Games are more fun when you can play them with friends

Games are more fun when you can play them with friends.

It’s a shame that the Xbone and Switch versions of RL are pretty poor.

>online games
OP, do I look like an adolescent to you? Literally who gives a shit about playing online with strangers?

why does the nintendo guy have a scar

i have more fun playing alone

soy injection


>there are people on Sup Forums RIGHT NOW who are paying for PS+ or XBL

why would an injection cause a scar

the student becomes the teacher

you don’t get stitches for an injection

>there are people who will pay for nintendo's online
>"i-it comes with free NES roms!!"

You posted a PC game again xcuck, moreover a Steam game that crushes the window wanabe studios.

Gotta admit Sea of Thieves does this well, I can never tell whether someone's on Xbone or Win10

$20 a year is way different than $60 plus tip.

Who is paying $60 plus tip?

PS+ at least gives actual free games instead of 25 year old games you can get off coolroms in 2 seconds

Sony is a shit garbage company and it's fans are total fucking idiots.

Killer Instinct also has crossplay, because Microsoft aren't assholes in that regard.

Fighting games are suffering because Sony repeatedly blocks crossplay for any game that comes to the Xbox.

That's how much a year of PS+ costs.

Actually Nintendo took all their games off coolrom a long time ago.

It's okay. Playstation owners don't have any friends.


>It's okay. Playstation owners don't have any friends.

Letting console players play with PC players is a bad idea. The big skill differential alone (due to hacking mostly) would be unfair. Players on a controller vs people with 3000 dollar machines and the best cheat programs money can buy.


>16 year old tries too hard to be an adult starter pack

>people with 3000 dollar machines and the best cheat programs money can buy
What the hell am I reading?

It’s fine for rocket league since there are no hacks and it’s objectively better on controller. Higher fps and lower input lag does help though.

>actual free games
>stop paying PSN+
>can't access the game 'you got for free'

And Nintendo's online service is the same way.

It's fucking Rocket League

The average PC players has a PC that is weaker than current gen consoles though. The majority of people who play online are third-worlders, people with expensive PCs usually play single-player games.

Have you ever used it?

I'm glad PCmutts are made to wait for their leftovers and we don't have to share with them. Imagine playing the new MH and some pcfag drops into your game, then the whole map is instantly farmed and every monster drop dead. Fuck PCshitters and their third world cheating mentality.


why do you own a PS4 then? The main reason PC is bad is because of online hackers and low player counts (except for shitty toxic competitive games)

Epic reply, dear redditor!

cringe x2

Luckily there are more PS4 players than all the others combined

And all of my friends are on ps4

>online hackers
Holy shit is this myth still in circulation? Yeah they exist but fuck man it's like a 1 in 700 chance you encounter a cheater, and that's in old ass games that have been played for over a decade.
>low player count
lad, do your research

Xbros have friends
Nintendo fans are very social
Playstation pussies sit alone in a dark room.


>samefag obsessed with the idea of hackers
get a grip

PUBG is even worse than COD. It’s a lose-lose