Wooly World already in development

>Wooly World already in development
>Wooly World later ported to the 3DS

What purpose did this game serve?

Other urls found in this thread:



The better question is why they can't make another GOOD Yoshi's Island game?
>DS one sucked
>Yoshi's New Island sucked
>Wooly World sucks

Giving us this masterpiece(of shit):


Because Yoshi's Island sucked.
Search your feelings, user.

Why were they porting every fucking Wii U game to the 3DS anyhow? Was it just a predecessor to the Switch filling both roles?

>DS one sucked
no you

You stop that shit right now. It was easy as hell, sure, but the levels and environments were crazy interesting and the game had enough to keep you hooked.

>Was it just a predecessor to the Switch filling both roles?
I think to avoid having EVERYTHING ported to Switch, they tried to compromise by splitting it between both Switch and 3DS.

Only the ones by Artoon/Arzest suck, Woolly World was fun.

Only the artsyle and music were charming, the rest of the game was garbage
>Missable red coins
>Missable flowers
>Literally can't be touched in a boss fight or you won't get 100 points

Artoon's last gift to the world.

git gud

>not this masterpiece

>W-why can't getting 100 points be easy?
Because its a good game.

They do not fucking understand that the music helped make Yoshi's Island. The music for the DS and 3DS games was so fucking terrible.

Never gets old.


If they just applied the Sonic Mania formula to Yoshi's Island they'd have at least an 8/10 game on their hands

Nothing. Litterally nothing. One of the most pointless games I've ever purchased.
The DS one didn't suck. It was one of the best in the series.

neither this

Or this:


YNI actually has a pretty decent OST aside from the few bad tracks, which are only really bad due to a bizarre arrangement choice. If you view it as taking after Yoshi Story's OST it works really well. Even the kazoo shit feels like it was trying to evoke the Yoshi singing in that game, especially the way it pops up in the credits.

It deepened the lore.