Nia's voice is better in the Xenoblade dub

Nia's voice is better in the Xenoblade dub.

Morag too

Prove me wrong

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there hasn’t been a good english dub for any game or movie in over a decade

the dub is bad, but those two voices are good

Stupid EOP.

Shame nobody seems to know how to act besides Malos, that particular VA almost makes the dub worth it in the final chapters.

You're not making yourself look any more cultured by acting dismissive and ignorant.

Mia alone want me to play the game dubbed once i get the Switch.

XC1 you wanker

I just youtubed it, it sounds like shit.

Morag is very handsome

Nia's english voice is too old, Rex's voice is awful, and Pyra and Mythra sound too simiar

>all the blades have american accents
>except nia

What did they mean by this?


Most of the cast is pretty good. It's really the actors for Rex and Pyra that drop the ball hard.

I think Zeke's dub is fine.

Furry minge


get your sheep shagging arse away from me

Everyone is fine except for Rex when he needs to yell, and Mythra all the time.

Who are some of the most important characters in the story. Also people really understate how good the rest of the cast is, acceptable at the very least.

It's still not worth listening to the other characters'.

Fire Emblem Echoes

t. weeb faggot
Yeah what a dub

>Pyra and Mythra sound too simiar
It's the same voice actor just with a bitchier tone when doing Mythra

>0 effort put into 99% of her lines
>b-but muh WELSH

I'd hate to say it but I almost think reusuing half of of the modern fire emblem voice cast would have been better. The only good VA was hoden and maybe morag, cum memes aside. It makes no sense that the cast speaks british english when fucking god was a batshit American scientist Hell even his voice actor sounds less brit. But yeah can't play it in dub with the lack of effort overall.

So do i need to start on the Wii version then the Wii U before i play 2? I like the series so looking for a order to play them in

2 and 1 take place at the same time which is sorta a spoiler sorta not. Theres a definitive connection to the two but after finishing 2 you can literally wiki the reveal gap in a matter of seconds. 1s dub people ritualistically like but this games dub is like early 2000s second hand garbage short of a few VAs.

so where does XCX fit in?

kid icarus uprising

If youve been to morytha you'd figure out kluas was American, the very man who created the baldes


some people speculate during the battle on the beanstalk others say its just another universe/alternate earths universe since it the event fucked over multiple universes.

>the Xenoblade 2 dub is better overall

find a better blade

What the fuck is this minge bullshit you keep talking about? I can't find a single video of her saying minge

the df

Found one.

Who should I bond Praxis and Vess with? I don't want to waste overdrives If I make the wrong decision.

>no crystal core


Most of the artists who drew her early on keep forgetting it exists its like their retarded or something. Good artwork aside.

Yeah but that's explicitly her blade form, where her core crystal is front and center.

Im aware and it hasnt stopped pixiv from fucking up her ether lines in her blade or driver form too.