How do I beat this fucker?

How do I beat this fucker?

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Hit it 'til it's dead

try thrust but hole

git gud or summon like a little bitch.
I used to help shitters wreck him. They would see me mauling him with a +10 gyrm GH or lost sinner sword and just cower in the back.
Good times.

Turn the game off. You could be playing a better game.

By playing a better game instead

>no humanity
>no human effigys

If you think Smelter Demon is tough you're in for a rude awakening when you meet Dealter Demon.

How are you that bad?

Poison resin

His windup animation goes for just slightly longer than you would expect in order to bait you into rolling early. Don't fall for it.

Wasted them all on this guy like a retard

horse but hole

if you find him tough, wait till you see the DLC version

stay close to the walls. I heard that sometimes he'll stuck to the wall the entire fight.

Equip Gyrm Greatshield and fight a battle of attrition without having to worry about fire damage.


dark souls is all about operating extremely slowly and never over extending yourself, especially in 2
so just dodge and occasionally get a couple hits in when you can

smelter demon is unironically one of the best bosses from DS2
he forced me to git gud, once I finally got him down it felt like almost none of the other bosses could do much to me

gotta say though, blue smelter from the dlc really fucked with me. i had the timings of red smelters attacks down to a fucking muscle memory, the fact that blue smelter does all the same attacks but with slightly slower/faster windup made him amusingly difficult

Farm until you have loads of healing gems(the female merchant sells them at Majula), spam them so the fire AoE doesn't damage you, they last a good amount of time.
Then you just need to kill him, easy as that.

>roll to dodge his attacks
>hit him once or twice
Not much more advice can be given, he doesn't do anything special outside of the fire damage for hugging him.


Dodge into him, not away. I know it sounds retarded, but it works. Don't dodge away or the the sides, dodge into your enemies in Dark Souls 2

Nobody spoon feed the retard. If you can't figure out the game by yourself you have no business trying to make it in this genre. The games literally were designed to cater to a small niche crowd and you obviously aren't part of the target audience.

So either you can git gud and actually play the fucking game instead of asking your little fag friends on your Catanese tiddlywink collecting forum for help cuz da wil babby is cwyinn and can't handle a chawwange :'(( and to you faggots spoon feeding you're what's wrong with the Souls community, go back to fuckin reddit.

Use gyrm greatshield, or use the water fountain outside for massive fire res, or skip him and come back when you're higher level. Also level ADP.

God your pathetic

Flash Sweat/Fire resist fruit
Fire resist gear
roll on a water jar

Congrats you only take 10% damage

stop playing this game.


the only way to win is not to play.

i don't remember how i beat him

wasn't there like some antifire armor or something for him? like i think if you like stacked that sweating spell and something else it was very advantageous

Fire resist gear has been really odd in the Dark Souls trilogy. It reduced fire damage, but only about 30%, plus there isn't any other resistances like water or earth or air, just fire.

That boss is ridiculously easy once you figure his timings. Just don't get greedy

Make sure you have enough adaptability that you have the i-frames you need to actually dodge attacks - I think I had like 26 adaptability and that was a good point to be in for most of the game. Use a faster weapon if yours is too slow. I power stanced rapiers and had good results through the game just using L1s and L2s but most bosses in DS2 have HUGE windows in their attacks, with a few notable exceptions. Look for those windows, cream the shit out of them, leave yourself enough stamina to escape and then do so. Get some distance from the boss if you need it and use attack windows to heal instead if you need to - if I recall correctly you can stack Estus flasks (drink 2 at a time) to heal through both even if waiting on their effect.

Aside from that, get good, etc, I went in blind on the Company of Champions and only had issues with a few bosses (that one boss at the end of the ice DLC? oh my sweet god fuck him, never again, that was miserable without summons, it took me actual hours to beat him and half the trouble was because of the stupid thing before him) so I'm sure you can get around to it. Just remember the 5 D's

The way resistance works in all 3 games is wonky. You go from this makes no difference to holy shit near immune, there's no middle ground

dont give up skeleton

>wasn't there like some antifire armor or something for him?
sort of, I remember you needed a specific set up to get this one item out of the lava lake using it.
I think it was chaos armor, anti fire ring, flash sweat, fire fruit and roll in water.

>(that one boss at the end of the ice DLC? oh my sweet god fuck him, never again, that was miserable without summons, it took me actual hours to beat him and half the trouble was because of the stupid thing before him) so I'm sure you can get around to it. Just remember the 5 D's

I had trouble with that guy until I realized how good firebugs are. If you eat one when he spawns you can kill him while the final froghead tanks him. I killed him so fast last time the froghead was still alive

I think i was dealing about 1200 dmg with a lightning infused great club heavy attack

In 3, the best fire resist gear is heavy, but it makes no difference cause the one fire boss that shits fire every where, who's name I forgot, can 3shot you, so 20% reduction in fire damage wouldn't save you. I beat him by using single hit and run tactics, and specifically remember my attempts at stacking fire resist to be moot.


>people have so much trouble with Smelter Demon that they quit the game
>he's totally optional
>and not very hard

ppl r dum

There's not much point in advising someone on what their adaptability stat should be in order to get adequate i-frames because adaptability doesn't determine your i-frames, agility does. Agility is determined by adaptability AND attunement.

Take off all of your armor and try two-handing your strongest weapon. If that doesn't work, then equip your best fire armor and use whatever weapon you can still handle. That's how I beat him like, the 12th time.

Hadn't even thought of doing that - I think I just stashed the brightbugs or used them beforehand. Either way I toughed it out and got through it but like the Fume Knight and Alonne you pretty much had to get it perfect or get fucked. Unlike icedude though, Fume Knight and Alonne were actually fun

honestly I forgot how the system worked but I remember plugging points in to ADP, and looking it up adaptability is weighted three times as hard for agility as attunement is, so... yes, he should be putting points in adaptability.

Git gud at dodging. This is one boss you can't turtle up against. Two hand a good blunt weapon and just go for it

Agility has a soft cap though and adaptability adds more agility than attunement.

DLC version isn't hard, it's the path to him which is pure cancer.

>Mfw never finished the iron king dlc because of blue smelter faggot and the cancer brigade enemies that lead up to him.

Why is DaS2 designed to be a chore to play? Why is DaS3 Ringed City designed the same way as well?

I wasn't saying adaptability is irrelevant, I was just saying advising someone to have a specific score in adaptability is not a good idea without knowing their build.

>le epic hardest game ever dark souls is for hardcore gamers like myself only
he's trying to beat it without two sunbros playing the game for him, which is already more than most players ever bother with
and no one gives a shit that you beat a fucking single player game without help. talking about video games and sharing knowledge is literally the entire fucking point of using an internet message board about video games.

Use the claw

I can't speak for DaS3 as I've never played it but some part of DaS2 are clearly not supposed to be fair for a lone player. You are supposed to summon for those parts. Summoning was not put in the game as a crutch for the people who suck, it's a mechanic everyone is supposed to use.

>he's totally optional
He is? Is there a way to scoot past him I'm unaware of? Or are you talking about the "cash in 1 million souls to pass through" door?

My best guess would be with your weapon

Learn his moveset, don't take risks, get some free hits in when he sets his body and then his weapon on fire, spam lifegems.

Just explore the level. He's completely missable.

You can avoid him but then you'll probably end up on the one-way-trip to the Belfry and having some fun time with invasions.

There's a ladder right here in the red circle.

i actually LOVE smelter demon's boss theme

>Is there a way to scoot past him I'm unaware of?

Yeah, go down the middle instead of through smelter demon's fog door. Beating smelter demon just leads to that path anyway.

It's not a chore if you don't suck.

That leads directly into the lava? Maybe I'm reading the map wrong

Can we talk about how terrible this "boss" is? I understand it's technically optional but fuck me.

>kills you in two hits
>but you can just cheese him by hugging his left side while he spins around helplessly

His wife isn't exactly an amazing boss either.

>First playthrough
>Bow only
>Eventually got gud and chipped Smelter demon's health with wood arrows

i had fun with DS2

Not complicated, dude.

No, it leads to a walkway that comes out of the back of the flame room. Turn off the flames and go through that room instead of through smelter demon's fog door and there's a short walk and climb to where you came out after beating smelter demon. You don't get the bonfire without beating smelter demon though.

>first enemy despawned

Is there anyone this DIDN'T happen to?

>tfw can't beat Burnt Ivory King because pyrosorcerer and high resistance


>dragon tooth Raw+5
>aromatic ooze

no shitter shields required

just roll onto the platform to the left of his door and you come into the area behind the fight

Just respec. You should have enough of those things to do that and go back to your old build if you want. I managed to beat him with a magic dagger and repair powder though so if you want the challenge it's doable. It's not like I'm an ace at these games or anything.

Yeah, was thinking on respeccing, but dunno a good strength build.

Also, I did try with an enchanted weapon, but I can't into the dark army without Lucatiel and Iggy, and so I barely deal damage due to the inflated HP, and the phantoms being ded by the time he reach half HP if not less. I also blame playing with kb+m.

Did you free all the knights? They're a big help in getting past the first part, if you keep them alive one will even make it with you to help fight the King.

If you're really shit at this game like me then you can farm a Gyrm Greatshield, it gives you 100 fire resist iirc.

He attacks slower than you expect which fucked me up a lot against him. Keep your rolls to his right, take advantage of the phases (there are two times he'll stand still and light himself more on fire, you can attack him a lot but roll away before he's done or he explodes), and try not to spazz out and roll too early.

>Run around killing tons of enemies, saving up tons of items
>Spend 30 lifegems on one boss

>Save up 60k hard earned souls
>Fall off the stage
>Fall off the stage on the way back