*saves the MMO genre*
*saves the MMO genre*
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Is popteamepic going to animate bkubs FFXIV skits?
>play scholar
>mfw get to /follow the tank and do nothing the entire dungeon
that's like a shiny turd saving the toilet genre
>DRK quest line
Was it kino?
I wonder if that artwork is just the unseen attack on Rabanastre, or part of a future Ivalice raid.
>Just started doing DRK quest line 60-70
>60 quest - know this kid is retarded already
>62 quest - help a bitch I should kill and kill a guy who literally did nothing wrong
Fuck this gay quest line
These guys and their audience have to be the saltiest fucks in the entire community. I understand that you need to criticize, especially what you love and XIV has a lot of problems. However these hypocrits are so cynical and misinformed through their bias that it's obvious they don't really care about the game anymore beyond bitching. Heck, I'm sure they hate each other just as much, in particular that main host guy. Also he and that other guy with their mics that constantly have sound issues thanks to non-stop yelling, holy shit.
They even say they want FFXI back and that XIV is shit to them. Seriously, what's the point of keeping any attention towards XIV then?
No other questline comes close.
>Relic isn't even next patch
Nice team yoshi
>65 - pretty damn good
>68 - same
Alright maybe I was wrong
When did we get relic last time?
3.1.5 I think.
And we don't even get this it at 4.3 this time. This expansion is garbage.
They are salty cunts. But ffxiv has been coasting on its previous success too hard this expac.
E-e-eureka.. p-please look f-forward to it.
How do you feel about chocolate raens?
its in 4.25
>Thick rimmed glasses
>"chocolate" is a light tan
Please refer to picture
I hope you are ready for diadem 3.0 relic weapon and armor farming. Certainly thats the reason they are taking so long this time.
>actually feel like playing after finishing other games these past few weeks
>game half dead due to back to school and between patch wait
>criticizing blush
Its not even confirmed for 4.25 the wording they used left it open as to whether they need to delay it again
>*saves the MMO genre*
From falling for the trap that is XIV? Yeah, they did everyone a favor there.
Holy fuck is this game absolutely irredeemable trash
Into the trash with ye
Dumpster tier
I agree 100% with their opinions on the cash shop but yeah they're ridiculously overly salty just because they don't like the same stuff the majority of the playerbase obviously does. When they mock questions players ask about future content it's really telling.
How can they possibly save this game?
How's your transition going?
not as good as vanilla ones
>saving the soy genre
Just let it die.
Go back in time and stop XV from happening.
As much as I hate the lbr guys, I don't know how if you've been playing a while you can be optimistic about ff14s future, all content follows the same formula, raids have become even more boring with both setting and mechanics and with the introduction of ultimate they won't see any need to increase savage difficulty, fewer dungeons per patch with Eureka constantly delayed. There is a ton of content already in this game but the devs refuse to make it relevant again instead just run them in 60 seconds or less with unsynced :^) because a child wants to collect stickers. And have fun running content synced when the pruning of skills has made lower level content horrible. Also brain dead pf shitters seem to be more abundant. If Eureka turns out to be shit then I think I'm just going to quit this game for good.
> wow clone saves the genre
i don't want mmos to be saved, mmos are shit. mobile games are the evolution of the formula but without the social aspect to keep you strung along.
When are we getting classic servers?
It's been confirmed that eureka will have the relic weapons (and relic armor). But when is eureka is yet to be confirmed. The devs want it out on or before patch 4.25
>No more DRK questline until 2019
>having to walk and ride lifts to get anywhere
yea, no thanks. Don't even get me started on the gameplay. At least ARR is serviceable.
>Get into desynth
>Even just leveling it up yields assloads of gil
>let an entire genre die
LITERALLY never in the history of anything has a genre ever died, you retards
I think it'd be nice if next expansion they just spread to class story quests across the patches instead of having them all at once while leveling, or at least had a follow up epilogue/continuation as time went on. That way it could also play off the patch story developments more as well.
>LITERALLY never in the history of anything has a genre ever died, you retards
Skateboarding games and music peripheral games like Guitar Hero.
>1-50 duty roulette
>Get Sastasha or god forbid, Thousand Maws of Toto-Rak every time
>Hotbars mostly disabled for all dungeon runs
>Saving the MMO genre
Maybe in low levels. Anything higher than level 50 dungeons, most tanks aren't good enough to just let you /follow them and do nothing else. I got tired of dealing with bad tanks in DF, so I ended up becoming one. Now I can't play anything else.
This game hasn't saved shit. It's just a thinly veiled gacha grab like everyone other online game. There is no content and whatever they do make goes straight to its cash shop or merchandise store. You want a cool item ingame? Buy it from our store for $30
But the game has eight years worth of content
Even your hack producer says all of its invalid and not worth doing.
>saves the MMO Genre
But user, Yoshi-P can do no wrong, remember to send nothing but praise to Yoshi for his birthday!
For a new player getting into the game, there is an overwhelming amount of content, and that's the audience they cater to overall. They're kind of like Riot Games, where they mainly cater to potentially new players, except they aren't anywhere near as greedy.
Those are subgenre of sports games and party games.
it was nice that the WAR questline stopped sucking
They literally encourage you to buy a level and story skip potion when you first get the game. Also you'd have to be in denial to think half the community gives a shit about going back and helping people do content without just steam rolling it at 70 which defeats the enjoyment of any of it. All that 8 years of content simply doesn't exist in most players eyes and any that do want to get invested in the game are just going to skip it anyways.
who here new nvidia feature?
I messed with the settings for a good 2 hours and it looks perty
Half a year late and I can bet you they're going to push it back again.
How can you deal with getting a bad healer? At least with a bad tank people aren't dying.
what the other user said Guitar Hero Live,Tony Hawk's pro skater 5 and OlliOlli 2 were released in 2015 dumb fuck, that's only 2 and a half years ago you dumb fuck
I've never been particularly fond of it, but at least Dorgono was cute.
SAO crossover with incest when?
I don't remember being encouraged to get a story skip potion. I do remember the noob network and the tutorial giving you a 30% exp ring though.
Easily, I just take smaller groups and adjust my cooldowns. If they're having trouble healing me I just stay in Defiance and play more cautiously. If they're the type of healer that doesn't dps and overheals me then I play more aggressively and grab more groups. Honestly, even in DF I rarely run into healers that are that bad.
However, bad tanks can make runs a pain due to being undergeared, not using their cooldowns properly, failing to hold enmity, etc. Bottom line it is much easier to be a bad tank than a bad healer.
I used to main healer until I learned how to tank. Now I can't go back because of all the flaws I notice whenever I try to queue up as either. I've noticed things go a LOT smoother whenever I tank compared to when I heal.
Just go to Balmung or Mateus, there's a half dozen Kiritos running around. People love playing the easy self insert characters. I even saw a Rance once.
>Gacha grab
>"The cleansing flame will seal all wounds"
>inflicts bleed debuff
>Easily, I just take smaller groups and adjust my cooldowns. If they're having trouble healing me I just stay in Defiance and play more cautiously.
Resulting in a massive group DPS loss not only from less AoE targets but from staying in tank stance.
>If they're the type of healer that doesn't dps and overheals me then I play more aggressively and grab more groups.
Most dungeons you can't even play balls to the wall and pull more than 3 groups. And healer's AoE DPS is larger.
Really, if you've got a bad tank you're spending maybe 1 or 2 more cooldowns to bring them up between tossing out damage. A bad healer means you're taking fewer groups, staying in tank stance AND missing out on healer AoE DPS, which accounts for more than an equal level tank.
I want to fuck this giraffe.
They are pretty fucking salty but that doesn't mean they are wrong about everything.
I agree with them 100% about the cash shop and everyone else seems to agree that eureka is just going to be the diadem again so its not just them raging about nothing.
>Seriously, what's the point of keeping any attention towards XIV then?
FF is where a lot of their audience comes from but they are clearly moving on by changing the LBR acronym from limit break radio to lets be real or whatever. They're already moving on. Said as much in the first few minutes of the vid you linked.
>2014: "They only have glamour items in the cash shop that used to be event items! Well and one unique mount, that's not much and totally optional!"
>2016: "Sure they have a dozen unique glamours in the cash shop but so what? It's all totally optional. What would you rather have them in the game somewhere and have a reason to play it? Much easier to spend $18."
>2018: "Okay so almost every new 'nice' looking glamour/mount is released in the cash shop now and not only can you buy level/story skip potions but you can buy it for retainers too, but really, that's not too bad and it's all optional. I mean sure, it seems they're releasing less and less content in-game and more in the cash shop but you're just entitled if you think your monthly sub should get you the whole game."
>mfw relic spans 3 patches but is 10 times longer
It was fine with old event glamour.
>I mean sure, it seems they're releasing less and less content in-game and more in the cash shop but you're just entitled if you think your monthly sub should get you the whole game
this right here is what's getting me
looking back at how much content they put out before vs now is insulting
I'd agree but apparently the devs thought differently.
It would be fine with the current set-up if the money going into the cash-shop was feeding back into better game content user but given Yoshi-P stated that Season Event items already eat up too much "budget" I can only imagine its going to get worse from here on out.
Honestly I need to ask anons actively playing the game, what hope do you even have for this bloody game? Theyre coasting off popularity and Yoshi-P is relying on the masses on Reddit and the official Forums to be his deflection shield for any kind of criticism while becoming stingier on content. Hell they're so retarded the /Perform action is so useless because anything fun from it is discouraged. From what I've seen 4.2 seems to be one of the biggest "Make it or break it" for a huge chunk of the community, even I'm considering just selling my House in the Mists to some autist.
Even worse if you look at FFXI. Sure the game is on life support now but during its entire life span they never did this shit. The only in-game bonus item I ever recall them doing was the tidal talisman which was a charity event for donating to a tsunami disaster. The amount of double dipping they do with this game is honestly baffling and they still make excuses about their shit server and why they can't add content. You factor in all the cash they rake in on monthly subs, retainer fees, everybody dropping 20 to 60 bucks a month just on fantasias, transfers and other shit items. Also add in the crap like the 150 dollar statues, CDs and artbooks they hook whales with plus the cafes. They are in no issue of making revenue so why the fuck do they keep putting less and less towards the game?
Agreed but they've gone way beyond that in recent years. I was fine with it when they sold old event glamour gear and they made new outfits and such each year. Halloween went from unique costumes, outfits and even a mount to giving out literally just a chest piece one year. Not even bothering to design a whole set. While continuing to pimp out the mogstation. I can't even get excited for anything somewhat unique that gets datamined anymore because 90% of the time its for the mogstation.
>I can't even get excited for anything somewhat unique that gets datamined anymore because 90% of the time its for the mogstation.
FFXIV summed up right there.
I miss XIV sometimes.
I love this image.
>You factor in all the cash they rake in on monthly subs, retainer fees, everybody dropping 20 to 60 bucks a month just on fantasias, transfers and other shit items. Also add in the crap like the 150 dollar statues, CDs and artbooks they hook whales with plus the cafes. They are in no issue of making revenue so why the fuck do they keep putting less and less towards the game?
Too busy siphoning funds to keep developing FFXV and other games. Put the bare minimum into XIV to keep that cash flow coming. Also periodically adding hundreds of dollars of items onto the mogstation when they can't be bothered to put out content.
wait til 70
>half a year late
to be fair, anima weapons took about this long too
I realized it's not the game I miss, it's my character.
>what hope do you even have for this bloody game?
Absolutely none, but I get my sub for free and since they closed down Balmung it's been a surprisingly good RL money maker.
>even I'm considering just selling my House in the Mists to some autist.
What server?
FFXIV is literally the only MMO I've ever enjoyed.
how much do you want to bet this game will start getting it's shit together once the next wow expac is close to releasing
>People who make gazelleskin map parties looking for a full group of 8
>People who say you should bring 2 maps
>16 maps in total to plow through
>If you have any decent luck and get to the portals, you could spend 20+ minutes on a single map
Fuck, people at MOST seem to allocate maybe an hour, hour and a half to doing treasure maps before they need to fuck off. Maybe on rare occasion they'll stay for 2 hours.
Why in the fuck do these retards keep planning out 3+ hours of treasure hunting?
I have very little hope. As you said, 4.2 is a massive make it or break it for me. The Stormblood series with how much it sliced off from the already repetitive as fuck patch cycle has been awful so far. Despite being so incredibly formulaic they aren't even managing to deliver on that formula with things like less dungeons and terrible raids.
>omega is literally just a series of trials
wew lad great raid
4.2 is going to just be more of the same shit and the one thing that could shake things up and keep me playing is something new like palace of the dead was but I have very little faith in eureka after how little we have seen, how much they want to keep it secret, and how much they have delayed it.
The future outlook of this game is not good. If 4.2 is bad, I might just check out completely until fanfest when the next expansion is announced.
they do their maps first so they can get a full party for Canals