What was the worst year for video games so far this millennium?

What was the worst year for video games so far this millennium?

2013 for me.

Add Ace Attorney to that list.

5 is shit. I didn't play 6 because of it.

Fuck Capcom and their shit writing.

I must agree, can't think of a single great game from that year.



I usually have severe trouble remembering what games came out on each year, but even I remember that 2013 was bad. So yeah, it has to be that.

Hitman Absolution was awful, but the series recovered with Hitman 2016.

2014 as an absolute trash year.

Batman Arkham City, Cod MW3, Portal 2, Deus ex HR, La noire, dead space 2, sr3, crysis 2, dragon age 2, sw:tor

Still better than 2013.

Portal 2 was good, although a bit too easy, fuck you.

Whatever year Golden Sun Dark Dawn was released and killed the series. That hurt me.

stalker crysis modern warfare mass effect is 2007 games
kys my man

>franchises killed
alien isolation and hitman™ are one of the best games in the franchise

nintendo went to complete shit in 2006 onward and was the start of Final Fantasy's and Sonics slippery slope to oblivion

None of those franchises died in 2011. L.A. Noire's not even a franchise.

>Arkham City
>Portal 2
>Dead Space 2
All good games.

I don't understand, are you implying all of those games are bad?

sounds more like the year where you developed shit taste

Every single game you listed is garbage. Also, portal memes.

Fuck 2007.

Unironically 2017
>lootboxes everywhere
>got a bunch of shitty cash grabs like nier, botw, ds3 dlc, nba and fifa
>dev and publisher greed through the roof
>fifa and nba killed
>bethesda killed
>nintendo killed

2012-2016 was pretty bad in general. Note that 2017 was characterized by people being amazed that we had a noticeably good year for gaming.

Dead franchises are not what this thread is about.

>Note that 2017 was characterized by people being amazed that we had a noticeably good year for gaming.

This is only true if you are a weeb. For people who aren't retards it was just another shitty year.

around 2010 for me
used to play on consoles exclusively
when I bought the original xbox 360 of course it red ringed, bought the new black one, just in time for halo reach, didn't like the direction they took it (forge world and custom games were fun as fuck though)
tried other games that came out around then, besides super meat boy, I hardly enjoyed any games
so I built a low end pc and just tried my hand at tf2 and quake, played tf2 for countless fucking hours (it was seriously and addiction, still play every now and then to this day)
now I've gotten a beefier pc and started enjoying more single player fps and immersive sims, and quake champions

If you couldn't find fun in any of those games I feel sorry for you. The quest to be a "Sup Forums core gamer" has sucked out your soul.

If you're going to dismiss every good game as a cash grab, then you're never going to be happy. Whatever floats your boat.

if you say so


every new year is the worst year

This, if you were a non-weeb mustard then the only good thing to come out of this year was Div:OS2.


Nintendo put out Super Mario Galaxy in 2007. Arguably the best game in the franchise, came out literally a year after you say Nintendo went to shit. The only franchise that went down hill in 2006 was Zelda.

Sonic died a horrible death in the 90s. There was not a single decent Sonic game released on console from Sonic & Knuckles all the way to Sonic Colors. If we are being honest the first truly good Sonic Game since the Genesis is Sonic Mania. Sonic had been in the shitter for over a decade by the time Sonic 06 came around.

2017 had botw, nier, and nioh so that is good but we also had shit like battle front 2 so it's 50-50

>nobody understands this is a shitpost

I thought it was better than usual. the fact anything was good was pretty nice for once

just look at how bad the past 10 years were.

Previous years felt like there wasn't enough good to balance out the bad. Every year has stinkers. Even 1998 had its share of crap.

But 2013 was the best year in video games, what are you talking about? DMC us a gem that asswipes underrate, Tomb Raider is the best reboot in gaming history, Bioshock Infinite is the best game ever made, you got marvels and classics like The Last of Us, Grand Theft Auto V, Gone Home, Papers Please etcetera, Call of Duty fell to an all-time low, dighting games were doing incredibly, PS4 and Xbox One got released alongside the Titan, etcetera etcetera.

Really, it was an even better year than the last one.

So, it only had shit for weebs and nintendofags?

>has tortanic

nah galaxy was a huge step down after sunshine and nintendo never improved from their either.

Sonic didnt start having a crazy identity crisis until 06. If they were bad after S&K then 06 was when they became abysmal

Stalker and portal are good

2016 by far. Like three decent games in the whole year

>Nintendo killed
>Nintendo releases fastest selling console ever

City was better than Asylum
Portal 2 was better than 1

If you even consider a single year in gaming "bad" then you are doing this vidya shit all wrong.

You're supposed to enjoy games, not incessantly mull over every game you don't like. You're supposed to remember and think about all the fun they brought you, not the opposite.

What kind of person even thinks about declaring a "worst year in gaming" in the first place?

I really hope this is bait.

I'm not going to eat shit and call it grapes just because there's nothing else around right now. I can wait.

how is 5 shit? the last case was amazing, the only bad case was that yokai one imo.

What a pleb wow


I think Wonderful 101 released in 2013.

>Falling for the false flag sleeper bait
>Not a reddit newfag

Dragon's Crown
Etrian Odyssey IV
A Link Between Worlds
Dragon's Dogma was '12 but Dark Arisen was '13

It have us the GOAT thought


How can your taste be this shit
Go play a moba, degenerate

Weebshit literally everywhere. Go on someones goty list and that's all you see P5, XC 2, Yakuza etc.

Trash year

2017 was the first amazing year in for-fucking-ever if you like Japanese games.

>i was only pretending :-DDDD

No, it's the first amazing year in for-fucking-ever if you like weebshit games. If you like actual good games that just happen to come from Japan then it was a shit year.

Don't blame the nips for the west's garbage political climate.


I disagree but to each their own. You weren't a fan of what was on offer and I can't change that.

>west makes shit games, japan makes good games
>this is a terrible year for gaming, I blame japan

What does that have to to with politics?

2015/16 sucked pretty bad IIRC.

Why do you think 80% the west's games have suddenly become garbage?

Even nonweebs can enjoy yakuza.

Publishers continuing to be greedy fucks and miking the shit out of everyone and everything.

Politics is not what is making western games bad. Lowest common denominator designed gameplay is what is making them bad. I guess a weeb, one who only plays video games for the cute girlie characters and thinks 2017 was a really good year for Japanese games, wouldn't understand that.

I can't.

Correct, and who do those coastline faggots believe to be the hip new target audience that will gladly buy whatever shit they put out?

Metal Gear Rising
Pikmin 3
Wonderful 101

Finally some decent baiting

Sleeping dogs is a better Yakuza than Yakuza.

There is no such thing as left wing politically infused gameplay. I don't give a fuck about their stories, their games are crap because they aren't fun to play. Same as Japanese Harem High School Simulator is not fun to play.

Dragon's Crown. Dark Arisen if we count expansions. Good year for dragon titled games. MGR was good too.

>mario odyssey
point invalidated

but muh dark souls

I see your point but I still think people shelling out money for shitty cash-grab games like nba and fifa is the bigger problem.

The gameplay isn't what's left wing, the stories are. And if the stories are ideologues will buy that shit no matter how ass the gameplay is, or at least that's what the publishers have been led to believe.

True sports and racing sims are pretty bad seeds, but they generally keep to themselves contained at EA.

You are severely overstating the state of western games. You are making out like it's 100% feminist communist propaganda or something. It's not even close to that bad, there's just a lot less of your dumb weebshit fapbait in it because the majority of the market in the west, unlike Japan, is not middle-aged forever alone virgins, it's middle-aged, happily married with kids.

>Two WiiU games
Wtf Sup Forums you said it was a shit console.

>there's just a lot less of your dumb weebshit fapbait in it because the majority of the market in the west, unlike Japan, is not middle-aged forever alone virgins, it's middle-aged, happily married with kids.
I really hope you don't actually believe this.

What games do you play if not weebshit and Nintendo games? AAA cashgrabs? ASSFAGGOTs? I know for a fucking fact you don't play indie games.

I did say 80% you know, It's all the big name high budget studios because if they don't tow the line they get torn apart online and they can't afford that hanging on their public image. Same with a lot of indie devs, the ones who don't believe are forced to comply because of the huge amounts of the ones that do since they're the ones running all the indie shows thanks to cronyism.Honestly though weebshit is still in abundant supply over here, the only time I can think it was ever higher was early-mid PS3 cycle.

Ni no kuni saved 2013

>he thinks there are no other games except for weebshit and nintendoshit


Call of Duty 4
Assassins Creed
pic related

Okay what do you play than? Your 15th run of Fallout New Vegas doesn't count.

Portal 2 and Human Revolution are good games. Skyrim at least turned into a great modding platform.

Wow, I didn't know there was a Big Bang Theory video game.

Alien Isolation is the only good Alien game to come out since AvP2

I'm sorry, user, but it's actually true. You are the minority in the video game market by a large margin.

>There was not a single decent Sonic game released on console from Sonic & Knuckles all the way to Sonic Colors

You probably weren't around or were in diapers but when Sonic Adventure 1 and 2 both came out they were very well received. The downfall started with Heroes' lukewarm reception.

2013 was a shit year

Yeah, Serbian 20 year olds definitely are a minority. But regardless, got any stats to back up your claims?

>there was no such thing as bad gameplay before stories came around
fucking lol

tomb raider reboot is better than the originals, no contest. originals sucked dick, only retards played them. nu lara is way hotter too.