LoL isn't pay2win

>LoL isn't pay2win

Alright, defend this, LoLfags. Right now.

You could unlock Zoe almost immediately upon making a new free account.

And do what? Spend months leveling up the account (unless you shill for boosts) just in time for them to release the new broken shit?

You need like 1 7-day boost to level to 30 if you're not a retard. Go play some other game if you're that poor.

Also, Zoe is easily beatable with cheap champs if you're not some terrible bronze/silver like yourself.

LoL is shit but I want to fuck Zoe

Go back to Sup Forums

>Literal best LoL player straight up calls her broken as shit
>"Y-y-y-you're just bad!"

She just got nerfed multiple times, since apparently you can't read patch notes.

You're still bad, and you don't need to worry your silver head over what pros playing at a competitive level say about game balance.

>"J-j-j-just dodge the spears, noob!"

>dodge her E
>she can't do shit against you now

>Stays on the ground
>She tries again in a few seconds

>League got a cute loli
>Paragon is just getting a killer robot bear
It's not fair bros

Who wants to fuck those feet

Yes, you do have to dodge skillshots. Good job champ, you'll get to silver 1 in no time!

then walk around it dickweed

Your argument falls flat since shes available to anyone who plays the game.
she might be "broken" but she also gets banned more often then not.
I dont know about you but when i play this game theres always 1 champion i just dont want to see in my game, and i just outright ban them. Zoe is the target for most people these days because of how "broken" she is. but every champ in league is broken once they get ahead in the right hands, you just need to know how to use the advantage you've gained in order to pull your team to victory, if you dont then you just even off and end up losing anyway because you've lost your lead and your team either makes a mistake or their team makes a good play.

She's honestly not THAT great of a laner, is major assassin/dive bait, and if she can't get picks on key targets she's a shitty teamfighter as well.

Overrated as shit from what she was on release. She's even getting nerfed AGAIN tomorrow so even less room to complain

>diving on Zoe
If you say so bud

She has zero true escapes. Her ult is only a temporary displacement. If you get on top of her and she can't connect her E she's completely fucked

There is a reason the most common counterpick into her is Kassadin.

You are bronze

Oh shut the fuck up. Everyone is saying this champ is dumb.

League isn’t pay to win.

Nobody wins when you play league.

Yeah, but she's not P2W because not only does everyone have access to her but everyone can ban her. You have no excuse.

Because kass can continue blinking and tank magic damage
Her ult gets her away from burst which is the important part of nullifying a dive even if its just temporary. Why do you think Zhonya is so good?

She has a winrate that sits below 50 percent.
By comparison there are 27 other champions that are better than her statistically at mid.
Just because she's annoying doesn't mean she's P2W, league players are just giant fucking babies and can't adapt for shit.

Cute loli. I like the toeless socks.

Winrate by Elo
Banrate by Elo

For Platinum/Diamond/Master
Win Rate -> 52%
Ban Rate -> 53+%

Fun Fact, Silver/Bronze is where her low Win Rate comes from. She has over 50% in Gold+, and 45%- in Silver/Bronze.

*plays teemo*
Oh oh


>over 50%
I guess 50.3% is technically over 50.

>he wants a loli over a robot bear
child loving faggot detected

League in its current state is 10x more P2W than it used to be. I started playing in 2013-14 and recently got permabanned after putting 2500 hours in, having long since unlocked every champion. It was very easy to level up and earn IP (in-game currency) because you got about 100-150 per game, plus other bonuses like first-win-of-the-day.

I made a second account recently and started from the beginning, no champions, no IP. Instead of getting IP for every single game, you only get a specific pre-determined amount of IP every time you *level up*, which takes at LEAST 10 games for each level. And the amounts you get are fucking pitiful. It isn't nearly proportional.

What are you gonna do about it, zoophile?

im gonna rip and tear with a robot bear, thats what im gonna do about it

Friends, please don't fight. The answer is clear! Furry lolis.


this game needs furry shotas

Why the fuck doesn't Dota have any lolis yet? It's starting to piss me off. I'd play LoL just for the waifus if it wasn't absolutely terrible.

t. furfag

>cant like a character without wanting to fuck it
seek help

>not wanting to dick videogame characters

>implying i dont
>implying you need to want to dick every video game character you see

You are playing the wrong games, I see.

I play Zoe a lot and I personally think she is a little OP.

I fought one last night (around gold rank) and although I starved her from farm and killed her three times, she still managed to 1-shot my adc when they came wandering up to my lane.