Here's your controller bro

Here's your controller bro

i kinda want one of these.

i dunno why i like the look of this so much

I want one real bad. My friend has the not-analog one and it felt perfect, nothing shoddy about it.

Oh okay, thanks.

inb4 fat people complaining about standard sized controllers being "too small" for "adult hands"

I really like mine.

I don't know about this model, but the vanilla SNES bluetooth controller is a damn good reproduction and has been amazing for emulation/2D games. Hell, it being compatible with the Switch helped a lot with Sonic Mania.

Doesn't look awful.

What if I want a good controller though? I want six buttons, at least two triggers, two analog sticks, a D-pad, and a large fries.

>European convex y and x

No thanks bro.

Does it have gyro controls?

is there an l3/r3? 4 shoulder buttons?

>tfw tiny hands
>tfw bullied for it by friends

I thin it's less about hand size and more that they are so casual they don't know how to properly hold anything besides the 360 derivatives.

I have the 8bitdo crissaegrim styled after the American NES controller. It is cheaply made garbage. One of the analog sticks has something wrong with it, where it gets stuck in one corner even though the stick isn’t moving. Which just results in cameras spinning, mostly, among other things, since the input just sticks there.

They are cheaply made Chinese shit. I don’t recommend them.

Yes. They have an american colored one too with concave x/y

This is pretty sexy. How much do they cost?

i'll check them out for shits and giggles and to see how they work as a fighting game pad. usually those shitty buffalo controllers are surprising decent but lack buttons. So far my go to is a logitech 310 but they aren't as cheap as they once were in canada and keep breaking.




If you want a top tier emulation controller I'd highly suggest picking one of these up. PC compatible, great quality, best shoulder buttons ever and they're like 15$

>Concave sticks

But are the buttons pressure sensitive?

>$50 for an SNES controller with analog sticks and split shoulder buttons
I'll stick to my Pro Controller

Mine was 45 usd. Feels like an official controller. 8bitdo must have put a lot of effort into because its switch compatible.

d-pad looks small, too glossy and not lifted enough.

>Those ZL/ZL buttons

do the sticks click in?

I already have the goat pad

also only 2 shoulder buttons=trash

Nah, it's almost completely identical to a SNES D-pad in both size and feel

It's made for Pokken, which doesn't even use ZL/ZR

gen 2 is okay. first batch was an abomination. Horrible d-pad and cut off dexterity in the upper portion of the hand by being too bulky.

>Analog shoulder buttons


You can tell just by the style this isn't the case and you have no knowledge of d-pads.

>Hey guys, let's take the DS3, improve the triggers and D-pad, and then make everything else worse
Why can't they just get things right?

i think the face buttons are better too, the sticks are way shittier though

the d-pad is NOT improved over ds3. and the psudo-triggers of l2/r2 are terrible. Just have buttons, only autists think triggers improve fps/racing games and even then they take too long to press which is why everyone switches r2 for r1 to shoot when they can.

Hey be fair, the built in headphone jack, larger grip, and concave sticks are also improvements.

Shame about the light, touchpad, battery life, and everything else though. It coulda finally dethroned the DS2 if it hadn't fucked those up.


Yes, they do

nice. gonna watch some reviews.

larger grip is shit fat hands. it cuts off circulation and dexterity. It's only more comfortable for casuals playing casual games casually.

same goes for concave sticks they are uncomfortable and add negligible traction. sticks themselves have too much resistance because they fell for the xbox meme.

headphone jack is a nice gimmick.

>*Blocks tour battery life*

The finish they have around the face buttons is awful, and the controller also removed all pressure sensitivity from buttons that aren't the triggers. I don't know what would make you think the face buttons are any better at all.

>larger grip, and concave sticks are also improvements.
Fuck off, they're things that they made worse.

>trigger labels are R2 and L2 but not ZR and ZL
honestly kind of dumb, and you can't even make the argument for it's PC compatibility for why it's labeled like that since Xbox is RT and LT

The problem with the 8bitdo products is that they have a ludicrous amount of quality on the outside, but since they're made natively by a fucking Chinese company and their true quality will eventually show up.

t. bought both a Crissaegram controller and the one featured in OP's image and the shoulder buttons caved in due to the shitty soldering jobs

I really want the candy colored / JP one, but the NA purple one has concave and convex buttons. Not sure if candy colors are worth the tradeoff.

>larger grip is shit fat hands. it cuts off circulation and dexterity. It's only more comfortable for casuals playing casual games casually.
On this note the textured backplate is also a fucking horrendous addition as it begins to severely chafe your hands after several hours of play.

>switch compatible
You can use literally every controller, so long as it's wired or has a wired adapter.
People complain about joy-cons and pro controllers being expensive but all that flies out the window once you find out that your goofy translucent logitech gamepad works perfectly.

>He doesn't play racing games

ZR/ZL is nutendo shit no one cares about. Z is the last addition considered nintendo style.

>He plays racing games with anything but a proper wheel

why would you ever do this

what the fuck is this comment


Found the seething triggered soyboy

the truth. zl/zr was added by nutendo which no one respects or is nostalgic about. So the standard R2/L2 will be used. People like the concept of a Z button.

i already have the nes one, how much better is this one as far as sticks and pad feel?

nes is fine but I wish the shoulder buttons were like this ones

wake me up when they make a version of this.

Here bro, I'll let you use my favorite

the truth? only nintendo does Z now


>larger grip is shit fat hands. it cuts off circulation and dexterity
How fucking weak are your circulation and joints for this to be true? Is your blood pure soy byproducts?

>Fuck off, they're things that they made worse.
They're the biggest improvements after the headphone jack

Why do you want fries?

memepad. 6 face buttons is trash and the stupid outline on the D-PAD makes it uncomfortable. It's also too stiff despite being a floaty pad.

I had this and I remember the joystick being stiff as fuck. Felt like trying to stir a pot of molasses, didn't help me too much with Zangief's 360s. I guess back then they didn't really make arcade quality sticks for home use like they do now.

that doesn't make any sense, that's like saying the added buttons of the SNES controller wasn't respectable because it was just new, or even things like the ps1 dual analog and triggers aren't respectable because they're "new" at the time

you're a fucking retard

what happened to the old design? they fucked it up

Yeah and Xbox is the only one that does RT/LT, and Playstation is the only one that does R2/L2...

okay fathands. Or just as likely casual who can't notice the different.

No, the snes isn't comparable to nutendo wii era ZL/ZR. Again you are a nintenbaby so you can't understand. The diagonal face button layout on snes is trash but still used for nostalgia.

No one likes ZR/ZL it's a cringeworthy attempt for nintendo to look unique by not using the L2/R2 standard instead of being the innovator.

>L2/R2 standard
>literally RT/LT on Xbox
really can't expect any more retardation from someone who uses nu- anything

>no concave X/Y
>face buttons arent SFC colors
Thanks, but I'll pass.

>The diagonal face button layout on snes is trash but still used for nostalgia


Which one do you think came first, you retard?

can you still buy the original SNES/SFC30?

So many trolls ITT that even the Saturn pad got dissed. You niggers deserve the Dreamcast controller.

How does that apparently matter when Xbox still uses their own thing after L2/R2 and nobody gives a shit

No one takes xbox seriously. The only people who say "bumper" as casuals. L2R2 is standard for third party and sony because sony invented/popularized it. same reason we call ting analog sticks and why most controllers use ab/xy instead of square circle shit.

diagonal spread of face buttons makes them objectively harder to hit together than a diamond shape. you can't roll your thumb as effectively.

What makes you think he wouldn't say Xbox was trying to be unique as well?

Cause I'm hungry, retard.

Got one of these. Great for SF2.

I've bought one 8bitdo controller (The rounded, bluetooth famicom schemed controller_ and it was the most garbage thing I've ever used. The cheap laminate covering started to peel off within the week, the buttons were shit, and the plastic shell weighed absolutely nothing

Did they can massively better with time or am I being rused here?

saturn pad is a meme. It's not good, for any genre really. Fighting games are really the most important with platformers being secondary. (often hard to make a fighting game pad good for platformers) saturn isn't ideal for either. It being good is again, a meme.

Ok sure but did you forget that this specific third-party controller is literally basing itself off a Nintendo controller, and they're huge feature for the controller itself is Switch compatibility yet it doesn't use the Switch naming scheme for triggers

That's what we are discussing. It's based off nintendo, not nutendo. which is why they don't give a fuck about ZL/ZR shit, as ZL/ZR is embarrassing. It marks the point nintendo stopped leading and started following.

are you kidding tiny hand guys are in huge demand by the gay community, easy to slip the whole fist in

lol just like tiny dicks? Gay assholes as so loose they want people to wear boxing gloves.

>added more fucking lights
>more shit on it than the Wii Remote.

anyone who thinks previous dualshocks even come close to ds4 is a master baiter

jesus fuck do you have the grip of a 90 year old dying grandma? how weak and pathetic can your neckbeard ass be?

im sure the gay community would like small dicks if they could be clenched like fists, mate, but no

I recently picked up the 8bitdo and a Hori PS4 mini pad.

What happened to Hori? They used to be the best. This thing feels like a hollow piece of cheap shit.

I like the 8bitdo pad but the D-pad and face buttons being moved up changes the way you hold the controller. Also, the L and R are very thin to fit the L2 and R2 triggers. The triggers feel real nice though.

Anyone who thinks the DS4 isn't the worst of all the dualshocks is terminally retarded.

4 fucking hours of battery. That's not a good pad, you moron

>it cuts off circulation
...what the fuck. what are you, 5 foot 10, 40 pounds? how can a fucking grip on a controller cut of circulation

Are you drunk, or perhaps on an overdose of Soylent, dude?

hori has been shit for a while now. Literally pumping out the most fucked up frankenstein looking pieces of garbage to bait any poorfag

>I squeeze my controller with all my strength

no wonder you suck at games. Having a stronger grip isn't going to improve your dexterity you vapid casual.

>reaction image

hello plebbit.

The only good thing from Hori is the Tac Pro and that is because it is the only gaming keypad that is mechanical and has an analog stick.