Doesn't matter which game or what guy. As long as they've got the codename Snake and were playable characters they count. so by that logic Raiden is a valid choice. Also MGS4 young snake looks like he owns his own let's play channel
ITT: tell me about your favourite Snake design
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I like Naked Snake because he looks Slav like me
Ground Zeroes Big Boss. Would go gay for that
MGS2 for sure.
Twin Snakes looks PTSD ridden, MGS4 is all scrunched up for some reason.
One of those isn't Snake
Old Snake. I like playing as old guys in vidya.
>MGS4 is all scrunched up for some reason
because it's now what he actually looks like
it's from when he uses the face camo to appear young again
old snake would be goat if he had a full beard instead of just a moustache
I understand that, but they could have made him look none demented anyway and got away with it, face camo is stupid enough to let it fly.
Nah, fag
hell yeah
MGS2 Snake (the in-game model anyway) always looked weird for me. I always had it in my head that his face was way more slender. That said I love the figures and illustrations of him. I don't think anything will beat Shinkawa's original drawn design though.
Read the post
Anyone see that boundary break episode of mgs one where he got hayter to do the voice at the start? I don't think hayter can do the voice anymore
Not him but I'm pretty sure Plisken still doesn't count
MGS2 because he had the best mullet
Those designs are godlike, they can't truly be replicated in 3D because their design flawlessly combined strength with elegance.
MGS2 Snake looks odd mainly because of the mullet and Bandana covering his eyebrows.
And why not?
Hayter hasn't been able to do the voice since Peace Walker
Probably MGS3 Naked Snake. The perfect combination of dirty and handsome.
My favorite Solid Snake would be MGS1 Snake.
Not a Snake or a playable character
He probably looked too similar to BB, and that's why SS prefered a moustache.
I think PW did a pretty good job. Although, Vic Boss' face was mainly textures and Shinkawa's BB drawings don't look quite as gaunt as Solid Snake.
notKyle Reese Snake
i get it youre trying to do the meme, but you should fucking play the game first. you play as snake in the tanker
Because snake died on a tanker 11 years ago
He's literally both. You know he's the same guy as from the start, right?
Twin snake's Snake is best Snake
It's a pity PW feels so damn awkward to play. I played through MGS2/3 like three times, but PW just didn't gel with me.
If you get that I'm trying to meme you should also get that part of the meme is that Snake dies on the tanker and Plisken isn't him, ya dip
Hell yeah. Naked Snake reminded me of action men I used to play with. And I like how much of Snake's appearance they were able to capture with what little resources they had in MGS1
Original MGS1 Snake. I liked the shoulder pads.
And he had a touch of personality, would openly flirt with all the ladies. Said some shit that would never fly today.
The minute 7:00 and forward is just perfect.
Based but wrong.
Did you play the remaster? You should really only play PW on the PSP as a portable experience. I know that's not for everyone, but it's a good train game. Otherwise it feels like a drag.
Whoops. I meant this video instead
Minute 7:00
Yea the HD collection, I guess that type of game just doesn't appeal to me, I never really cared for the technical elements in MGSV either.
Not really. The worst he did was say Meryl had a nice butt. I couldn't see too many people complaining about that. Aside from that, you're absolutely right. Kojima wanted to distance the player from Snake to characterise him better and in the process did the exact opposite.
Lmfao. As someone who wasn't really active on the internet in 2002, I really enjoyed MGS2. And seeing as it was the latest one, I naturally chose "I like MGS2" at the title screen. I actually remember restarting my PS2 and choosing MGS1 instead.
I think I remember him telling Naomi early in the game that he wanted to frisk her or get her naked or something. He said some stuff to the save chick too.
What is Plissken doing in that image?
He just hits on some girls. I can't be assed to search it rn, but Snake is talking about Naomi strip searching him and Naomi is actually the one to suggest that once he gets back he could strip search her. And he only calls Mei-Ling cute, in the most adorable and innocent way Snake can manage.