly? I can't find accurate recent sales numbers anywhere. Did it sell well enough for Nintendo to greenlight more 2D Metroid?
How well did Metroid: Samus Returns sell, exactly? I can't find accurate recent sales numbers anywhere...
They said it sold enough for a new 2D Metroid to be worth their time.
I heard it sold around 200-300k. Good enough for a Metroid title, imho.
I dunno, but it was my GoTY. I loved it and AM2R equally.
It sold good enough, which is certainly much needed for something like Metroid
Here's hoping Prime 4 ends up good and more than like 3 people buy it
>Did it sell well enough for Nintendo to greenlight more 2D Metroid?
Yes, they already said it did.
Where? Can you link an article?
Who gives a fuck you faggot did you like it is the only question that should matter
If he liked it, then he'd want to know how it sold, because that means more Metroid
What's wrong with wanting the series to continue?
Over 300k, expect to see Metroid 5 in 2019 or 2020 for the Switch.
Best song.
I do love what SR's OST did with the old RoS tunes, and the new tunes are great too.
Most of all though, I love how it gave us this this one. I've got so many fond memories of it.
And this one, too
As bizarre as RoS' soundtrack was, young me has a lot of fond memories of it.
This song is so atmospheric, in the original game it felt like a happy ending while in Samus Returns it feels like something isn't right, was killing the Metroids really the right thing to do?
All it's missing is the sound of thunder crackling in the background, like in the original.
I know
No numbers outside of Japan, but Nintendo's financial reports say it had "firm sales".
What if the helmet IS the "face"? I love the idea of a suit of armour animating of its own accord or being magicked to "life".
They were probably low-balling their expectations, thinking the brand was on the outs after how badly Federation Force did.
I hope Metroid goes the Fire Emblem route where the franchise continues to be supported from the developer's personal love for the series despite low sales, only to suddenly blow up again when they find a new way to radically change the formula while bringing back beloved familiar elements to bring it back to the nintendo forefront.
I rather it not, I rather it makes a profit each time without needing to hit a million copies sold because I don't want Metroid turning into generic weebshit like what Fire Emblem turned into. The more Samus stays in her suit like in Samus Returns the better.
Or they could go down the rabbit hole and make the ZSS game that all Smashfags cry about. To truly get the FE treatment.
They tried waifuing up Samus in Other M and it bombed, guess what will happen if they tried this.
Reminder Metroid is irrelevant D-List garbage and no Metroid game ever sold more than F-Zero, another D-Lister.
The only people who want such an awful idea are people who have no interest in Metroid in the first place.
They're happy fapping to Samus but they're not going to spend $40-$60 on a game for it.
Well, one IP is still getting games, while one isn't. Face the facts.
Even Fire Emblem is more relevant than Metroid.