WoW Classic Thread

What race are you picking user? What class? What spec? What do you plan on doing when WoW Classic comes out? Do you want any changes to Vanilla, or should it stay the same?

>What race are you picking user?
Undead, every other race is shit.

none fuck blizzard too little too late

Orc Rogue

No love for Dwarves?


When the fuck are they releasing this shit? I wanna play vanilla now, but there's 0 certainty my character will last long with private servers
I always thought he said fight

If this doesn't have transmog I'm not playing

They are only in the progress of hiring the team so it will most likely be years.

fuck off blizz shill

They just finished hiring about a week or so ago I heard.

Troll Shaman.

Troll Shaman.

Or maybe orc for the stun resists, troll racials are kind a bad atleast berzerking is okay with ele


Haven't decided on the class yet (Probably hunter, since I don't have as much time as I did 12 years ago.) but I'm going to be a purple haired troll like all of my other characters.

Just because I think they look cool while riding the swift olive raptor.

Nobody cares about your shitty game.

Who fucking cares. Vanilla is fucking garbage.

>whaa why do people like thing

People are fucking wrong.

Nice taste user. Trolls get that nice +5 Weapon skill to Bows as well.

You are right. Undead Rogue is the only class worth playing.

Probably Orc Warlock.

Play on a private server, or go on /vg/ and take your thread about a shitty, dated game with you.

Rogue first for the sole purpose of pick pocketing my way to a mount. After i get him up ill make money to afford easily leveling my warrior, probably to tank with

>What race are you picking user?
>What class?
>What spec?

Every WoW thread is just autists flipping out. Glad to see they dont discriminate between classic and current.

But we're talking about the official release

Horde Warrior, though I can't decide the race.

What I, and I assume many others as well, find deplorable about most "Vanilla players" is the fact they refuse to accept or admit their game had any flaws at all. Bringing up any legitimate critique about their prized MMO results in a tangent about how casual or stupid one is for disagreeing with them. They also seem to have a morbid belief that leveling from 1-60, while indeed arduous and time consuming, took any manner of skill to achieve and was anything but a commitment of time.

That's my take on the debate.

>reeee why are people making threads about this game instead of games i like reeee

Nice blog

Thank you.

If you care about racials and min/maxing Tauren is probably your best bet for tanking, with Orcs being better for PvP and DPS.
Undead warrs are cool as fuck too though.

played a horde rogue before, so might play an alliance caster this time around

It's gonna be the same stupid shit. Just like it was in 04/05

What's the unique spell that UD Priests get in Vanilla? It's a DoT right?

gunna play Fem Dwarf Priest
not because 'muh fear ward' but because i want a thicc bitch
and i cant be a gobbo

>classic won't be out for months and months, if it comes out this year at all
>7.3.5 still not out
I just want to play your shitty game Blizzard, stop being so fucking slow

All games are shit, yours is just old AND shitty, yet you fags think it's the second coming of christ. It was a boring pile of shit then and it will be now.

Devouring Plague, yeah.

Plan on going Alliance to play with a buddy. But I also know what i'm getting into. I have a feeling many people don't know or forgot that vanilla lacks quest hubs, doesnt have enough quests to hit 60, and has many quests that send you across the whole world for nothing. I think that's what will shock people the most.

Human Prot Warrior

I too enjoy watching paint dry


Put your trip back on so I can filter you again, Reliable Ecchi.

Watching people accustomed to hubs having to trek all over the world to find quests will either be really good or really awful

>dosen't have enough quests to hit 60
what did he mean by this?

Someones gotta do it. And I will never lower myself to play a healer or a dps.

Im hoping they fix it so that it's more streamlined to quest, maybe i was just bad at questing but i hated having to go between the two kingdoms

>more streamlined
I hope you fall off a fucking cliff

Not sure what you're memeing. There were not enough quests to hit 60 in vanilla. The end zones just didn't have them. You literally had to grind mobs.

I'm looking forward to the outrage and complaining on the forums.
I also expect nu-Blizz to immediately backtrack on what they said regarding keeping it as close to the original experience as possible and end up introducing a bunch of modern QoL features like LFG.

I think he meant that there's not enough quests to hit 60.

I will but my statement still stands you autist

Spotted the unironic Wrath bab.

My answer is gnome to all questions.

>What race are you picking user?

For expansion Human or Light forged Dran or Night Elf or dark forged dwarf. Human/dwarf for classic.

>What class? What spec?

Druid or pally for expansion. Warrior or pally for classic. Cant make up my mind between the two classes for both games.

>Do you want any changes to Vanilla, or should it stay the same?

Man, this is a tough question. I hope they change some things, such as class balance and the addition of more usable class specs to the game. But as for everything else, i hope it all remains the same! I mean everything! The only thing i want is for more specs and classes to be viable.

Nelf Hunter.
I'm mostly looking forward to the world pvp and shadowmeld is a fun utility

its okay for you to have different tastes user

i bet you were like 5 anyway

This, but shadow first. I played only pre-bc patch though, is it ok to use pvp gear in pve?

>so it will most likely be years.

Nigga they're doing a classic server, not remaking the damn game. It's a lot of work, but it's not anymore than creating content for an upcoming patch, especially when they have a decade of feedback to call back to when adressing what most people want to see in a vanilla server.

>class balance
Was ok. Every class did something on its own, the viability in raids/pvp came from players.

Why would I pay blizzard a monthly fee for something that has been available for years at absolutely no cost?

Im pretty torn between Mage, warrior and shaman. Mage seems very simple to play and is good in both pve and pvp with frost. Warrior is bar none the best class in the game with all 3 spec being viable, the highest dps with fury, pvp slaughter houses with arms and the only tanks with prot on top of this they get some of the coolest armor and weapons but they're very popular so the competion for gear will be high. Shamans sound interesting to play just by the fact that they are so differnt in vanilla then they are today, they provide tons of support with their totems and aoe heals in raids and in pvp they fully equiped to kick ass


Makes me sad shaman are horde only, but then again paladins are alliance only. I feel like if youre able to get into a decent guild gearing as a prot warrior night be easier assuming you're the designated tank. Sucks competing for plate drops with retarded retri paladins and warriors in pugs though

Either a fem orc warrior or a fem human warrior

cant wait till i farm BRD tanking and reserve my ironfoe and HoJ each run until i get them :^)

>what race are you picking


>What's on yer mind?

What does that have to do with OPs question?
You're obviously not even interested in vanilla, so why are you even in this thread. It's like you came here just to shit things up.

Imagine having this outlook on games, yet coming on Sup Forums every day for hours and hours, shitting up both your life and other peoples discussions

I want to hold hands with Yuri!

And from my point of view these threads are full of assholes who are enraged this will even exist and waste unthinkable amounts of time telling everyone that the fun they had on Nostalrius or wherever wasn't real. The level of antagonism between the people that want this to exist and those that for whatever reason don't want it is stupidly high given how trivial the matter is.

There was not enough quests to reach level 60. If you'd played vanilla you'd know this.

But having quests send you into new zones that you most likely haven't explored yet, especially early on was one of the most fun things about them. You'd meet so many new players and discover so many new things on the way.

pretty much this

I thought I wanted to pay Blizzard, but I didn't


I cant wait to hear the stories of RP guilds falling apart upon the drop of this weapon

What's the deal with Corrupted Ashbringer? Why would RP guilds fall apart because of it?

Human warlock 30-0-21 shadow mastery / ruin for my main in classic
Night Elf hunter 20-31-0 for a pvp centric alt, it’s sweet to aim shot crit someone out of shadow meld stealth. I have the most fun playing ranged pet classes.
I’d be fine if they changed nothing mechanic wise other than perhaps the random server crashes and downtime.

Ive never played on RP realms so I could never attempt to understand their autism. Im guessing its just cuz its a low drop so people get mad when they dont get it?

>if this doesn't have X expac improvement I'm not playing
Why would you expect it to be anything but a set of unmaintained vanilla servers that blizzard makes stupid money off of for no effort

>What race are you picking user? What class?
Worgen DK with the Reinhardt skin.

>What spec?
>talents on nu-classic

>What do you plan on doing when WoW Classic comes out?
Funpost on Sup Forums.

>Do you want any changes to Vanilla?
No, but they are going the make them anyways.

all I have to do is look at the battlenet general forums and realize that THIS is going to be the community

what a disappointment, wow really is dead

imagine having this outlook on games
just doing because "sombody gotta do it I suppose, and heck if I ever try somethin new"

just depressing is all, people are so fucking vanilla

its a big lore weapon, even a dungeon will have a special interaction if you are equipping it when you enter.

It was far from perfect, but had a lot of good design philosophy that has been lost in the nu-WoW era. Sadly, I'm not sure how the old social atmosphere could ever come back.

>not making a fem orc

>undead priest
You get devouring plague and touch of weakness. Undead is built for shadow.

Can't wait for 2019 when there would be a dozen of threads on Sup Forums crying about how "dreams and hopes about the classic servers were a mistake".
It will happen either way. Either blizzard would fuck shit up, or the nostalgiafags would realize how unplayable and low standard the vanilla experience is in the given year.
Just a bit more patience until I can make fun of you nostalgiafags and newfags who pretend to be nostalgiafags. Just little more.

I understand its a lore heavy weapon, but wow even in vanilla, has so many holes and inconsistencies that I could never immerse myself enough to RP in that game. Like I said I don't understand the autism behind it.


Very true but I plan on raiding a lot, and to my knowledge Devouring Plague and ToW would end up being wastes of debuff slots anyways.
Will definitely play shadow if I decide to focus on PvP though.

yes, i understand the design purposes of them. i think people expect rewards from quests, and also the game wont be new for most people so they'll just be annoyed being sent between continents for nothing. Thats what i'm guessing anyway