Was he right Sup Forums?
Was he right Sup Forums?
I just want a KOTOR thread damn it
What was Darth Revan's tax policy?
BB-9E Reveal trailer
I have no opinion because I never felt the need to talk to this guy.
Is he seriously supposed to be sitting at a terminal controlling this droid 24/7 even when you're not on a mission on the off chance the exile will wander through and want to talk about morality? Doesn't he have a fucking galaxy-spanning criminal empire to run?
Oh my sweet dear user...
Goto is actually a droid called GO-TO, an overseer droid that previously in charge of a Republic restoration project tasked with saving the Republic, which led it to cracking and turning to illegal methods of accomplishing its goal - including by capturing Jedi to recruit,
executing destabilising influences and distracting the Hutt families.
I learn something new everytime I hear about this game.
Beating it 4 times and I learned nothing.
Not just any project, either, but the very Telos Restoration Project you run into earlier in the game.
His methods were questionable but the results were exactly what the Republic needed to hang on for as long as it did.
To be fair, unless you bother unlocking his Influence conversations (which took me about ten playthroughs) it's pretty hard to work out.
As another interesting fact, did you know that Kreia is most likely the Handmaiden's mother, Arren Kae?
Which would mean every single Force-sensitive party member is tied to the Exile be Malachor V.
>need to find the Jedi so I can stabilise the Republic
>better hire all these bounty hunters, put a huge price on the capture of a Jedi and don't bother telling them why I need them alive
G0-T0 is just a stupid droid. If the Republic survives it does so in spite of his efforts, not because of them.
G0-T0 is a faggot and I'm glad HK-47 guns him down like the trash he is.
G0-T0 was a dumb asshole, but I actually enjoy those kinds of characters. As a sidenote, I swear Disney aped off his design to make BB-9E in TLJ.
Isn't he designed after the torture robot Vader uses in ANH?
G0-T0 is ripped from the Imperial torture droid in A New Hope.
>If the Republic survives it does so in spite of his efforts, not because of them.
To be fair it is very likely that the Hutts would be fucking the Republic up right at a moment when it would collapse from a tiny gust of wind without G0-T0's influence. He intentionally sited himself on Nal Hutta's moon just to fuck with them and divert their attention away from the Republic towards fighting with the Exchange.
But seriously, the bounty hunter shit is just... mindblowing. Let's just clarify this. The entire game's events are essentially set in motion in part because of the HK droid that drugs you on the Harbinger prior to the game start, a droid sent to hunt you down. The droids all think that G0-T0 wants you dead, when in actual fact he wants you brought in alive so that the motherfucker can employ you to save the Republic for him. That droid fucking you about on Peragus leads to it eventually getting destroyed which puts the entire Outer Rim at risk of collapse. The droids keep hunting you throughout the rest of the game.
They'll be lower son
IT-O and G0-T0 are pretty much the same design, just flipped. Fair point though.
I dunno man. That's kinda like muzzies actually declaring intent of taking over the world in earnest. No humanoid worth their salt would stay sitting while the slugs tried to take over.
I mean, if Kreia really is Handmaiden's mother, that's a pretty thin connection to Malachor and kind of a stretch. Visas, at least, is where she is because her master is Nihilus and he was born as a direct result of Malachor, just like the Exile.
How are Mira and Atton connected to Malachor again?
>How are Mira and Atton connected to Malachor again?
Mira was a Mandalorian slave soldier that fought at Malachor.
Atton was part of Revan's loyalist fleet at Malachor that fled with him into the Unknown Regions and later proclaimed the new Sith Empire in KOTOR 1.
Miras parents were mando slaves who died on Malachor. She might have been present too but I'm not sure. Atton was a sith assassin.
I thought he used to be a real person then transferred his consciousness into the droid.
What compels people to use the Jedi Jesus face, memes? Aryan Youth Jedi is much better.
Bearded swordsman beats non-Bearded swordsman, baby face.
Ah well that will teach me to judge a book etc. I'll check it out in my next playthrough
Was G0-T0 a reference to Helios?
One is professional, the other will have his beard Force pulled into a lightsaber.
One is a faggot and the other is not. Care to guess which side you fall on smooth skin?
pic related on a few levels
No, he was always just a robot who was given an insanely, impossible mission. It fucked his AI so hard he had to run through ten cycles of insane troll logic before finally deciding the best way to 'safeguard the Republic' was to become a crime boss. Fun fact, it was actually working too until Exile once again screwed everything up. Then GOTO decided to switch the game around and actively work with the Exile since letting the Player run around the Galaxy chucklefucking their way into madness, GOTO could at least try to give advice and guide them to appropriately screwed areas.
That fails though when GOTO forgot to account for the fact he is boring and unlikeable and the Exile rarely ever spoke to him.
>Install mod with cut content
>"oh fucking shit I want to play the HK factory so bad"
>Tries to trigger HK factory mission
>Nothing happens
But why did G0-T0 try to stop Bao-Dur/Remote from activating the Mass Shadow Generator destroying the Sith Academy and Malachor V?
Luke Skywalker without beard = Saved the fucking galaxy
Luke Skywalker with beard = Kills himself
Further proving the EU was god tier in comparison with the basic lore. By the by, Katarn also beats Luke.
Isn't this an extra mod by now since many people hated it?
>Obi-Wan without the beard = Lets his master die
>Obi-Wan with the beard = Single handedly steals the show
>Mary Sue beats Luke
wow its fucking nothing
>Kyle Katarn is so cool and better than everyone else
>god tier
KK is fine for a vidya protagonist but he's just there to let players fuck around and not meant to be taken seriously. He's next-gen Dash Rendar.
How did Luke kill himself?
>"mary sue" vs "mary sue"
>bearded one wins
Not seeing your argument famalam.
Qui-Gon had a beard. Checkmate, Jedi
Sup Forums, you left me no choice. I sentence you to DELETION
Got tired from projecting himself across the galaxy and dancing around Kylo Ren and "became one with the force" or some shit. Pretty retarded, desu.
Just go back to your containment board with that. No one wants your aspie shit here.
He forced harder than anyone thought he could and then died from exhaustion or just gave up his corporeal form depending on the interpretation.
Of course he was right, but also he's a robot
Qui-Gon was an idiot
No u
Are these games better than the movies?
better than Disney and the prequels, at least
>The prequels are bad
Brainlet detected
go back to Sup Forums and jerk off to little girls, pedo