Who is you're favorite girl from DDLC and why is it Natsuki?
DDLC Best Girl
Honestly I liked Yuri the most at the starting screen and thought natsuki was the worst cause of her looks, but natsuki won for me because of her poems. Simple and got a message across, while the "best" looking one had edgy gay poems that were pretentious as fuck. Total flip flop for me
Haven't played through natsuki's route but I should.
haha us weebs rite XD desu
Yep, Natsuki's poems were the fucking best.
Best girl is Monika, because she's not Natsuki.
What did he mean by this?
This game actually made me want to re-read some old poems I read in school. Like when the game brought up "The Giving Tree."
Do you measure up?
Rin because feet.
Oh wait
Natsuki is best though. You're missing out on DFC and other loli delights
I legit can almost feel Natsuki's body touching mine just by looking at her
Why are small girls so good?
Yes. I think most would without garbage genes or being overweight.
Monika is unironically best girl.
Just Monika
Am I the only one that was encouraged to write again thanks to this?
>8 with hefty girth
>balls are fucking smooth coinpurse
it hurts
Natsuki was my fave, but sayori grew on me. Especially when I replayed and chose her route.
I don't know who's the best girl now.
In a couple of years I will be old enough to have a daughter like her, isn't it funny? Haha
Tfw you can't save her.
Just Monika
I love her sense of humor.
Edgy? Sorry if her poems are a bit too complex for someone of your mental age to comprehend.
They're not complex. They're pretentious as all fuck and Yuri's logic while writing poems is "big words good". Natsuki's poems are just as effective at getting a point across as Yuri's are, just without the overwhelming pretentious faggotry Yuri exudes.
Embedding monika.chr into the blockchain so every Bitcoin node has a copy of Monika!
Monika using her powers to make Bitcoin go over 14000 USD!
Going to the moon with Monika!
I can't wait for that Project Libitina thing. That weird shit with Yuri's "Third Eye" sounds real fucking interesting.
That's a nice cat.