Why is this game so perfect bros?
Why is this game so perfect bros?
Because she's in it
Atlus is full of people like us.
It's not.
You ok?
(remember the op is talking about english VO)
You ok?
You ok?
P5 > P3 > literal trash > P4
You ok?
You ok?
You ok?
Prove me wrong, boys
Ya can’t
user, we're here for you if you need someone to talk to
>you will never hold Ann in your arms and watch her peacefully sleep as you slowly drift off yourself
it hurts
Is this what being Chad feels like?
user, we're here for you if you need someone to talk to
>user, we're here for you if you need someone to talk to
Alright since you asked anons
I want to die. My life feels like nothing more than some anxiety ridden blur, like I'm watching my life on the big screen in some movie theater whilst everyone laughs in the audience and I'm powerless to stop it.
God being 21 sucks. I wish I wasn't here.
This, but with me and Rise
you ok?
You ok?
things will get better user
>you will never experience pure and innocent love because you are not Chad
>God being 21 sucks. I wish I wasn't here.
Quit being a faggot. Do you have a job?
>Quit being a faggot. Do you have a job?
No because muh anxiety and depression.
I've tried looking for admin work but it's not happening since everywhere around here is all shitty retail jobs.
Well keep putting work in on that. Even if its wage slave bullshit or even "volunteer" sort of shit at first at least you'll have something to take your mind off your pity party. Feeling sorry for yourself doesn't do anything but make you a whiny bitch. If you're already at the bottom you can only go up or off yourself, and offing yourself should be reserved for when you're 100% pure positive you'll never have another happy day.
I have some work experience and have done a temp position at christmas but I still feel like a failure.
I guess I'm not at the bottom but I still feel like shit but thanks for the advice.
never mind what this guy said, just get a gun fgt
It's not perfect at all.
Best part of the game.
>never mind what this guy said, just get a gun fgt
Love you too user ;)
Aside from story issues towards the end of the game and Makato and Futaba, it's pretty excellent.
Heh, well, if you're not at the bottom yet you really need to work on that attitude queer. It'll only spiral you down quicker and that's when shit gets hectic. For real though, you're 21. Don't wait forever but you're just starting still. Just get a shit job if that's all you can get right now and start striving for more.
I still haven't beat it. How do you guys trudge through these boring, linear, repetitive dungeons?
The only fun parts of the game are the gimmicky bosses and SoL segments. This game could easily just be a 25 episode anime and be just as good if not better.
>Just get a shit job if that's all you can get right now and start striving for more.
Alright, thanks user.
Best 60 bucks I’ve ever spent, glad I listened to you guys and bought it.
get medication if it's that bad. I have bipolar and OCD but I take pills to cope with it plus therapeutic stuff
I played through it on the easiest difficulty to churn out dungeons in one in game day. Fuck that grinding nonsense.
No thanks necessary. Just one less whiny homo on the board. Nut up and its all gravy.
> 25 episode anime
Persona 4 did that and the SL was somewhat half assed. 5 SL in 1 episode
>get medication if it's that bad. I have bipolar and OCD but I take pills to cope with it plus therapeutic stuff
I fucking hate medication. I took anti depressants and had a full blown meltdown over not being able to sleep.
I like how it started out as him bitching about OP and then he gets sat down and you give him life advice.
Well said user
Gotta know your audience famalam.
Don't get it twisted, it was 5 social links no one cared about. The problem the P5 anime will face is that there's a lot less shitty social links unlike Persona 4's abundance
Except good advice isn't telling people to 'man up' unless you want them to have a meltdown in front of everyone in a social working job
Just because you're a blubbering little bitch doesn't mean the other guy was. Some people just need a push, and even if you fail along the way sometimes, that's fine. It's when you become a sensitive little bitch like yourself that the battle is coming to a close with your loss.
Yeah, because I'm sure you know what's that's like. Fucking normie scum, get off my board.
You don't know me faggot. I haven't given you an inkling of what I'm like. I can see right through your whimpy ass though.
You gave up. Don't put project that on others who can still rise above that garbage.
>You don't know me faggot.
>on Sup Forums
Yeah, back to plebbit or admit you're just as much of a loser as he is.
>wah wah Sup Forums is one person
You can neck yourself anytime faggot.