And Sup Forums says MMBN3 is the best MMBN, fuck you.
And Sup Forums says MMBN3 is the best MMBN, fuck you.
Other urls found in this thread:
Shit's like Vietnam. I don't wanna remember.
I seriously don't remember this part
I never played anything Mega Man related, should I play this? What's this game about?
It's unfiltered.
I can definitely see scanlines
Yeah this part was bullshit for sure.
Almost as bad as "find an iceball m lol good luck" part.
Fuck, I remember that took me like five hours as a kid. I was on vacation and didn't have internet access so I had to brute force it.
>game gives you the Fish navicust program
>game tells you that the specific virus with iceball only appears when you use it
>game also tells you what area to find them in
Did you actually have trouble with that?
making lots of origami of birds are a customary "get well soon"
one of "many birds", emphasis is on "many birds" being the bunch of said origami
scanlines are miles better than the blendy filter filters
battle network is a spinoff rpg series about fifth graders learning how to use the internet. it's good but know what you're getting into
Is this the most beautiful area in any battle network game?
Why is geo in the hospital?
mmbn is a weird card battle real time rpg with absurd stories and lots of interesting battles.
Play 2 or 3 or 5 or 6. 1 is outdated and 4 is a dumpster fire.
Cute girl is doing cute thing
MMBN3 still has the chillest internet bgm
user, scanlines are a filter.
That doesn't look like origami cranes
also it's in a hospital, which is natural
Get your own thread.
Or better yet just fuck off to /jp/.
>not 1
are you pissed that a fan game is better than any MMBN game ever conceived?
It really isn't
Why are you so afraid to make your own thread about this game? Stop hijacking every MMBN thread just because you're insecure.
still the hypest shit for me years later
oi what's this shit now
Battle Network 2 is the best Battle Network don't (You) me
>internet servers growing like plants because of how much radiation there was
2 > 3
Imagine if every Mario thread was derailed into being about a Mario fangame based on a different franchise
Imagine if every Zelda thread was derailed into being about a Zelda fangame based on a different franchise
Imagine if every Sonic thread was derailed into being about a Sonic fangame based on a different franchise
Imagine if every GTA thread was derailed into being about a GTA fangame based on a different franchise
I know what they look like.
It doesn't look like it.
>touhoufag makes BN fangame
>its fucking amazing
>flares autism because people hate touhou
i wouldn't give a fuck because mario, zelda, sonic and gta are trash. sonic is the only one to have a decent game released in the last 10 years, and guess what, it was originally a fan game.
There was just a thread that was archived after reaching bunp limit like half hour ago about it, now you have a random fuck trying to derail this thread.
Some faggot made a MMBN fangame based on Touhou but they're too scared to make their own thread about it so they shill it in every single Battle Network thread
It got to bump limit too on their original thread too, so idk what their problem is
But there was a thread literally some minutes ago, it got bump limit and got archived. But this asshole derailing the thread is a prick.
>scanlines on a GBA game
>a console with an LCD display
>really like the gameplay
>plot is fucking garbage
>they throw a lot of plot down your throat
Why they do this.
Actualy that was the THIRD thread and please don't generalized us with this fuck. I don't make another thread for two reasons
1. Making a new thread immediately after one seems like a bad idea, some faggots may go "general!" And report it
2. I actually made the very first Shanghai thread in Sup Forums but it died and since them I don't have confidence in making another.
>plot is fucking garbage
shit taste desu
2 had the best plot out of all the series.
there is nothing wrong with discussing a MMBN based fan game in a MMBN thread. you should be glad the series is getting acknowledged to begin with considering how fucking dead it is. i started playing through the series again because of shanghai.
I don't understand the appeal of Battle Network. On paper I think it's a cool idea. I like the concept for the battle system, I like the aesthetic. I like seeing the re imagined robot masters.
But then the actual game is garbage. The moment to moment structure is literally nothing but fetch quests. And the really shitty type of fetch quests, with endless back tracking through samey looking areas, with pointless menu hopping to equip superfluous nav custs that do nothing but allow you to pass roadblocks. Then the boss fights are obviously meant to be the highlight, but there's so many chips that pause the action which takes out half the appeal of the combat system, and you're even encouraged to cheese bosses in >10 seconds for S ranks so you almost can't even call them 'boss fights' at all. They end up taking about as long as any other random encounter
I dunno, it's a cool idea but the couple BN games I've played don't execute it well at all
You're right, there is nothing wrong with it. The problem comes from the same shills posting the same images and videos every single Battle Network thread without fail.
People on Sup Forums have a bad tendency to drive things into the ground and then it gets a cool down period with a lack of threads until it becomes popular again.
>people want to discuss a new game rather than a series that has been dead for almost a decade
i don't think you know what that word means
Yes because BN threads have such unique unrepeated content.
It's not like the chicken guy and rap battle gets posted every single thread.
he read your post
everything about that place was perfect
Everything except those gay towers.
fuck off, it was 3, that ranks stuff and the tourney was gud
that was lit bruh, it was the perfect test to see if you are gud enough for that area.
If Battle Network threads are so stale then why do you Shangaifags even bother posting in them? Wouldn't you benefit more from continuing to make your own threads?
play bn3 if you haven't, the amount of stuff that that game has is huge, dk64 tier for a gba game
Why is MMBN3 so fucking hard compared to all the rest? I'm glad it was the last one I played.
The only thing credible to shit on in BN3 is Press.
Prove me wrong.
>energy change
Make your own Shanghai thread to necrobump and jack off in. Leave battle network alone.
It's just as problematic as using the iron boots in OoT. Takes too much time to get past something you should only need a second or two max to deal with
Relavent to only one zone in the whole game whereas Press is needed fucking everywhere.
>one zone
>forgetting flamman
to be fair shanghai threads had occasional MMBN posts too
Shit, you're right. I did.
God damn that was a baller fight and even more baller navi design.
BN3 is one of the two I played and it's what turned me off of the series for the exact reasons in my post
And the one darknav one that did nothing but allow you to talk to navis in the undernet
>that was a baller fight
How could anyone enjoy that bullshit
so is 4chans the undernet?, are we all evil people who is dark and shiet?
I guess you just didn't like it, i enjoyed doing all that stuff to fight Serenade and Bass
not that user but you could play gba games via gba player on gamecube which hooked up to CRT TV
I personally do that
>proof of courage
Still legitimately my favourite theme song of any game ever.
>Brainlet doesn't know about the traditional 1000 cranes for someone to get well
>uses a fucking retarded filter
(You) are right
Wait, which game is that? I've played all of em but I don't remember this stage.
What's bad about it? It was fun.
And I was the kinda guy to use grass guts from beginning to end every time.
The undernets is 2ch. The posting style on the undernet is eerily similar to here.
The candles were annoying mostly when he summons those fireballs and regens his health
The fight is just him being annoying
Just use boomerang.
They regenerate dammit
Don't remember what codes boomerang was in in 3 but i don't remember ever fitting it with anything good
>there is still potential for custom siris/bixbys that can browse the internet and post stuff
soon lads
soon we can shitpost with our very own digital friend
and people will be paid for their ability to customize the look of said digital buddy
>They regenerate dammit
Use another boomerang. I don't think I've ever played 3 without a couple of boomerangs in my folder. They're extremely useful.
>mettaurs are on my desktop again
They already are, mining for bitcoins.
So what was everyone's most retarded moment in a megaman bn game?
Mine was in the first one when the game boy advance was very new and I had no idea I was supposed to press R to jack in since I was used to the game boy color for so long. Wasted about 30 minutes of battery life because of that.
>mom's navi found the 'unforgivable porn' folder
>mom's navi found the 'my nudes' folder
Plebian: Normally functioning navicust
Contrarian: Accidently bugged navicust
Patrician: Deliberately bugged navicust
I didn't know that the run button was b during BN2 on AirMan's Comp so I kept runnin into clouds.
>being a retarded kid on those numberman number guesses
>getting lost on the first internet areas and motherfucking iceman maps
>not buying antibug and bugging the fuck out of the shit with compressed programs only
>not locking your mystery data
>wasting space on bugstop
Water custom style > Any other style
prove me wrong fags
>mfw max buster bug