
Alright faggots it Battlefront time lower bandwidth less crashes (hopefully) edition.
Server is Battle/v/ront. Password is rage

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It's not there

Working on it

Should be now

bump for op

do i hear battlefront thread? aww yusss

Hopefully the game isn't as bad as I remember it


What the fuck is your problem with my beautiful game fagor?


>bacta bois getting comfortable and letting us win

aaaaaaaand it’s gone

Aaand my whole game just crashed one moment lads


>tfw the host is hosting from a galaxy far, far away

Anybody else can step up if they want

Why play the old battlefront when there is battlefront 2? Apart from all microtransactions screeching (the game literally gives you free stuff just for logging in)


Should be back up now if it crashes again on me im willing to admit I might not be the best one to host


Just play the new one, duh

>been enjoying playing this so much lately that I'm tempted to play nu-battlefront
somebody please stop me

It's a good game so I don't see any reasons not to play it.

Unless of course you follow what le Sup Forums and r/gaming say

>giving EA money
>contributing to their player count
>actually playing that piece of hot garbage
Leave and never come back EA shill

>anyone who doesn't care about my "ea bad" crusade is a shill
>judges the games without actually playing them
LegacyKillaHD and r/gaming are waiting for you my boy

not him but I played the beta and it just feels janky. It’s so scripted and holds your hand tightly that it forgets to let go and let players have fun



>anyone who doesn't care about my "ea bad" crusade is a shill
I'll assume you're being retarded ironically
>judges the games without actually playing them
Believe it or not it's possible to judge the quality of something without directly experiencing it, you wouldn't buy a piece of meat that is clearly rancid and rotting would you? inb4 food analogies
Literally who?

>anyone who disagrees with me is restarted
>it's possible to judge the quality of something without directly experiencing it
lmao [2]
Yes it's possible but not when you're trying to judge the quality of a product which requires any kind of actual interaction with it in order to use it. Yes you may say that something is bad quality just by looking at it but that doesn't really apply to something like videogames. I mean how do you that? Look at the box and say "ea bad game bad me no likey"? That's fucking hilarious mate.

oh shut the fuck up. you know damn well nothing changed gameplay core wise.

God I want a Rogue Squadron reboot so fucking bad. It wouldn't be hard to pull off either. Just need modern graphics, sound design, and maybe even VR compatibility.

ea shill pls go. your game is a failure and we’re trying to have actual fun here not buy loot boxes

What did you expect from a beta?

>hurr durr if someone says the game is good he's a shill
I assume you're the same lad who judged the game by its beta.

And what's the deal with lootboxes? The progression system was fixed. You literally can unlock Darth Vader in an hour.

hurr durr we’re still not buying your steaming pile of shit.Why did you even come to this thread?
>And what's the deal with lootboxes? The progression system was fixed. You literally can unlock Darth Vader in an hour.
I can literally unlock darth vader instantly from the get go,as well as other characters.

Did the password change or something? It keeps saying I got the password wrong


You're literally coming into a thread about playing the old battlefront and shilling for the new battlefront. If you aren't self aware enough to see what you're doing then you have problems son.
>Yes it's possible but not when you're trying to judge the quality of a product which requires any kind of actual interaction with it in order to use it.
Does this mean when you want to buy a game you do so randomly because you can't judge if it's good enough to buy until you buy it? Judging a book by it's cover is absolutely necessary when you buy media of any sort so you don't get jewed. When I want to buy a game I ask myself things like does it have microtransactions? Does it live up to or improve on the games in the series that came before it? Does the gameplay have depth? Does it give the player freedom? Are there modding tools? Is the story any good? But the big one is does it seem fun? These are all things I can have enough data on to judge before buying the game. And no to me a game that included microtransactions, has a story that was basically a bait and switch, doesn't have modding tools when the old ones did, has little depth, and seems weak in comparison to what the old ones did just doesn't seem fun to me.

>anyone who disagrees with me is restarted


The game is nothing like the original and lacks any charm or fun the original actually had

>u-u-r a shill!!!!
Get a grip man. What one more sale would mean for a huge company that sells thousands and thousands of copies every fucking hour?

>from get go
lmao no
>After fulfilling the goals set in the Hero Options screen (e.g. earn 10 points), you are able to obtain the services of one of these Heroes to aid you. Each has a different ability and will last a limited amount of time. The time, represented by a lightsaber bar, will decrease faster if the player does negative things such as spawn-camping or killing teammates. The bar will increase if the player kills numerous enemy units or vehicles. Each team gets one Hero at a time, but there can be more than one Hero for each team per match if the Heroes are unlocked more than once.

What's the point when you can have the heroes any time you want? Not to mention that what you mean is called classes.

>Friendly Fire

How to make the rocketeer not viable in 1 step

nice host we got here


>What's the point when you can have the heroes any time you want?
have you played this game?

Nice fucking server OP.

Well thats crashed again somebody else host I've got shit to do.


I'll host if no one else wants to. Gimme a sec.

Everyone join "Sup Forums"!

You already got one up? Mine is Sup Forums an old hope

can pirates play?


I just asked why should anyone play the old game with terrible vehicle controls instead of a new one. Yet the only thing I heard is a constant "ur a shill" screeching. Typical.

>blah blah blah does it that does it this
Most of these questions couldn't be asked without playing the game yourself.
So much excuses. Just be honest at least with yourself: you don't have your own opinion. You just followed the hysteria.

*rubberbands in front of you*
*blocks your thermal detonator*
*teamkills everyone in the room*
heh...thanks for leaving team damage on, kid...

no, don't bother

These assholes need to make a gameranger server

Oh shit a smug animay face and a greentext with an autocorrected word.

What do?

Mhm. What you refer to is not exactly "I can get all of that in the old game new game bad".

wtf? it used to always be on gameranger

i'm not that user, i'm just saying that you don't 'get the hero anytime you want'. you have options to set it to go to either the player at the top of the leaderboard, at the bottom, or a random player. you don't just choose darth vader and kill everyone.

Fun is subjective, charm is often just a pair of nostalgia goggles. It's the same shit as for example when people praise older GTA games for some minor reason and diss the latest one. Either that or they follow what is considered hip and good in the gaming community.

>What's the point of not buying a game on principle and not supporting an absolute dogshit company with some of the worst business practices known to man when all of the other fucking retards are doing it??!?

Morons like you are why we have shit games like this. If nobody bought them, they'd stop doing it. Thanks, asshole. Why don't you educate yourself?

obviously nu-battlefront is a snooze fest if your on Sup Forums trying to sell it instead of playing it.
this game has:

>proper heros vs villans mode, able to choose from a wide roster of whoever,how many
>actually able to walk up and pilot/control vehicles and not just spawn in them/on the rails
>more maps
>more game modes
>actual space battles not "atmospheric space battles" where you spawn in your star cruiser and are able to board enemies
>hunt modes
>no star card bullshit
kinda a cheat but >mods

its pretty funny how your up in arms defending a game which is somehow worse than a game released thirteen years ago.

I know that. Yet the other guy implied that the new one is not as good as an old one just because the characters are not "accessible" in the way they were in older games.

Yeah they decided to switch to GOG/Steam because of le multiplayur updaet

And yet I keep seeing them complain about lag.

>bad games exist because someone buys the games I don't like

and that's true, because you don't need to unlock the heroes personally for multiplayer. instead the hero is based on the map.


ah, so your assuming things.

You stated you can unlock darth vader in an hour, i retorted darth vader,and every single hero, is never even locked. the fact this upset you is just pathetic.


Um that is the dumbest motherfucking post I've ever seen in my life. You win the award.
Mother of god.

>I just asked why should anyone play the old game with terrible vehicle controls instead of a new one. Yet the only thing I heard is a constant "ur a shill" screeching. Typical.
No, this was your original post
>Why play the old battlefront when there is battlefront 2? Apart from all microtransactions screeching (the game literally gives you free stuff just for logging in)
You tried to make excuses for the new battlefront and asked why anyone would play the old one. Trying to get everyone to play a game in a thread you don't belong in is shill behavior you idiot.
>Just be honest at least with yourself: you don't have your own opinion. You just followed the hysteria.
Having my own qualifiers for if a game is worth buying is "following the hysteria"?! Holy shit you mouth breathing retard. I see now you're a little special. inb4 I was only pretending to be retarded

Whoever is hosting lower the bandwidth. We are never going to need 64 players and I think it helps prevent crashes. Also lower the AI count a bit

We made it to 62 two days ago.

I'll keep that in mind next time I ever host.

Is anyone else stuck on the same screen?

>trying to sell it
All thanks to me mate. The ultimate shill of them. And that's not including the Christmas sales. Oy wey.

>muh proper mode
lmao, again I doubt that you've played the "bad" game
>muh immersion
lmao[2] literally an inferior game just because YOU SPAWN!
>more maps/modes
>more means good quantity over quality yaknow
>ackshual space battles not "atmospheric space battles"
>whines about space battles being more immersive while saying that the game is inferior because you can't walk up to vehicles
>hunt modes
datamines showed that it might be added into the game
>star cards
>literally more advanced system than the old one yet still considers it a flaw
fucking lul

Yeah, that's far more superior to the "bad" new game where you can "main" whoever you want whenever you want.

Nostalgia is a fun thing.

Not that user but I've noticed you in a few threads now. What do you get out of shitposting? What is your reason for doing this? Serious question.

It's not "locked" because it's not the same system that is in the new game. You literally are comparing an option with a class. What is upsetting about that?

What's objective is that the movement is slow, clunky, and terrible, the gunplay is shitty and extremely outdated and the whole game is designed for Overbabies who can't play real FPS games

>Keep timing out while attempting to join

What the fuck is this bullshit

I was talking more like 38ish. We hardly ever have more then that

>lmao, again I doubt that you've played the "bad" game
i've played the "bad game" and a 4v4 hero mode with lackluster characters is pretty boring. wheres aayla secura, wheres General Grievous? oh right, in favor of super cool characters like iden
>lmao[2] literally an inferior game just because YOU SPAWN!
yeah, pretty much. itd be nice to spawn in and PICK one of 5 ships, fly over to the enemies star cruiser or battle outside. instead you spawn in the middle of space and never even see your pilot outside their ship..its called choices marketer, something ea doesnt give consumers
>data mines
>star cards
>iterally more advanced system than the old one yet still considers it a flaw
that is completely our opinions, but i would say battlefront 2 gives everyone an even playing field with their classes where as nu front kinda fucks things up with upgrades and boosts from loot boxes

regardless, now i am fully convinced you are a shill, but not just a shill, a retarded one. good day

>quotes the comment asking "why play the old game"
lmao again

How is it fucking possible to get you to play the new game by asking a simple question?

>repeats the "everyone is a shill" mantra
>believes that you can judge a game without playing
I don't think that you have any "qualifiers" of your own lad. Most of the things that I heard from you are generic "trugaymer" BS that is all over YouTube and other media platforms. And that's it.

Getting your panties in a twist over a videogame and calling someone a shill while not answering a simple question is not the best way to communicate pal.



Those sweet shilling bux of course. For each message I get 50 bux and a copy of Battlefront 2 and for each successful sale on Sup Forums I get 300 bucks because the folks here are the most important target audience for a huge corporation.

he tries to market his shit pile here, then plays it off like Sup Forums doesnt get millions of user activity. unlike twitter where they have promoted ads, this little shill has to do some work.

is the server still up?

Host here. I gotta hit the road soon, someone else start a match.

>they didn't add my favorite character waaaaaaaa

Totally anti konsumur

>upgrades and boosts are bad because idk they are just bad and that's NOT FAIR
No game is absolutely fair lad. If those upgrades and boosts would be hard to get I'd agree with you but they aren't. But you wouldn't know that because you still judge the released game by its beta.

lmao if you really expect me to continue to argue with you when you've already proven yourself to be pants on head retarded then you'll be disappointed you ___shill____ BTW I heard the hit new game lawbreakers is really cool and amazing you should try it! You also don't get to complain about it until you purchase it for full price and try out their fantastic DLC.

Billions of user activity on this thread. Any message regarding the new battlefront will make the gullible Sup Forums visitor buy the game.
#boycottkonami #resistea #gaymergate

nevermind muh new star wars game, what happened to the server

>he assumes im the user who played the beta

is ea hiring? your doing a pretty shit job here.


>claims that someone is retarded
>believes that anyone who dares to bring up the "nuuuu battlefront" (very bad game!!!#fuckea!!!) is a shill

Whatever rocks your boat