I guess gender neutral bathrooms werent such a good idea after all
I guess gender neutral bathrooms werent such a good idea after all
What does transphobia have to do with anything?
we've been laughing ant this cripple for a long time
but now he's really dead
What is it when you hate a group of people?
Like, I dont fear trannys, i hate them, so its not a "phobia"
How many hardcore gamers that would be interested in a skill focused FPS AND support tranny bathrooms you know?
0 just like the people playing lawbreakers
No marketing budget, and the game wasnt' very attractive to begin with. The gender neutral bathroom was a lame attempt to get people to talk about the game since that was in the zeitgeist at the time. Main problem with it was no hot girls.
Hatred comes from fear, user. Hating someone just for being themselves is a disgusting treat btw.
Why is it that even a question? Do you want a serious answer or do you want someone who blindly agrees with you?
What happened to the thousands of players over Christmas? Did everyone refund it?
>hatred comes from fear
nigga i can snap a tranny in half since most of them are twiggy-armed. there's nothing fearsome about them
I want a serious answer of course user, how many hardcore gamers that would be interested in a skill focused FPS you know that also support tranny bathrooms?
Are not gonna answer that?
You can hate people hurting your habitat without being feared.
Name ONE (1) non-retarded reason why I should conform to your subjective views of gender.
>What happened to the thousands of players over Christmas? Did everyone refund it?
hahahaha, thousands? The peak number of players during the holidays was 90
I think you are weak minded and small for hating something of no concern to you.
Why are you trying to taunt me with hyperbolic questions? I am sure if they are of sane mind they would not care for gender neutral bathrooms.
Pointless hate is destructive to one's self
>battleborn actually has more players than another video game
at this point you're basically fishing for (You)s. saw the same thing but with veganism
have another one
>Why are you trying to taunt me with hyperbolic questions? I am sure if they are of sane mind they would not care for gender neutral bathrooms.
That is not an answer for my question user, I guess you really dont know anyone interested in this giant holocaust of fun that is lawbreakers
I still can't decide whether I'd rather deal with a tranny or a vegan
Probably because it was poorly marketed and hate frustrating to learn combat systems. Not because of absurd transphobia.
You think a reaction picture is going to do anything?
at least both of them die on their own
How is it sane to accept the insane?
>theres a tranny in this thread right now
Is that you Cosmo?
Prove I am insane
You're on Sup Forums talking about tumblr stuff
And you are on Sup Forums talking about shitpost stuff
>Sup Forums is not about shitposting
>yfw Bulletball is infinitely more popular than Lawbreakers
Is this even more dead than Blunderborn? Can Randy actually laugh at someone else now?
It's about forcing random people to call you a woman else they get in trouble.
The thing with e-sports is that people need to be able to see what's happening on the screen. I've been playing videogames for most of my life and my eyes fucking hurt looking at that with all the particle and post processing effects happening at once. Now imagine a person on ESPN who has never played videogames trying to watch that and understand what's going on.
Lawbreakers even if it had players would never be an e-sport.
>believing that the game failed because of publicity stunt
totally epic bro
Its weak minded to pretend to be a woman when you are clearly not a woman.
>I want a serious answer of course user, how many hardcore gamers that would be interested in a skill focused FPS you know that also support tranny bathrooms?
CliffyB, here
this the latest character representing Japan
will you play my game now pls Sup Forums
if he had the balls to do that it would save his game
only if your game is the darksouls of fps's
Yes I would.
fear leads to anger anger leads to hate hate leads to suffering
my bad. wrong game.
>Hatred comes from fear, user.
yeah, if a lion eats your mother, you will hate the lion because you are afraid of it and not because you want revenge
What are you going to do with all those ugly blacks tho?
What a clusterfuck of UI can't even tell wheres my semen meter.
I would go buy it right now
>dat quickscoping
>my EYES
>no concern you
>they used daddy govt to force people to accept them
>trying to influence the minds of children
You should kill yourself to avoid the realization that you are a freak piece of shit, go be part of that 40%
Is it possible for an anime style to have a rough-edged, adult, Tarantino feel? I thought that's what Overwatch was for
If a lion eats your mother and you "hate" the lion you're moronic. It's a lion. That's what it does. What kind of spastic analogy is this?
>if you hate the mentally insane person for cutting off their genitals you are moronic. They are mentally insane. That's what they do.
Good point.
this, bulletball is now played by a bunch of old people
>literally comparing a dumb animal to people as if the moral compass of a truly conscious self-aware being can be compared to an animal
What the fuck are you doing? Also, how is comparing someone's treatment of themselves at all analogous to someone killing your mother? This analogy is reaching all new levels of stupid.
>dropping shells one by one
>I am unfamiliar with the concept of phobias referring to hatred
Anyone trying to pull the phobia card is a moron.
what do gender neutral bathrooms have to do with it?
reminder that: passable trannies hate fags in a wig. feminism is all about ugly women wanting to bring everyone down to their level but traps don't fall for that shit, they have balls.
What exactly is a tranny bathroom and why don't people agree with it?
The game literally made a point of all the bathrooms in it's levels being gender neutral
>it’s a lion, it acts like a lion, you can’t hate it
>it’s a man, it acts like a woman, you can hate it
Checks out
>hatred comes from fear
The only thing I'm glad about being an expat in a third world shithole is the people here still bash trannies' heads in.
>broken analogy is broken therefore it's not
You're either an idiot or a genius scratch that thinking about it for two more seconds you're definitely a fucking idiot
>no concern
>attempting to enforce nanny-state social engineering to literally force children to be degenerate and destroy the traditional family unit
pick 1, useful idiot.
Reminder that passable trannies never get past the age of 30 before they become mannish trainwrecks that no amount of HRT and plastic surgery can hope to conceal.
The Y chromosome always wins in the end. That's why so many of them splatter their brains on the wall when it gets to the point that they can't believe the lie anymore.
It's probably more like hydrophobes except with trannies doing the repelling instead of water molecules.
that's not what nanny-state means my dude
I need Sup Forumsism because society shouldn't have to 'accept' a man telling everyone to call him a woman
I don't give a single fuck.
Not a god damn one.
How is this a controversy? Are you faggots completely retarded?
Jesus just kill yourself if you get triggered this easily.
>nannystate governments that put the entire population on doles clearly dont socially engineer a perpetual victimhood populace nor lead directly into degeneracy
k my dude
>Hatred comes from fear, user. Hating someone just for being themselves is a disgusting treat btw
t. Gender studies major
Is snap a tranny in half by pounding her and busting my nut so far up her boy pussy. She wouldn't be able to walk right for a week once im finishes with her.
So that is the only reason why no one is playing it?
UBI isn't a nanny-state policy either lol
Pretty sure most of them sudoku over the whole dilation aspect. Anyone got the graphic about dilation handy?
Yeah, they have to literally perpetually violate their own body to intentionally maintain an open wound that constantly oozes blood, pus, and hairballs. Yeah. Daily. For the rest of their lives.
>0 players for nearly 2 hours now
wow, that game must be comfy, you'd literally know everybody who plays
>Hating someone just for being themselves is a disgusting treat btw.
You're absolutely right soul sister. This is why pedosexuality needs to be normalized NOW. The days of oppression are over.
I was born this way. It's literally not my fault children are sexy.
>if you're not extreme right you're extreme left
its just a bad game
I don't understand why no one has made an Anime COD.
I believe that Cliffy is still trying his hardest to shill the game here like he was during the beta
I played two rounds of the beta the first day and quit. Gave it a shot the next day and it took twenty minutes to find a match. In a free fucking beta on a Sunday afternoon
You can be scared of being betrayed by your friends, scared of being humiliated, etc. Being able to beat a person up doesn't remove fear of anything they could do to you. Also your muscles mean nothing to a gun.
Also every poster that pretends to be /fit/ has been proven time and time again to actually be some 150 pound soyboy.
>no marketing about gameplay
>no marketing about any sort of fun
>we have gender neutral bathrooms tho
>fuck you buy my game
>Somebody shoved the lawbreakers logo onto this doujin art
Fuck you too
>implying the bathrooms had anything to do with the game being a shitty mishmash of ut and overwatch
>>>>>>>>>The game
That was just Bazinga virtue signaling at some politician on Twitter.
lol only like 1% of trans people get reassignment surgery
And I love how you can just make up whatever bullshit you want about it and everyone will believe you because nobody actually knows shit about it.
Maintain an open wound indefinitely? You really fell for that? It's not even feasible. You'd be in constant pain and bleed out eventually.
Probably just some shit they have to do for a month or something so everything can heal up properly.
>Also your muscles mean nothing to a gun.
t. soyboy who never fired a gun
Nice try, but I remain fuckless.
Who gives a shit about their marketing? Is the game good or isn't it? Do you break into seizing fits every time you see a bathroom sign?
Gender neutral bathrooms are cool so long as they also have urinals.
It finally happened, the niggers from the game black people'd the last thing they could, the playerbase
>"I-I don't care if leftists changed my game to further an agenda!"
Did you forget to drink your soylent today too you dumb leftist cuck?