Bros, no new release this month
/PC gamers january/
>no port announcements of last years (or even older) console releases
>MH world got delayed until "autumn" while consolegods are playing it RIGHT NOW
>intel security flaw brings intel CPUs down to console levels
a-at least we'll be getting 2016's FFXV next month, right?
why would anyone buy ffxv knowing what it is on console
because I don't have anything else to play!
Here PCfriend, some upcoming games for you to look forward to!
Hyped for Iconoclasts this month desu. Not sure what else is coming out.
Nothing except dragon ball and re-release of sf V, but i forgot about iono hope it will ne good
can't really argue over RDR2 or KH3, but
>VC4 was made only because the PC port was so well received
>PC isn't getting the game that they effectively funded
>Capcom consistently made good ports and generally gave a single solitary fuck about PC
>delay their most hyped games until "autumn" while consoles get to break its hymen in and inseminate its supple womb
I love Miata reaction images
>PC isn't getting the game that they effectively funded
What are you talking about
Never heard of any of these but they all look like generic AAA garbage. The type of shit neo Sup Forums plays.
Capcom duped us. It's unfair, bros.
>pc master race
>nothing but ports
People who only use pcs are the worst their snobs and the only argument they have is that a pc is slightly more powerful, show me the fucking games
>sega ports vc for shits and giggles 6 years after the PS3
>Sega mentions that the PC port was very profitable, and stated that it was responsible for renewed interest in the IP
>they make an enhanced PS4 re-release and a spinoff that PC isn't getting
>and they're making a sequel that PC also isn't getting
>none of those games would have been made if it wasn't for VC being so successful on steam, at least according to Sega
Zwei might come out this month
>no port announcements of last years (or even older) console releases
Besides FFXV there's also Trails of Cold Steel II
>just a vague "2018" release
>meanwhile PS4 will likely get a remaster in April
So much for the master race, amirite?
I don't understand
The ports are many of the games
Its a platform that doesn't lose its library each gen and has PS4/PC only titles, Xbone/PC only titles, Wii U/PC only titles, and so on due to the fact that PC isn't owned by any particular company, thus not supporting competition. There's a shitload of games out and/or coming out.
I think right now I'm most excited for Biomutant, FFXV, Secret of Mana, Zwei, and Atelier Lydie & Suelle.
The remaster is coming out in April in Japan
Which isn't really relevant to most people since it isn't in English. So there'll still be a longer wait.
And Cold Steel II PC probably isn't too far away considering Durante posted that he got the source code for it back in September.
*March in Japan
Are you mentally retarded or just a fucking idiot?
>PC isn't owned by any particular company, thus not supporting competition
I love how people play this as PC's greatest strength when it absolute doesn't benefit the end user at all, especially not in the form of software support. PS gets Japanese games because Sony has a monopoly in Japan, Nintendo and MS gets games because they paid for them. PC doesn't get anything unless the publishers decide they want a few extra bucks on top of the console money.
Doesn't change the fact that the PS4 is getting an enhanced version of the game while PC is getting a PS3 port of a Vita game.
When do Pillars of Eternity 2 and Swords of Ditto come out?
>the PS4 is getting an enhanced version of the game
Most of the features announced for Cold Steel 1 were just the PC version's features though
Is it even confirmed that there will be some special changes to the remaster graphically beyond the resolution and framerate upgrade already present in the PC release?
>I love how people play this as PC's greatest strength when it absolute doesn't benefit the end user at all
But it does
Being able to play Microsoft's exclusives like Gears of War and Recore as well as some Playstation exclusives like Tokyo Xanadu or Danganronpa on the same system is a bit of a treat. If you already bought all the other consoles and are an idort it probably doesn't mean that much to you as a consumer though, which I will concede to.
Meanwhile my platform is choice gets MHW, DBFZ and Dissidia in a single month. EDF5 also recently came out in Japan and I'm honestly considering it.
To many games, just like last year. Feels good and bad man
Looking forward to dual universe. Hopefully its not a scam.
As a third party game, they have to abide by Sony's clauses by making their version of the game somehow better, either in the form of better graphics or additional content. Look at VC PS4 versus PC, the PC version looks fucking dated while the PS4 has so many new graphical effects like actual shadows, reflective water, and texture filtering. Japanese developers only used PC as a test bed for the enhanced console releases.
>But it does
PC would benefit a hell of a lot more if Microsoft threw money at publishers to release games on PC as opposed to letting Sony decide when the scraps shall be sent over. I'd rather play Yakuza Zero through DX10 and Windows Store than wait 8 years from now.
This delusion...
You know VC got 2 sequels before there ever was a PC port of the first, right?
And if in your head PC was such a relevant platform for Japanese devs in any way, shape or form, then why is it that the PC port of VC4 is being treated like a second-class citizen and not released at the same day as consoles instead of being delayed for half a year?
Because console games make more money and thus are prioritized first
shh, let pcfriends delude themselves into thinking they're somehow relevant...
>tfw the only thing you're getting in Jan on PC is the KANGZ dlc
I refuse to believe you've played everything worth playing on PC.
>they have to abide by Sony's clauses by making their version of the game somehow better
There's no evidence to support that this is an actual Sony made clause. Most likely Sony doesn't even have involvement money wise or otherwise with most 3rd party titles (titles like Nioh being an exception), as they aren't Sony's games in most cases.
Fair point. There are some graphical improvements on the PS4 version not present on the PC version.
It's easy to run out quick, considering that nothing of worth has been released on PC for the past 15+ years. It pretty much died with the decline of its 90's and early 2000's golden age.
There has to be a reason why Resident Evil 4 and Tales of Symphonia were both games that had a later Sony version and both games received additional content in the PS rereleases. The same was true with Bioshock as well, it got an exclusive DLC level when it came to the PS3.
Fucking this. Ive been waiting for Tomb Kings for fucking months now. Such a fucking shame that we wont get Norsca until fucking May
Both RE4 and Tales of Symphonia got their PS releases after the original Gamecube releases. Most likely Capcom/Bamco wanted to add incentives to buy those later releases by adding extra content and/or give people reasons to buy the same game again.
Its actually kind of annoying in Tales of Symphonia's case since the PS2 release wound up being the basis for later ports, resulting in the HD remasters being stuck at 30fps.
You're actually fucking retarded
I hope you know that
The volume of games has decreased over time but there are plenty of recent titles worth playing, especially younger than 15 fucking years
Dry spells are the universe gifting you the joy of clearing some backlog or exploring forgotten gems.
iconoclasts is coming out
It honestly depends on what games youre after. Most popular games on pc, like strategy games are made in a way that you can pretty much play them forever. If you want games that you move one after one or two playthroughs, then just buy a console. Im still not sick of playing Company of Heroes even after a decade. Thats just how fun the game is for me.
Still catching up on Legend of Heroes: Trails in the Sky, and a few other games.
I don't expect the industry to make good new games anymore. At least not in the West.
What fucking rock do you live under where you never heard of Kingdom Hearts or motherfucking Red Dead Redemption? You're just lying to sound "above it all" but you just look like a complete retard.
Not him but even if those were on pc I wouldnt even play them. I literally never even play half the games being talked about around here. I just want more autism games like Mountain Blade.