What the fuck was this nigger's problem?
What the fuck was this nigger's problem?
He was stuck in Dark Souls 2
too hard for you OP? Try a more casual game like Dark Souls 3
Compared to the orginal, sure, but compared to fucking every other game, no.
He's the chosen undead from ds1
nice headcanon
>this is your brain on leftism
His hitboxes.
There's no proof to the contrary, nice denial
Fought him a couple days ago and he was a total joke, beat him in one try. The phantom version is way more annoying because he can just randomly show up in a level when you're already dealing with a ton of enemies, also it has a sword beam.
>easy reads
>easy dodge
This is the second easiest boss in the game.
I'm not complaining about his boss fight, i'm complaining about him showing his stupid ass in every possible place in the lost bastille
That's not how evidence works
I hate how he still chases you even after you kill him
and I heard SotFS makes him show up even more, which is worse
I'll say one thing about Pursuer
He teaches you to fucking roll
>He teaches you to fucking roll
and that rolls are shit unless you pumped up ADP to at least 30
lol gotcha ;)
Except the fucking final boss of 3.
He gets paid to pursue you.
Maybe the better question is who hired him?
Curses, foiled again
He was too focused on his job and couldn't see past the near future, so his wife took the kids and left him.
Bad at dodging ballista arrows
ADP was a major fucking mistake, a fucking i-frame stat? Really, Fromsoft?
Nothing better than intentionally hitting the host and other phantoms with the ballista the first couple of times were accidents I swear
>ADP was a major fucking mistake, a fucking i-frame stat? Really, Fromsoft?
Especially when weight limit was already good
I think they took the "Resistance is useless" meme too far and made Adaptability SO useful that it was basically mandatory.
>what an annyoing fight, glad he's dead
>comes back throughout the game
I hate DS2 so much.
>should we combine resistance with another stat?
>no we should make it the i-frame stat/slightly fast ladder climbing stat
There were a lot of poor design choices in DaS2 to the point where they should have focused on making a different game instead of a Dark Souls sequel.
don't forget it's also the healing animation stat
I don't get why contrarians defend every single design flaw in DaS2. You can like DaS2 for a bunch of reasons like build variety, fashion, or pvp, but for fucks sake don't tell me that that the elevator from the windmill to iron keep isn't retarded and totally makes sense or that ADP was a good stat.
His whole job is to hunt down cursed undead/bearers of the sign so obviously he's going to take issue with you.
Dark Souls 2 is a lot easier than Dark Souls 3 though.
The only hard bosses in Dark Souls 2 are Smelter Demon and his stronger version and Fume Knight.
Dark Souls 3 has quite a few bullshit bosses that like to spam rush attacks with insane hitboxes.
>Chases you once, twice if you ignore him at the pre-bossfight place
>"Oh well, see ya."
Some fucking Pursuer. I had hoped for a steadily improving rival type.
Literally the easiest non-gimmick boss in the entire series unless DaS2 was your first Souls game.
>not playing SotFS, the definitive version, where you fight him 9 times (one time two at once)
baka fampai
Dragonrider is easier. Hell he's so easy they turn him into a basic enemy later.
I don't think I've ever fought that fat fuck properly, nigga always falls off the stage and dies.
no need for that kind of language thanks
das3 is only hard if you are terrible at rolling and timing
Taking his anger out on you by following you everywhere because his armor set didn't make it into the game
you do get hit more in ds3 i think, but you die less so it evens out
Yeah, but DaS II isn't hard even if you're terrible at rolling and timing. Get a good shield and the whole game (minus Fume Knight) becomes trivial. At least, DaS III forces you to get good at rolling.
>there's no proof Romans didn't go to the moon
Lol no denial of it lololol
You must have put a lot of points into vitality then. I've always died from 1 to 2 hits, even when fighting normal mobs.
I remember thinking this guy was really hard until I learned to just bait that one charge that's impossible to not dodge and leaves him open for a long time.
And he does that every fucking time you're more than a few steps away.
I'm actually starting to wonder if the mongoloids in this board actually played SoTFS when they bash ds2 so much. The pursuer appears like 8 times, the re-fights when there's enemies around him are what make him obnoxious
came here to post this
no-one here has actually played any dark souls past the first few bosses