I recently installed a GTX 1060 for my buddies prebuilt desktop...

I recently installed a GTX 1060 for my buddies prebuilt desktop, and whenever he launches game he already installed through Steam the game loads up until the menus and then crashes. What do? Should he uninstall steam and all the games? Or should he return the card?

get the latest drivers :o)

branded psu?

Install Gentoo.

you helped someone add something to a computer and dont even know about crash logs? Maybe you shouldn't be helping anyone with anything.

No idea it came with the PC but it is a 300w


clean re-install on drivers
try a different not-steam game
re-seat the card
try all that again
if no work return


minimum requirement for the 1060 is 400w.

If its unbranded its probably not actually putting out 300w and causing the card to shit itself

lmao you stupid kids

here you go champ, be good in school you hear?

nigga that card's gonna die

But it runs everything perfectly just not steam games

which ones?

look through the event logs if he's using windows. it should tell you the problem of the crash. but from the sounds of the situations, it sounds like the card isn't getting enough power from the psu so when it cranks up its clockspeeds/voltage in games it crashes.

Everything we have tried. Fallout NV, Sims 3, Portal, etc.

the psu caps would have fried ages ago, that doesn't matter at all its all rail/volts/amps and it would crash the entire system due to lack of proper power draw.

I'm running my GTX 1060 on a 300W 80+ Gold PSU so that can't be the problem

I am pretty sure it is the drivers. The drivers are super out of date